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The news on Saturday, November 16

1. Arad Branding in 60 Seconds 

⏱️ 1 Minute


2. Defensive Strategy in an Employee's Life 

⏱️ 1 Minute


3. Farshad Doveisi: A Successful Aradi Trader 

⏱️ 1 Minute


4. Comment Activation on Telegram

Arad believes the success rate of individuals who leave comments and share opinions is over 10 times higher than those who remain silent. 

This means that leaving comments or not leaving them has a significant impact on success in commerce.

You may wonder, "What does that mean?"

"How can such a simple act make such a difference?" 

At first glance, the mind rejects this idea, and those who haven't succeeded dismiss it. However, the writer aims to explain, hoping wise individuals can learn and correct their course from the failures of others.

To understand this concept, let me give you an example.

Suppose you've invested your money somewhere. 

If they tell you that place is collapsing, how would you feel?

You would feel upset.

If they tell you it is growing, how would you feel?

You would feel happy.

Now, if it’s the same place, but you haven’t invested in it, what happens?

Whether it collapses or grows, it makes no difference to you because you haven’t put anything into it.

Commenting is like investing your time. 

When you spend your time leaving comments, Arad becomes important to you.

Now, if they say Arad has grown, you’ll feel happy, and if they say it has failed, you’ll feel upset.

This connection makes you take your commerce more seriously and not give up easily because, deep down, you think, "I’ve invested my time in Arad and put not only my money but also my effort into it."

Since you’ve voiced your thoughts here, you strive to uphold them, increasing your resilience.

However, if you say nothing, whether it grows or fails makes no difference to you because you haven’t invested anything here.

Even if you’ve spent money on promotions or received services, you likely dismiss those costs as insignificant—a small fraction of your resources that you can easily forget.

But when you consistently engage with a phenomenon, you stand by it, even if only to protect your own credibility and the statements you’ve made.

Let me give you a clear example.

One person writes in a comment: "Arad changed my mindset and improved my mood," while another person says nothing.

Both encounter people who speak negatively about commerce. 

The first person doesn’t accept these criticisms because admitting that Arad and commerce are bad would mean admitting their own comment was wrong. Since they won’t take responsibility for being wrong, they reject the negativity, stay committed, and eventually become a trader.

The second person, having made no statement to support Arad, is easily influenced by the opinions of others. They even adopt a victim mentality, claiming Arad wronged them.

In their mind, they justify this with thoughts like, "This is a debt Arad owes me, and I’ll reclaim it in this world or the hereafter." With such destructive reasoning, they distance themselves from Arad.

In the hereafter, there will be a right of Arad over them, and they will be held accountable: "Why didn’t you take commerce seriously and pay the 10% profits you could have paid to Arad?"

"Why did you deprive yourself, your family, and your descendants of this abundant dignity, and let a foolish advice keep you in poverty for so many years?"

Not only were you not wronged, but you were the one who did the wrong.

Commenters are protected from such risks.

Those who leave comments rarely abandon commerce, but those who don’t comment can easily give it up.

Keep this point in mind alongside hundreds of other benefits of commenting for yourself.

Telegram comments are now open, and Instagram comments were also opened earlier.

We will post up to 20 posts daily on Telegram and Instagram, and you know the comments on them are brief. 

Even if someone wants to participate in all of them, it won’t take more than 20 minutes.

Commenting on the topics shared on Telegram and Instagram will significantly strengthen you.

Shy, introverted, and fearful individuals must overcome these traits if they want to become successful traders.

You can eliminate your fear, shyness, and introversion by commenting regularly.

Start now and stop overthinking, "What’s the point for me?" 

Comment, and you will quickly realize the benefits it brings you.

Some say it doesn’t benefit them and only strengthens Arad's site. Even if we assume that’s true, which it actually isn’t, think about this:

But even if that were the case, who benefits from commercial advertisements on Arad's website?

Arad’s website has a content creation and press release section, which produces content for traders and provides links to their sites.

It also has a section called "Tejart Khaneh" that promotes Aradi traders.

So, if the website becomes stronger, it’s the Aradi traders who will become the brands. Otherwise, the methods for generating leads and signals to attract people to commerce are not from the Arad website.

We primarily receive traffic to the commerce from social media and reputable news sites in the country. Additionally, any forms of interest in joining the commerce are placed in a special channel where business enterprises can contact them.

If Arad's website gains 100 benefits from becoming stronger, 99 of them will go to Aradi traders, and only one will benefit Arad and its employees.

So, don't deprive yourself of this tremendous benefit that comes from participating in comments with weak reasoning.


5. A Completely Wrong Thought 

A few days ago, when we discussed the reasons for the failure to share the success of traders, we listed several points.

One of our esteemed traders offered another reason in a comment that, truthfully, had not been conceived in the writer’s mind.

I could have written, “It hadn't crossed my mind,” but I try to use a variety of expressions to expand your vocabulary, which will positively impact your public speaking and negotiation skills.

After all, I am a student of Mr. Talia, God willing.

Here is the comment from our dear trader:

“Personally, I thought if I shared my business successes, Arad would reduce its services for me.” 🤔

I thought, How interesting?!!!

Isn't this logic that we shouldn’t share our successes and always act as if we are struggling and poor?

Arad, because it wants us to become successful traders, will put more effort into helping us and offer more services. But if we say we’ve made money, Arad will feel secure and reduce its services.

❌ This thought is completely wrong. ❌

The Services Unit has absolutely no connection to the Arad Documentation Unit.

In other words, whether you provide videos and documentation or not, the Promotional Services Unit does not even know who has submitted materials and who hasn’t.

The Services Unit operates based on a table where your participation score is calculated. In this table: Your test scores contribute up to 90 points. Your participation in comments contributes up to 30 points.

This total score is divided by 100, yielding the participation coefficient—a number between 0 and 1.2.

This coefficient is then multiplied by the services related to your promotion, determining the extent of the work carried out for you accordingly.

This explains the workings of Arad Branding’s Services Unit, assuring you that such secrecy will not result in any additional services.

However, from another perspective, I would like to share some thoughts with you.

God says in His book:

"But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it]." Surah Ad-Dhuha, Ayah 11

The word "ḥaddith" means "to speak, to declare."

It is a command in imperative form, meaning that God instructs us to express and share the blessings He bestows upon us.

Now, if someone disregards this command and refrains from expressing gratitude and sharing their blessings, don't you feel that God might choose to reduce those blessings?

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says: "When God grants His servant a blessing, He loves to see the signs of that blessing in His servant so that it becomes evident to others."

Let’s set aside the divine perspective for a moment.

Think about this on a personal level:

When you gift a loved one something, say a piece of clothing, how happy do you feel when they wear it at a gathering?

And how disappointed would you be if they never wore it in public?

How much does wearing or not wearing the clothing affect your decision to give that loved one another gift in the future?

If they express gratitude and wear it proudly, you’re likely to give them something even better next time. If they neglect it, you may stop giving or choose something less significant.

Have you noticed that among children, there is always one who becomes overjoyed when you give them something, brimming with excitement and eagerly telling everyone what they’ve received?

Doesn’t that make you want to gift them more often?

But there’s another child who shows no reaction at all—no gratitude, no excitement, no sharing with others.

And so, next time, you either choose not to buy them anything or settle for giving only the bare minimum.

The same logic applies to sharing blessings, gratitude, and expressing joy for what we receive.

Here is where God declares:

"Allah extends provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts it for whom He wills. Indeed, Allah is knowing of all things."

This means there is a servant whose sustenance from God is expansive, wide, and abundant.

And another servant for whom God measures provision precisely, calculating it carefully.

What differentiates these two servants?

The distinction lies in this: one of them openly shares God's blessings with everyone, announcing, "O people, I have earned this through commerce," and encourages others to follow the noble tradition of the Prophet.

God, in turn, says, "Let Me grant this servant more sustenance, for when I give to them, others benefit from it as well."

However, the other servant conceals their blessings. When God bestows a favor upon them, they hide it. Thus, God grants them only what justice dictates and withholds His bounty, leaving them deprived of His grace.

O Lord, keep us away from such unpleasant and ungrateful behaviors. Grant us the grace to proclaim Your blessings whenever You bestow them upon us, so that all may witness the greatness of our Generous Sustainer.


6. The Fear of Business Enterprises from Hostilities

A few days ago, several business enterprises raised the issue that we talk to people about entering trade, and they respond positively. However, they go and speak with others or read things in certain places that make them change their minds.

As a result, we became discouraged.

And the answer is:

Do you want us to have a negotiation with the devil so that he will allow people to enter trade without any opposition and everyone becomes wealthy?

This certainly will not happen.

The devil's goal is centered on your and our poverty.

A dear person also left a comment saying, if the devil prevents us from entering trade, why does the devil not interfere with England and America, and their people easily accept trade?

The answer is from a Hadith of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him).

Zurarah bin A'yan narrates that we were sitting in the presence of Imam Sadiq when he said:

Zurarah, do you know that the devil has abandoned others and even assists them, focusing his attention on you and your brothers?

I asked, why, O son of the Messenger of Allah?

He replied: Because he has led them away from our guardianship and misled them, so there is no reason to make things hard for them, as hardship causes a person to reflect.

He even helps them to achieve success in this world, so they never think about the purpose of their creation.

But you, since you have clung to our guardianship, he tries to mislead you.

Thus, the longer time passes, the more difficult things will become for you.

I asked, why will it become harder?

He said: Because the devil and his followers increase in number, while you and your brothers become fewer, and since the situation has reached this point, pray frequently for the relief of the Qa'im (the Imam) from our family.

So, we understand that the existence of the devil and his followers, who mislead people from the right path of trade, is a natural occurrence. If someone says, "I became discouraged because so-and-so spoke badly about trade or Arad," then it is probably better that such a person does not become a merchant.

I would like to explain a verse from the Book of God so that whenever you encounter hostilities in the path of trade, you do not become weak.

God says in His Book:

"And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent." Surah Al-An'am, 6:112

There are several beautiful points in this verse.

The first point is that it is God's promise that every prophet has enemies, both from humans and jinn.

So, if you have enemies in your life whose hostility towards you is not because of you personally, but because of the mission you have undertaken, know that you are on the path of the prophets who also had such enemies.

If you have no enemies, it means you're not in the game.

The second point, which is even more remarkable than the first, is that God says "Jalna" — meaning We have made.

The one who has placed enemies for His prophets is God Himself.

Allahu Akbar!

God deliberately creates enemies for His prophets, and He has never left a prophet without enemies.


Does God love and cherish His prophets, or does He want bad things to happen to them?

Certainly, He loves them.

Therefore, God's love for His prophets necessitates the creation of enemies for them.

Thus, having enemies is a virtue.

It is a blessing.

It is a mercy from God upon His prophets that He places enemies in their path.

And you will notice that the more God loves a prophet, the more intense and numerous His enemies become.

And in the end, look at Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), how much God loves him and the wretched enemies He has placed against him.

And look at God's beloved one, Lady Fatimah (peace be upon her), who is loved by God and His Messenger, yet has enemies more defiled than filth and more cursed than any curse.

So, the amount of love God has for you is reflected in the amount of enmity that humans and jinn bear against you.

If you have no enemies, it means you are not standing on the right path.

The right place where you should find enemies is like ants and locusts.

So whenever you hear slander on the path of your mission, be happy because you are following in the footsteps of the prophets.

Now, the third point is: What is the style of those devils?

Their style is to deceive others with embellished words.

The word mozakhraf is derived from zakhraf, which we use in literature.

In Persian, it means "decorated" or "beautified."

It refers to an entirely false statement that is dressed up to appear correct.

When Arabs take an unattractive girl to the salon and a beautiful one comes out, they say zakhraf.

Now, look at those who speak ill of Arad—are they not the same?

Exactly, you can see that they are just like this.

They have no valid logic, but they dress up their false reasoning in such a way that they deceive the ignorant among the people, and certainly, the wise ones are few.

Now, the question is.

Do we want the wise and intelligent ones, or the ignorant and foolish?

Arad needs only 10% of the population to achieve his goals, not the entire population.

If 10% engage in trade, while the rest remain in their labor or employee jobs, Iran would become a paradise.

Are the 10% wise?

Certainly, they are.

We just need to find them and join them.

That's all.

The fourth point is that these enemies do nothing but speak nonsense.

Their only method of hostility is to start whispering, and they don’t even dare to confront directly.

You’ve seen so many speeches and conferences at Arad—has anyone ever dared to speak against Arad in front of the crowd?

No one has ever done that.

Because God says, "They inspire one another with empty words."

Inspiration comes from wahy, which is something hidden, meaning these people only know how to whisper in secret.

Who do they whisper to?

To those who are just like them.

If you see one of them speaking ill of you, know that they consider you similar to themselves.

Why don’t they dare to come forward in a conference and try to discredit Arad in front of the crowd?

Because they know their words are worthless.

They know their logic is baseless, and if they face someone, they will only ruin themselves.

That’s why they gossip in the presence of a few ignorant people, or at most, in private chats, channels, or groups.

These are virtual tough guys—if they come out, their facade will break.

We should not be afraid of such opponents and lose confidence.

The fifth point is God's statement, which continues: "If your Lord had willed, they would not have done it."

This means God wants them to do this.

But in this verse, it does not explain why God wants this. However, since the prophets know that God does not wish harm for them, just the fact that God wants these devils to gossip must be in favor of the prophets.

But the sixth point, which is the most important of all, is how to deal with them.

God says, "So leave them and what they invent."

Leave means to ignore them.

It means to act as if they don’t exist.

God says, don’t give them any importance.

Treat them as if they and their lies do not exist.

Both them and their lies.

When you’re negotiating with people and someone tells you that so-and-so said this or that about you, if you choose to give importance to their words and try to explain that it's not true, that person will just come up with another lie tomorrow.

All you need to say is:

Behind every successful person, there are always those who speak ill of them.

The trades and successes of Aradis have hurt many who don’t want people to enter commerce, and these are the very ones who try to slander Arad.

Instead of focusing on them, let them be and visit Arad's website. See our own success stories.

If you try to find the truth by sifting through everyone’s words, you will never find it.

When have people ever shown you the right path before, that you expect them to do so now?

Anyone with even a bit of wisdom will say, “You’re right, I shouldn’t decide based on what others say. I should come and examine Arad myself, based on what it is, not what others claim.”

And if someone lacks even that small amount of sense, it’s better they don’t join Arad at all and disrupt the harmony of our beautiful community.

Comments (14 Comments)


I have been motivated and want to work with this company and make it popular , this is really good



Bebish Bhattarai

Our country is getting modernized these days and they want quality products and the product that I saw on the videos it will workout in our country we can make a huge sale with these things we can work and grow even bigger



Azin Fakhr

Greetings Everyone,
As it is mentioned on the website, commenting and expressing ourselves is a very important stage to be taken care of.
Not only we learn how to discuss and negotiate but also we learn how to participate in each and every conversation.




Thank you for this thought-provoking message. It’s clear that opposition and negativity are part of the entrepreneurial journey, much like the challenges faced by prophets. Instead of being discouraged by the doubts or slanders of others, we should stay focused on our goals and the positive results we are creating.



Paresh Shetty

Great piece of work by arad Branding



Paulo Souza

Iranian companies’ presence in South America is growing, supported by diplomatic ties and efforts to diversify trade relationships, particularly in response to international sanctions.



Hadiseh Motlagh

Success in business requires the ability to listen carefully and act on time. A successful businessman must pay attention to what senior managers are saying. Active listening allows you to correctly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the business and the opportunities and threats in the market. But listening alone is not enough; it is also crucial to act on what you hear. Making quick and smart decisions and implementing them paves the way for growth and progress. Commenting is the start of action and getting started that gives everyone ideas.



Victory Princewill

Wonderful product



Christian Obinna Ibehkendu

Fascinating presentation again



Felix Atanda

Constantly engaging with the content on this website has helped me a lot



Elias Munyi

This caught my attention:-
When you consistently engage with a phenomenon,you stand by it, even if only to protect your credibility and the statements you made.



Niyi olaleye

Understating the fear surrounding hostilities is vital for businesses.open discussion can lead to better solutions and support ,Lookikg forward to seeing more updates .🇳🇬



Mangengue Alain

I won't stop thinking arad branding for helping me aquire knowledge everyday, thank you🙏



Florida Oreko

The information provided is motivating and shows the progress that a company is making to present its products worldwide.



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