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Organic Almond Per Pound (Badam) Good Pleasant Taste High Nutritional Value

Consuming organic almond per pound can have many benefits for the body, including heart health, diabetes prevention, and weight control.

Organic Almond Per Pound

Organic almond per pound is one of the best types of tree almonds produced in Iran, which have received special attention due to their high nutritional value.

Almonds have a place in the diet of many people due to their good and pleasant taste.

Almonds contain a lot of calcium, so it is recommended to eat them daily.

Calcium in almonds prevents osteoporosis which is crucial for vegetarians because they don’t eat meat.

Phosphorus in almonds helps brain health and prevents Alzheimer's.

Magnesium is an element that plays an important role in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and stress and is abundant in almonds.

organic almond nuts

Organic Almond Per Pound Features

The fatty acids in organic almond per pound help to reduce bad cholesterol, and by increasing good cholesterol, it promotes the health of the heart and blood vessels.

The copper in almonds delays the aging process of cells and keeps the body young and also prevents graying of hair.

Title Description
Contain A Lot of Calcium
Nutritional Value High
Taste Good and Pleasant Taste
Calcium Prevents Osteoporosis

The potassium in almonds helps regulate blood pressure and the low levels of sodium help control blood pressure.

High blood pressure is one of the main factors in the occurrence of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure.

Eating almonds and including them in your daily diet is a good way to regulate your blood pressure at a balanced level.

organic almond butter

Buy Organic Almond Per Pound

Buy organic almond per pound after tasting it.

Check that the brown color of the almonds is consistent.

Nuts that are not crispy should not be purchased.

Ensure the almond kernel is split and the interior tissue is white and crispy.

Some almond types have white streaks on the kernel.

The fresher the almond, the whiter and clearer these streaks are.

Packaging for all nuts, including almonds, should be moisture and air-penetration-resistant.

Take note of the product's manufacture date and expiration date, as well as the standard mark and health approvals.

Check that the almonds aren't smashed or discolored.

Do not buy if you notice wood chips or extraneous particles in the packing.

brown almond

Organic Almond Price Per Pound + Buy and Sell

Iran is one of the largest producers and exporters of almonds.

There are different types of Iranian almonds, such as mamra almonds, stone almonds, and paper almonds.

The price of each of these types of almonds is different.

The price of almond kernels is more expensive than almonds with skin because the production process is more expensive.

Almonds are sorted in the sorting process.

In this process, almonds are divided into different categories in terms of size and quality.

Organic almond price per pound is between US$ 2.73 and US$ 2.67.

You can request a selection of the best Iranian almonds from us.

Just fill out the form on the website or call us.

organic almonds

The Answer to Two Questions About Organic Almond

1: How long do organic almonds last?

More than two years

2: What are organic almonds good for?

Lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.

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