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Olam Rice in Nigeria; Vitamin B D Calcium Fiber Source Intestine Function Improver

Olam Rice in Nigeria this year has been able to attract the attention of many customers with its high quality and has gained great market share.

Olam Rice in Nigeria

Olam Rice in Nigeria is one of the most widely used in the market.

This rice is produced in many countries; But perhaps the best quality is produced by Nigeria, which is extremely high quality.

In fact, regardless of how much money they want to pay, customers like to use high-quality and well-cooked rice.

This is where the importance of first rice becomes very apparent; As far as the color, taste, quality and taste, and even the registration of the brand on it is also considered by Nigerians.

Olam rice has different qualities, and we will provide you with the specifications of these products.

This rice has been tested in very reliable laboratories and has been successful in all its tests and has received global quality approval.

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Olam Rice Features in Nigeria

Olam Rice in Nigeria has many benefits and properties that are necessary for the health of all people.

Among the benefits of Olam rice, we can point out that it is rich in carbohydrates, which provide energy for the body's metabolism, and the lack of cholesterol in rice makes it an important and major part of a balanced diet.

Title Description
Vitamins Vitamin B and D
Source of Calcium, Fiber and Iron
Advantages Intestines Function Improver
Warning Rice Grain size Considering

In addition, this nutrient, in addition to vitamin B, has other vitamins such as vitamin D, calcium, fibre, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, etc.

Resistant starch is another benefit of Nigerian rice, rice consists of resistant starch that reaches the intestine in an undigested form and helps the growth of useful bacteria for the normal functioning of the intestines.

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Buy Olam Rice in Nigeria

One of the important factors when buying Olam Rice in Nigeria for customers is how to cook this rice.

When cooking this rice, it is recommended to wash the rice several times with cold water to clean it completely.

The cold water removes rice dust, And it keeps the real taste of rice, and secondly, it absorbs water better than before and smells very pleasant when it is finished cooking.

We also suggest that you do not use too much oil and salt, which reduces the quality of rice.

To cook rice, do not go to other methods as much as possible, the best method is boiling, in this method, all the nutrients of rice are preserved and the flavor of rice remains, and eating rice is a great pleasure.

olam rice mill

Olam Rice Price in Nigeria + Buy and Sell

Fluctuations in the price of Olam Rice in Nigeria depend on a variety of factors, Including:

  • Rice grain size
  • Production Company
  • packing
  • Production costs
  • Shipping costs
  • Order amount
  • Market intermediaries

Despite the fact that many producers have tried to reduce their costs, the existence of many middlemen has caused the rice to reach customers at a higher price.

The price range of Olam Rice in Nigeria varies from 4 dollars to 7 dollars.

The suggestion we have for major buyers is to inquire about the price of Olam Rice from reputable centres.

Due to the weekly change of prices, it is recommended to contact our experts to provide you with the final price according to the amount of purchase and your choice.

olam rice

The Answer to Two Questions About Olam Rice

1: What are the nutrients of olam rice?

 In addition to vitamin B, has other vitamins such as vitamin D, calcium, fibre, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, etc.

2: Does olam rice have any health benefits?

Resistant starch is another benefit of Nigerian rice, rice consists of resistant starch that reaches the intestine in an undigested form and helps the growth of useful bacteria for the normal functioning of the intestines.

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