اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Saturday, November 9

1. Instagram: The Vacuum of Time

⏰ 1 Minute


2. Wishing is out of the question.

⏰ 1 Minute


3. I have been instructed to treat you kindly.

Yesterday, around 10 a.m., I received news instructing me to be kind to you, to tolerate your flaws, and to address your shortcomings with gentleness. 

Following these orders, I am bound to comply.

Putting that aside, how do you think my day went yesterday, considering I had promised my family an outing from the day before?

Since carrying out this instruction required some inner preparation, I decided to shift our outing from the traditional morning or afternoon trip to Eram—an upscale and luxurious restaurant in Shandiz that residents of Mashhad are well aware of—to an evening meal at Shabdiz restaurant in Torqabeh. With a bit of extra humor, I managed to bring them around.

Now, what do you think I was up to during the afternoon and evening?

You might recall that in a recent speech, our esteemed leader invited the much-admired Seyyed Ahmad Tahvildar to join him, commending him for his soft-spoken and courteous communication with the audience. 

I spent yesterday watching Tahvildar’s charming words of admiration, engrossed in his praise.

Honestly, I probably saw Tahvildar more yesterday than his own family did. 

My family kept asking why I, at my age, was sitting around watching this young man, who is the same age as my own children. 

I told them several times that I was learning something from him. They would then ask, “What exactly?” 

If I explained what I was after, it might rekindle memories of my past shortcomings, which my pride couldn’t bear.

Thus, I kept it to myself and immersed myself in learning from this gracious presenter, whom we Arad members all hold in high regard. 

Though I know one viewing won’t be enough, I’ll definitely watch him again. 

I hope I can stay true to this instruction and not stray from it.

Whenever I fall short, please remind me in the comments. I know that our elders don’t rebuke us for our first, second, or third transgressions, but you can call me out here to help me repent and improve. 

God knows, I’ve received reminders in the past, but this time, the instruction I received felt different.


4. A Service by the Media and Culture Commission of the Policy Council

The Media and Culture Commission of the Policy Council of Arad Branding, led by Secretary-General Seyyed Ahmad Tahvildar and Committee Secretary Homa Keramati, offers unique and free services through its Publication Committee to support Aradi traders and facilitate their business activities. These services are designed to help create and manage independent media channels.

These services include:

  1. Installation and setup of independent media platforms
  2. Initial configuration and setup consultation
  3. Production, curation, and development of engaging and relevant content
  4. Training on content publication, including caption writing and the use of tags and hashtags
  5. Strategic guidance and consultation to attract more audience and boost constructive engagement

The Publication Committee’s priorities for media platforms are as follows:

International Platforms:

  • Instagram
  • Telegram
  • WhatsApp
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook

Domestic Platforms:

  • Eitaa
  • Rubika
  • Baleh
  • Soroush

Those interested can message the following ID for more information.



5. The Arad Members' Relationship with Forgetting Comments and Tests

It’s something we often hear—that our beloved Aradis cite forgetfulness as the reason they don’t leave comments or take tests.

I agree; they’re telling the truth.

However, I believe this forgetfulness is influenced by Satan. Satan wants us to remain poor, and since trade and Arad bring us prosperity, he strengthens this forgetfulness within us.

In the Quran, God attributes forgetting the path of truth to Satan in two verses that I recall.

The first is in Surah Yusuf, verse 42, where Yusuf (Joseph) asked a freed man for a favor, and God describes this moment as follows:

“And of the two, to that one whom he consider about to be saved, he said: “Mention me to thy lord.” But Satan made him forget to mention him to his lord: and [Joseph] lingered in prison a few [more] years.”

In another instance, in Surah Al-Kahf, verse 63, when Musa (Moses) set out to find Khidr and forgot the fish they had brought as food, which then escaped, he said to his companion:

“He replied: “Sawest thou [what happened] when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget [about] the Fish: none but Satan made me forget to tell [you] about it.”

These examples show that the senior managers’ advice—that Satan works to prevent us from fully committing to our business—is indeed grounded in truth.

I believe there’s a way to counteract this forgetfulness, and I offer it here in hopes it may benefit you.

Every day, you and I eat food and wear clothes.

Each time I sit down to eat, I remind myself: Was this food free, or did I pay for it?

Did I receive these clothes as a free donation, or did I buy them myself?

When I remember money, I’m reminded of trade because I know that any path other than business, if it doesn’t impoverish me today, will do so in years to come, diminishing rather than increasing what I have.

When I remember trade, Arad comes to mind.

When I remember Arad, I remember comments and tests, knowing that not participating in these will reduce my promotional services, thereby diminishing my business and my income.


6. A Man of Light 

It is part of our team's daily duties to read all comments every day and, if there is a point in them, to put it into writing.

Yesterday, my colleagues extracted a comment for me, and I thought to myself that if I do not praise and commend the author of this comment, it would be the height of ingratitude.

And that man is none other than Ahad Rahmani, a rebar trader from Mahabad.

First, let's read this esteemed gentleman's comment together.

My friend, all of us are standing in the way of our mutual success in commerce, while others have abandoned it; let us pray and show goodwill towards each other.

Let us collectively send salutations upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, bestow God's blessings and mercy upon this family, and grant rewards for all the deceased martyrs in the path of commerce, especially those dear ones who emigrated from their cities and homelands for the progress of themselves and their country and came to the holy city of Qom to get closer to the sacred sanctuary of Lady Masoumeh, peace be upon her, and to have more closeness and affection with Arad and the Aradis.

And certainly, Ahad Rahmani is among these esteemed individuals, and indeed, this very text was written in honor of his journey and dedicated efforts.

O Lord, bestow your special mercy upon Ahad Rahmani and all those who stand firm in the path of your Prophet's tradition, which is commerce, and lead them to brilliant results in commerce so that their certainty in this path increases.

O Lord, Abraham, peace be upon him, who was your Prophet, when he asked you to show him the resurrection of the dead, you asked him, "Do you not have faith?" and he replied, "I do, but I want my heart to be reassured."

We, the Aradis, all have faith in commerce, but we also want to see ourselves becoming successful traders.

We want to see sweet and abundant transactions worth several hundred million and billions, not because we lack faith in commerce.

Rather, we want our hearts to be reassured.

O God, there is another issue.

Abraham, peace be upon him, wanted to see the resurrection of the dead to have his heart at ease, but besides having our hearts at ease, we also want to silence the mouths of our acquaintances who daily cause our hearts pain with their opposition.

So just as you granted Abraham's prayer, grant our prayer in commerce and increase our sales more than before.

Dear Ahad, who has had previous sales, but we make a special prayer for the newcomers who have not yet had any sales, that, God willing, through our collective salutations, they may also register their sales as quickly as possible.

O Allah, send salutations upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Amen, O Lord of the Worlds.


7. Praise be to God, Aradis are Returning.

The increasing number of comments shows that Aradis are returning to the site and engaging in the test.

And because God's hand is with the community, He does not overlook the unity among so many of us.

The number of people whose participation rate is still zero has again decreased, now reaching 941.

Download the PDF of Absentees

We've provided the names of these esteemed individuals so that, if you dear readers have friendships with them, you can inform them so that, God willing, the light of trade may shine brighter in their lives.

It would be a shame if the services planned for promotion don't reach these precious souls.

I borrowed the word “precious” from our dear Mr. Tahvildar. 😁


8. Traders' Survey Analysis

A question was asked in the Aradi Traders' survey with this content:

What did you do with your non-trading friends after entering trade?

First, let’s view the chart of responses, resulting from the participation of 1,395 Aradi traders.

It truly brings joy to see this level of engagement and how the lessons from the Business School have impacted Aradis lives.

62% limited their relationships. I am sure that, if they haven’t completely cut ties, it’s because they didn’t want the old friends to harm them or, heaven forbid, talk behind their backs, accusing them of arrogance or pride.

21% completely cut ties, enduring the negative talk but understanding that the harm of gossip is less than the harm of even a few minutes spent with them. So, they’ve fully cut ties, and whatever they say won’t truly affect them.

10% maintained relationships as before, likely new entrants who haven’t yet closely bonded with Aradis, or perhaps they don’t want to make changes to avoid alerting people to their trade involvement and possibly facing obstacles.

8% have strengthened their relationships, and I am confident they have aligned these old connections to support their trade growth.

They’ve mobilized family and friends, assigning each a role in their trade journey.

One has been put in charge of independent media, another tasked with content creation, another with product packaging, and yet another with overseeing shipments, each given a role.

These are the astute individuals who possess strong influence among those around them, utilizing this influence to drive productivity.

May God willing, other esteemed Aradis also adopt this technique, leveraging old friendships for the growth of their trade.

But be mindful: if approaching them would bring them into trade, then do so. However, if you feel they’re pulling you towards their employee mentality and away from trade, then it's best to either cut ties or keep some distance.

We leave this choice to you and are confident that your intellects have matured enough in trade to discern this straightforward matter.

It’s an honor to write for wise individuals like you, who, in a time when most are turning towards investments and usury, have chosen not to follow that path and have embraced the Prophet’s tradition of trade.

Please see my past harsh words as signs of my concern and goodwill and forgive me.

I hold you all in heartfelt affection. ❤️

Easy Access
Daily Test for Traders
Business Development with Senior Management
Business School
Business Podcast
Arad User Platform for Accessing Promotional Services
Oversight on Promotional Service Issues and Conflict Resolution
Commercial Meetings
Contact Us and Questions and Suggestions
Nightly Live Broadcasts from 20:30 to 21:30
Arad Branding Telegram Channel
Arad Branding Instagram
Short Video Download Channel
Channel for Answering Trade Questions (for Aradis and Non-Aradis)
Business Enterprise
Daily Test for Business Enterprise Managers
Form for Stating the Reason for Missing the Business Owners' Test
Report Misconduct by Employees, Traders, Business Enterprise, and Council Members
Select or Change Main Business Enterprise
Register New Business Enterprise or Make Changes
Updates on Business Enterprise Meetings
Daily Business Enterprise Meeting Schedule
Guidelines for Member Program Development by Enterprises
Receive Contact Information for Trade Applicants
Organizational Credibility Application
Submit Documentation for Arad Documentary
Receive Your Photos and Videos from Arad Branding Media
Postal Delivery of Senior Management Book
Member Trade Development through Business Manager Assignment
Arad Branding Foreign Representatives
Form to Utilize Foreign Office Resources
Foreign B2B Meetings for Promotion Levels 9 and Above
Contact Foreign Representatives for Promotion Level 5 and Above
Suggestions for the Policy Council
Resolution of Lead and Signal Issues with the Branding Commission
Information Commission Group: Everything a trader needs to know
Information Commission Liaison to answer any of your trade-related questions
Financial transfer commission and resolution of sanctions and transfer issues
Internal and External Business Communications with the Communications Committee
From A to Z of Independent Media with the Media and Culture Commission
Legal Committee Crisis Headquarters for Resolving Legal Issues of Aradis
Prevention and Treatment Services for Physical and Mental Health Issues - Personal Development Committe

Comments (13 Comments)

Bright s igwe

Arad Branding is an international trading company that is global. Aradis is here to stay forever!!! we keep pushing forward together !



Azin Fakhr

Good day to all Aradi representatives,
Business is very dynamic and we also in Arad Branding, are filled with a lot of efforts and energy everyday.
I hope everyone can match their efforts and their speed so that they can experience an amazing boost and growth.



Hadiseh Motlagh

Being on the path of righteousness is a kind of spiritual business, because one strives to achieve desirable and sustainable results by adhering to ethical principles and human values. Although this path may bring challenges and hardships, by investing in honesty, justice, and helping others, individuals achieve deeper achievements that not only have a positive impact on their own lives, but also create trust and respect in society. In fact, trading on the path of righteousness has a two-way result: for both the individual and the society in which they live.



Paresh Shetty

Indeed clear concept



Omolola Michael

This is good Aradi is going somewhere great



Paulo Souza

On Instagram it is important to post content with hashtags to target specific industries or interests, like ImportExport, This makes it easier for potential clients to discover your posts.




Hello all,
Another impressive article and the answers given by traders for the survey.
Business requires focus to succeed, and sometimes that means limiting distractions. If your friends don't understand your priorities or support your goals, it's important to set boundaries and minimise their influence on your work. Focusing on what truly matters helps you stay productive and make the best decisions for your business.



Hamza H hamza

Ultimately, your efforts should always center on the customer. Keep refining your strategies to meet their needs, solve their problems, and deliver value. The more you connect with your audience, the more successful your brand will become.



Berikisu Mabe Muhammed

Pursuing a life of righteousness is a profound undertaking, akin to a sacred entrepreneurial endeavor. By adhering to timeless ethical principles and universal human values, individuals strive to achieve remarkable, sustainable results that elevate their character and positively impact the world.
Although this noble path may present challenges and hardships, the rewards are immeasurable. By investing in honesty, justice, and selflessness, individuals reap a bountiful harvest of personal growth, trust, and respect within their communities.
The dividends of trading on the path of righteousness are twofold: individuals experience profound transformation, while society as a whole benefits from their integrity, compassion, and generosity.
May we all embark on this extraordinary journey, cultivating a world where righteousness, trust, and respect flourish.
Berikisu Mabe Muhammed




Being on the path of righteousness is a kind of spiritual business, because one strives to achieve desirable and sustainable results by adhering to ethical principles and human values. Although this path may bring challenges and hardships, by investing in honesty, justice, and helping others, individuals achieve deeper achievements that not only have a positive impact on their own lives, but also create trust and respect in society. In fact, trading on the path of righteousness has a two-way result: for both the individual and the society in which they live.



Christian Obinna Ibehkendu

Wonderful read.



Felix Atanda

This is an impressive and insightful writing emphasizing focus in business



Niyi olaleye

Very delighted to know that arad branding is a Company that values input and Strives for improvement . Looking forward for more development.🇳🇬



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