If you want to truly experience profitable trades, first and foremost, try to accurately understand the needs of your country’s people.
The needs of people fall into two categories:
- Actual needs
- Potential needs
What are Actual Needs?
These are needs that are evident in the country today.
For example, you see that people in your country consume these products.
Any product that is currently used in your country is an actual need.
What are Potential Needs?
These are needs that are not currently utilized by the people in your country but could be, as these products are used in other countries and could one day be used in your country as well.
I must try to meet the needs of the people of my country.
Now that you understand the needs of your country’s people, you need to strive to meet them.
Your efforts to meet these needs will lead to trades that are both financially beneficial for you and helpful to the people of your country.
To meet these needs, you need to do two important things:
- Identify suppliers who can meet these needs.
- Inform your country’s people that you can meet these needs.
Identifying Suppliers
In Arad Branding, there are many merchants who are either producers of the products themselves or are directly connected with producers and can supply those products for you.
Aradi merchants are generally based in Iran and can supply over 10,000 different products.
To find them, simply use the Meeting option from the website’s menu and participate in the daily internet meetings held for various products to get acquainted with them.
Every day, they introduce the products and various trading conditions of that product and provide their contact information.
Get in touch with them and evaluate the trading details of that product.
Alternatively, you can select the Persian language from the website menu and use the web page translation option in your browser to translate Farsi into your own language.
Aradi merchants leave their comments and contact information at the end of each news item.
Connect with active members and discuss their products.
Finding a suitable supplier for a product that meets the needs of your country’s people is very easy in Arad Branding.
On the other hand, there is a high diversity of different products.
Even within category of a single product, you can find multiple merchants so that if you don't like the conditions of one, you can adapt to the conditions of another merchant and supply various products for your country.
Talking and Negotiating with the People of Your Country
Now that you have found the right product, you just need to convey the information you have gathered from Aradi merchants about the products to the people of your country.
The more information you have about the desired product, the better you can negotiate with your country’s people.
There are two scenarios.
Either they already have a proper understanding of the product and it is in their current use or they are not familiar with the product yet, but it can be appealing to them in the near future.
Simply talk to wholesalers, shopkeepers, factories, merchants, and investors in your country about these products and explain the competitive advantage of trading with you.
Try to negotiate with those who, if convinced, have the financial capability to purchase a large volume of the product so that you can gain a significant profit.
If you can explain to them how importing that product to your country can bring them significant profits and what a great moral help it will be to the country, any investor will be willing to cooperate with you.
Because investors fall into two categories.
- Those who only care about more money.
- Those who, in addition to more money, also think about serving the people of their country.
The trade you introduce to them has both qualities.
You are introducing a product to investors that will bring them substantial profits and also serve the people of your country.
Thus, both materially and morally, you have numerous competitive advantages.
The more your connections with the Arad Branding website and its various sections such as meetings, site news, comments of other Arad members, and other educational sections, the more your financial growth.
Spend time strengthening your business connections and information.
Immerse yourself in the world of business, for the deeper you dive into the sea of commerce, the greater your financial gains will be, and you will become a more valuable asset to your country.