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organic dried figs purchase price + Quality testing

buy organic dried figs nz eat and maintain keep your health. Now that the berry season is over and one of the most exquisite and delicate Mediterranean fruits with a very short season appears at the end of summer.

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Figs, whether green or purple or dried, are a delicacy highly prized and prized in antiquity for both their taste qualities and their medicinal and nutritional properties. We think of it as a fruit, although botanically speaking, a fig is a fruit similar to pineapple or strawberry. In the beginning, it is a kind of bag with fig flowers. After fertilization, it thickens and forms a fleshy "fruit". The fruits on the right are small seeds. All of these characteristics carry over to its edible and nutritional properties, making figs a little summer treat. Usually there are three main types: green, bluish and black, a much darker color. Green figs are more popular because they tend to be juicier, more flavorful, and sweeter, and the skins are easier to remove. However, in terms of properties, all of them have practically the same characteristics, also similar to the characteristics of Fig. Nutritional composition of fresh figs According to data compiled by the Spanish Food Composition Database (BEDCA), fresh figs provide about 70 kcal per 100 grams of fresh edible product. Therefore, this fruit is slightly more caloric than an apple (50 kcal per 100 g), peach (39 kcal per 100 g) or melon (27 kcal per 100 g), although its size is quite large. less

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Figure Dried figs are not only rich in carbohydrates, water, and fiber, but they also contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Because it is a fresh plant food, it contains a relatively low amount of fat and a significant amount of water (80,3 grams of water per 100 grams of edible serving). Carbohydrates make up the majority of a fruit's composition (approximately 16 grams per 100 grams), and they are an excellent source of energy not only due to the high concentration of the fruit's own naturally. occurring sugars that they contain but also because they make up the majority of a fruit's composition. Because it contains 2.5 grams of dietary fiber, rather than melon's 1 gram of this type of fiber, it also helps you feel full more quickly. Melon only contains this type of fiber in 1 gram. If dried figs have a carbohydrate content of 93%, then the remaining 7% must be made up of protein from vegetables. This accounts. for 7% of the total amount of protein that can be found in bananas, which is equivalent to 1.2 grams of protein for every 100 grams of weight. As was stated earlier, fats don't add much to the diet because they only release 0.21 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This means that fats don't contribute much to the diet. There are five distinct ways that figs can be preserved so that they can be enjoyed for an extended period of time.To the point when it comes to the taste

organic dried figs benefits

organic dried figs benefits

There are five distinct ways that figs can be preserved so that they can be enjoyed for an extended period of time. Fresh dried figs are notable for the high levels of vitamins A and C that they contain, in addition to the presence of a trace amount of vitamin B-6 and a trace amount of essential amino acids. Compared to other dried fruits, fresh figs have an especially high concentration of various vitamins and minerals (niacin, thiamin and riboflavin). The contribution of minerals is, on its own, an extremely interesting topic in and of itself. Dried figs are an excellent plant source of calcium, containing 38 milligrams per. one hundred grams of the fruit, in addition to potassium (270 milligrams), magnesium, phosphorus, and traces of selenium and zinc, albeit in much lower amounts. Dried figs are also an excellent source of potassium, containing 270 milligrams per one hundred grams of the fruit. Fig treeFigs, in addition to their attributes and benefits. Because of the nutritional profile of the figs themselves, including fresh figs as part of a well-balanced diet, in the same way that one would include any plant-based food in such a diet, has numerous health benefits. Figs are known for their powerful antioxidant properties, which protect the body from the potentially harmful effects of free radicals and other environmental aggressors. In addition, figs are an excellent source of water, fiber, and energy. It has a relatively low calorie intake, making it an excellent addition to diets that are intended to assist with the process of weight loss.

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A few servings will not add any additional calories to your diet, but they will leave you feeling full and reduce your desire for sweets and snacks that are lower in nutritional value. You have the ability to remain calm. It is an effective weapon in the fight against constipation as a result of the high fiber and water content, contributes to the prevention of certain diseases such as colon cancer. and makes it easier for the digestive system to function in a healthy manner. Consuming, chewing, and digesting it is not difficult. unless you are suffering from symptoms that are similar to gastroenteritis or another condition that is very similar. Suitable for people of all ages, but especially beneficial for athletes and other people who participate in strenuous physical activity. People who have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or renal failure, should obviously keep a close eye on how much they consume. and discuss the matter with their physician so that the treatment plan can be tailored to meet the individual requirements of each patient. Some Suggestions on How to Work Nutritious Figs Into Your Diet During the Autumnal Monthsin bitonicSome Suggestions on How to Work Nutritious Figs Into Your Diet During the Autumnal Months Because the drying process results in the loss of water, dried figs have a higher sugar content than their fresh counterparts. This process also results in a concentration of all of the nutrients. The dried form has a significantly higher caloric content and delivers a greater quantity of fiber and minerals than the fresh form does. In point of fact, it is a source of a very high amount of energy and performs magnificently when it comes to high-intensity workouts. Because of this, including fresh figs in your diet at this time will not only provide you with the pleasure of eating them, but it will also provide you with a great deal of nutrients that are beneficial to you. This delicious fruit has a wide range of applications, including both sweet and savory dishes, and can be used in a variety of different ways.

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