there are a number of interesting facts to know about onyx stone as it is a type of chalcedony known for its beautiful black or brown color and striped bands today available widely in the market at cheap price per meter, square foot... But not all onyx stones are black. In fact, they come in vibrant colors interlaced with great bands. Black is the most popular color of onyx and is the color of power, mystery and depth. Its neutral tone means it goes with everything. It is a strong companion for every color and every person. Known for its deep ebony color, the Onyx stone shares all of these characteristics. You may recognize the name Onyx from several pop culture references. For example, the Pokemon franchise features two snake-like creatures called Onyx and Crystal Onyx. In New York, the historic Onyx Club was a glamorous jazz club. During its heyday, it hosted performances by such greats as Billie Holiday and Dizzy Gillespie. But what about gems? Onyx has a long and rich history full of magic, royalty and legends. Today we will get into all the beauty, science and history behind the onyx stone. Let's get started! What is Onyx Stone? Onyx is a dark silicate mineral known for its iridescent color and various spiritual properties. If you are a Leo, Onyx is the zodiac stone for you! While Leos are known for their confidence and tenacity, these positive qualities can sometimes be overshadowed by self-doubt or impulsive decision-making. Onyx can help by providing unwavering confidence and the wisdom to see issues with clarity. How about a summer theme? If you were born in August, a type of onyx called sardonyx is your stone. Sardonyx has been the primary stone for this moon, dating back to ancient times. Why not pay homage to the past with a truly unique sardonyx pendant or ring? But summer kids don't get to have all the fun! Onyx is also a modern birthday February. If the vibrant purple of the traditional stone, amethyst, isn't your style, you'll love the sophisticated vibe of onyx. Plus, you can wear it with everything! If none of these birthdays apply to you, don't worry! Onyx is the traditional gemstone for the seventh wedding anniversary. If you or a loved one is celebrating, why not gift a beautiful pair of onyx stones to commemorate the occasion? Now let's dive a little deeper into the scientific properties of onyx. Specifications and properties of onyx stone As we mentioned before, onyx is a silica mineral that belongs to the quartz family. There are two categories in this family: macrocrystalline quartz, which are common quartz stones like amethyst and citrine, and microcrystalline quartz. Onyx belongs to the latter, along with other gems such as carnelian, jasper and bloodstone.
Microcrystalline rocks also fall under the umbrella of chalcedony or chalcedony quartz. Onyx is technically a subspecies of chalcedony. (Stay with us, we'll explain!) When chalcedony has a curved color, it is called agate. When the onyx bands are flat and have a white, black or dark brown shade, it is onyx. While some experts claim this, other experts such as the International Gemological Society (IGS) classify agate and onyx as separate stones. Regardless of which location you choose, the chemical specifications for agate and onyx are very similar. Chemical composition: silicon dioxide Mohs scale: 6.5 to 7 Color: black (primary), brown, red, white, grey-blue, green Crystal structure: trigonal (hexagonal subsystem) Gloss: waxy to silky; Vitreous (like glass) when polished Transparency: Transparent to transparent Refractive index: 1.54-1.66 Density: 2.65-2.91 Destruction: None Obviously, there are many explanations behind onyx as a mineral. But what about these valuable features? Unpolished onyx stone Properties of onyx stone As a gem buyer, there are four key factors to determining a stone's true value: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.
We will go over the value of onyx based on these 4 C's of gem quality. set Opaque gemstones are more often cabochons or pearls than faceted pieces. Of course, onyx is not like other rough stones! While cabochons and beads are popular cuts, the lustrous surface and durability of onyx lends itself to many facet cuts. Any standard gemstone cut can work for onyx: round, pear, square, you name it! However, the most relevant type of cut onyx is engraving. In both ancient and modern times, onyx stones have been used to create beautiful and intricate cameos and intaglios. Cameos and intaglios are two types of stone carvings that usually depict people, either real or fictional characters. Portrait paintings rise in the background, while antaglios are carved into the background. Onyx cameos and intaglios come from ancient Greece. Other onyx carvings are also popular, such as small sculptures or figurines. However, with any colored stone, the key factor in value is their color! color While solid black onyx is undoubtedly what most people think of, there are other colored varieties of onyx. There are In fact, it is much more than just a natural solid black shape. Most of the pure black onyx you will see on the market is actually dyed.
You can usually identify types of onyx such as sardonyx, carnelian, and Niccolo onyx by color: Sardonyx: Light or dark brown base, sometimes reddish or yellowish brown Carnelian Onyx: Deep crimson to red-orange base Nicolo Onyx: Black base with thin, almost translucent bands that look light blue or light gray The most common natural form of onyx, consisting of a black layer topped with white, is called "Arabian onyx". Some gemologists call this variety "true" onyx. Most onyx has many vibrant colors, such as this blue onyx stone. Blue onyx pair clarify Onyx stones usually have no inclusions, which gives them high transparency. However, degrees of clarity are usually given only to transparent stones. Since onyx is opaque to transparent, it does not have a degree of clarity. Even so, onyx can still be considered "eye clean". However, "clear to the eye" just means that you can't see the rock inclusions without a magnifying device. Carat weight Onyx can be found in various sizes and weights. Larger weights are common and will have a higher carat weight. However, carat weight is usually determined by the cut of the stone. In the case of onyx, a round facet cut – usually 7-9 mm – weighs 1-2 carats. On the other hand, cabochons can range from 0.15 to 20 carats.
Onyx price per square foot
For faceted onyx cuts, the price per square foot can range from $1-7 on the low end. At the high end, onyx prices are $6-11 per carat. Cabochons come at very low prices, between $0.80-5 per carat. Whatever onyx stone you choose, you want it to last, right? To be sure, you need to know how to protect it. The weight of onyx can help distinguish it from other stones. For example, onyx is sometimes mistaken for black obsidian because they look almost the same. However, onyx usually weighs more than obsidian. Onyx can exhibit color streaks that obsidian does not. While we're on the subject of onyx dyes, let's look at some of the processes that develop them. treatment As you know, onyx stones come in different colors. Due to the characteristic color blocking of the stone, solid black onyx is extremely rare in nature. Most pure black onyx on the market today is dyed to achieve its deep, consistent color. Dyeing treatments can also produce other colors, such as dyeing light chalcedony to create green onyx. Heat treatment is also common for onyx. When heated, onyx loses its colored bands and becomes monochromatic. Dyeing and heat treatment can also be combined. In fact, the ancient healing process uses both. The ancient Roman writer and philosopher Pliny the Elder wrote about a method for changing or enhancing the color of onyx. According to Pliny, you simply put the stone in acidified honey. Speaking of antiquity, let's look at other examples of onyx throughout history. Black onyx engraving History and legends of Onyx Onyx got its name from Pliny the Elder in AD 77. The history of this stone is varied, developing over time with various positive and negative onyx symbols. In China, people actually avoid touching the stone because it brings bad luck. Medieval writers claimed that onyx could harm you in dreams, quarrels and even demons. During the Victorian era, people associated onyx with sadness. After Queen Victoria's first husband died in 1861, her mourning dress contained jewels and other black stones. Even the Arabic word for black onyx, al-jaza, translates simply as "sorrow." On the other hand, this negative association was not ubiquitous. Some communities even changed their opinion about onyx over time. For example, Chinese feng shui uses the onyx stone to provide protection and increase resistance. Ancient Indians also believed in the protective power of the stone, as well as its symbolism for romantic partnership. Some of the most famous onyx pieces date back thousands of years. The famous breastplate of the Jewish high priest in the 14th century contained onyx as one of the twelve precious stones. Carved from Sardonyx in AD 23, the Great Cameo of France is the largest surviving portrait known from antiquity. Onyx Legend In addition to its historical use, onyx has an interesting place in Greek mythology. According to legend, this stone is made from God's nail. It may sound strange, but the story goes that Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, slept by the river. While she slept, her son Eros, or Cupid in Roman, used one of his arrows to cut off her finger. Then the nail fell into the river beside her.
However, the bodies of gods and goddesses, like humans, cannot die even if they are separated. Instead, the removed nail turned into onyx. Other versions of this story claim that the Fates, the three beings responsible for fate, turned the nail into onyx. All these stories and beliefs about onyx contribute to its spirituality. So what is the spiritual meaning of onyx? The meaning of the onyx stone The name onyx is Latin for "nail" or "claw". The same Greek word, onyx, is derived from it m is a Latin term and has the mythological legend discussed above. The name also comes from its appearance. According to the ancient sage Sodens, many onyx stones had a cream-colored part that "resembled the white of a human fingernail." There is also a spiritual connection between the color and meaning of onyx. Some say that the color of onyx is black because it attracts more negative energy. In general, black gemstones are associated with earthiness and balance. Onyx is known as the "stone for the mind" because of the mental aspect of spiritual properties. Onyx symbolizes mental strength, mindfulness, and self-control. Knowing the meaning of the stone is good, but applying it is even better. Based on all this symbolism and spiritual meaning, what is the onyx stone good for?
Tumbled Onyx Healing Crystals Healing properties of Onyx The use of gemstones for healing has become increasingly popular over the past few decades. Healing stones allow us to escape the hectic noise of everyday life and practice a spiritual form of self-care. Onyx has its own healing properties. Historically, the physical healing properties of onyx include healing wounds and facilitating childbirth. Onyx can also help strengthen hair, skin and nails. As a "stone for the mind", the positive effects of Onyx include improved memory, lower stress levels, and greater control over emotional impulses. This essence is useful for students, because it can help with concentration and help you to do tasks together. Speaking of emotions, many believe that the onyx stone benefits those who struggle with depression. Whether it's grief, separation, or loneliness, Onyx may help. This stone can contribute to positive feelings of security, comfort and connection. You may prefer healing through the chakra system. What chakra is Onyx? Black onyx activates and balances the root chakra, called the base chakra. The root chakra is at the base of your spine and represents your foundation system – where you place your roots or return to when you lose your way.
When the root chakra is blocked, you may feel lost, hopeless, or anxious. Onyx can help re-open this chakra, bring back a sense of purpose and illuminate the right paths. Speaking of paths, let's look at the more literal ways that onyx goes from its creation to the market. Origin and resources of onyx stone Onyx mines are located all over the world, with one or more on almost every continent. The most widespread areas for onyx are in the following countries: Brazil India United States (Utah, Oregon, Rhode Island, California) Australia Madagascar Uruguay Russia So, what happens inside these minerals to create such beautiful crystals? Heart shaped onyx carving Onyx texture As we mentioned earlier, onyx is a form of microcrystalline quartz. Unlike the crystal grains of microcrystalline quartz, microcrystalline quartz rocks are fine grained.
These rocks, including onyx, usually form inside veins or open spaces in the rocks when the special solution freezes or evaporates. Onyx can also crystallize inside lava. Lava or volcanic rock contains cavities created by the formation of gases. When silica and other minerals are deposited in these places, they cool and become onyx. The next stop on the onyx journey comes at the hands of the customer. But how much does onyx stone cost? Onyx stone price and value In general, onyx is an inexpensive stone. But is the onyx stone worth it? Well, its value, and therefore price, evolves based on its treatment, size and cut. Since most onyx gems on the market receive treatment, the price difference between untreated and treated onyx is not huge. However, untreated stones will almost always have a slightly higher value than treated stones. Faceted cuts such as round, oval or marquise cuts are more expensive than onyx cabochons or beads. This is because reducing sides takes a lot of time and skill level to achieve. The same applies to paintings, as their price will take into account the level of artistic skill applied. My company has for long been leading the world market in both supply and export of onyx stone products and is hence gently honored to have provided a link for all dear customers and traders to join us in world trade of onyx and experience the best purchase ever in your life.