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Opaque Barite; Massive Crystalline Forms 2 Applications Oil Extraction Radiation Safety

Opaque barite is a hard material found deep in the earth's crust that is used for industrial applications such as oil extraction and radiation safety.

Opaque Barite

Opaque barite is a mineral made of barium sulfate that has a high density and poor solubility, making it an excellent weighing agent in a variety of industries.

Unlike most forms of barite, which are translucent or transparent, opaque barite is completely opaque, meaning that no light can pass through it.

The history of opaque barite is closely linked to the history of barite itself.

Barite has been around for centuries and used in many different ways.

It has served as a pigment, a filler in paper and rubber, and in gas exploration.

Its history is rich, and its uses are still prevalent today.

Opaque Barite

Opaque Barite Features

Opaque barite is a nonmetallic mineral that ranges in color from white, pink, orange to grey and has a high specific gravity of 4.3 to 4.6.

It has a dull to pearly sheen and comes in both massive and crystalline forms.

Title Description
Application Oil Extraction and Radiation Safety
Color White, Pink, Orange, Grey
Forms Massive and Crystalline
Specific Gravity 4.3 to 4.6

Opaque barite is non-magnetic and non-toxic, and it is opaque, which means it does not transmit light.

Opaque barite's high density is one of its most noticeable characteristics, making it an effective weighing agent in a variety of applications.

It's also chemically inert, which means it won't react with anything else.

Furthermore, opaque barite has strong heat resistance, making it appropriate for use in high-temperature applications.

Opaque barite is useful mineral in various sectors due to its unusual features.

barite mineral

Buy Opaque Barite

Before buying opaque barite, it is essential to examine a few factors to guarantee that you receive the highest quality material that suits your individual requirements.

First, you must establish the opaque barite's requisite density, particle size, and chemical composition.

This information will assist you in selecting the appropriate grade of opaque barite for your application.

You should also think about where the opaque barite came from, since certain mines produce higher-grade opaque barite than others.

Furthermore, you should consider the provider's credibility and industry expertise to guarantee that you receive a dependable and trustworthy source.

It is also critical to check them with several providers in order to find the best offer without sacrificing quality.

barite white

Opaque Barite Price + Buy and Sell

Opaque barite prices vary depending on various factors, such as the source, grade, and quantity purchased.

On average, the price of opaque barite ranges from $80 to $300 per ton.

However, the price can go as high as $500 per ton for high-grade, opaque barite that meets specific industry requirements.

The price of opaque barite can fluctuate depending on fluctuations in the market.

For example, the demand for opaque barite decreased significantly, resulting in a decline in prices.

If you're looking to purchase in bulk, then we've got the perfect solution for you!

Get in touch with us, and we'll fill you in on all the details.

barite crystals

The Answer to Two Questions About Opaque Barite

1: What are the uses of Opaque Barite?

It has served as a pigment, a filler in paper and rubber, and in gas exploration.

2: Is Opaque Barite harmful to the body?

Opaque barite is non-magnetic and non-toxic, and it is opaque, which means it does not transmit light.

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