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Negin Saffron in Sri Lanka; Crimson Red Sweet Distinct Flavor Incredible Aroma

Negin saffron in Sri Lanka is a type of saffron used by professionals that has an incredible aroma and a rich red color.

Negin Saffron in Sri Lanka

Because of the volume and stigma length, this most precious type of saffron is of the highest quality.

Negin saffron is a high-quality saffron in Sri Lanka.

It is an excellent option for export and supply to global markets.

The high quality and popularity of Negin saffron reduce the likelihood of this saffron being difficult to find in global markets.

Negin saffron is the purest form of saffron.

Negin saffron is distinguished by its distinct flavor, crimson red color, sweet aroma, and delectable taste.

Among all types of saffron, Negin saffron has the highest coloring power, ranging from 240 to 290 units.

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Negin Saffron Features in Sri Lanka

Negin saffron is distinguished from others in Sri Lanka by its features.

Its crimson-red color and intelligent aroma make it special.

Title Description
Color Crimson-red
Smell Sweet
Coloring power 240 to 290 units
Types Excellent, first grade, second grade, and third grade

Its threads are notable for their length and thickness, as they are the longest among other species.

Each thread measures 2-3 cm in length and is a natural red color.

This is one of the rarest, finest, and best varieties of saffron.

Negin saffron is the purest and finest saffron, with a slightly bitter flavor.

As a result, producing Negin saffron requires more effort, time, and manual skill than producing other types of saffron.

The origin of this character can be traced back to the method of drying it.

The stigmas of this saffron are larger than those of other types of saffron.

negin saffron seeds

Buy Negin Saffron in Sri Lanka

Before buying any product, we should always have complete information so that we can buy the best product.

When buying Negin saffron in Sri Lanka, you should be aware of the saffron's quality.

Saffron is classified into four grades based on laboratory standards: excellent, first grade, second grade, and third grade.

This grading is accomplished by measuring a variety of factors such as crocin, picrocrocin, impurity, humidity, and so on.

It is determined in laboratory settings and is the best type of Negin saffron.

When buying this product, you should also keep a few things in mind.

Saffron's quality, color, taste, texture, type, and cost are all important considerations.

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Negin Saffron Price in Sri Lanka + Buy and Sell

If you want to buy or sell Negin saffron in Sri Lanka, you should know about the different kinds of saffron.

Customers' lack of knowledge about the qualities may lead to incorrect product purchases.

Of course, saffron's high price is not unrelated to its beneficial properties.

Because saffron is in high demand but in short supply, the price is always exorbitant.

If you want to buy Negin saffron by ton, the price will be between $ 380.00 and $ 400.00.

A gram of Negin saffron may cost between $ 1.15 and $ 1.30 at wholesale.

Our offers are very low-cost, so contact us as soon as possible to avoid missing out.

Negin Saffron

The Answer to Two Questions About Negin Saffron

1: What is Negin saffron?

The highest quality saffron threads are termed Negin This excellent saffron has the volume and stigma length of Pushal and the color strength of Sargol.

2: How do you pick good quality saffron?

When buying saffron, seek for three things: Red Stigmas (no other color). Dry, brittle saffron threads are required. Saffron smells fresh, never musty.

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