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Neem Cake 1Kg; Calcium Magnesium Sulfur Content Insect Larvae Reducer

Neem cake 1kg is a nutrient-rich fertilizer made from neem seeds and it provides essential micronutrients to the soil, promoting strong root development and improved fertility.

Neem Cake 1Kg

Neem cake is a by-product of the Neem seed, derived from the neem tree which is found in many parts of India.

It is full of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

This organic product helps improve soil fertility, increases plant productivity and serves as an excellent source of nitrogen for crops.

As it releases micronutrients slowly into the soil, neem cake has been recognized to be an important ingredient for long-term sustainable agriculture practices.

Neem cake also offers natural protection from soil-borne pests, disease-causing fungi and other harmful organisms, while also preventing weed growth.

When used as fertilizer it aids in stimulating the healthy root development of plants.

Overall, this natural fertilizer offers significant benefits to farmers without having any adverse effects on the environment.

Neem Cake

Neem Cake 1Kg Features

Neem cake is the by-product obtained in the process of cold-pressing neem tree fruits and kernels and has multiple uses.

It acts as a natural fertilizer, compost conditioner, and soil amendment.

Title Description
Content Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur
Used as Soil Amendmen and Compost Conditioner
Advantages Insect Larvae Reducer
Main Feature Soil Erosion Preventer

There are several types of Neem cakes available, each having its own set of benefits.

Organic Neem cake is one type that helps to boost nitrogen levels in soil and makes it nutrient rich.

Then there is processed neem cake which can help control nematodes, fungi, and other pests present in the soil.

Double-processed neem cake can reduce insect larvae present in the soil.

Azadirachtin-enriched neem cake on the other hand is best for suppressing insect attacks on plants as it helps to prevent them from damaging crops or vegetables.

Neem cake also prevents soil erosion as it aids to build a better structure for it.

neem cake for plants

Buy Neem Cake 1Kg

When buying Neem cake of 1kg online, it's important to check the source and make sure that the quality is of a good standard.

Check for reviews from other buyers to get an idea of their experiences.

Also, make sure to research what kind of product you're looking for.

If it's for your garden or plants then make sure it is a natural, organic Neem cake that can help your soil improve its nutrients and fertility.

It's also wise to find out how much Neem cake is suitable for your project.

Depending on the size and requirements, a large or small bag may be needed.

Be aware that costs will vary depending on how much you are buying so take this into consideration before making any purchase.

Lastly, ensure that delivery is included in the cost or will be added as an additional cost before ordering so that you know exactly what to expect when you receive your Neem cake.

neem cake powder

Neem Cake Price 1Kg + Buy and Sell

Market analysis of 1kg Neem cake in US Dollars (USD) is done for determining its average price in the market.

For this purpose, a survey of 5 big suppliers from different states was conducted and the rate was collected from them.

According to the analysis, the average price of 1 kg of Neem cake was found to be USD 12.15.

The highest and lowest rates recorded were USD 15 and USD 8 respectively.

All these values showed that it had an excellent demand-supply balance and fluctuation in the prices was minimal as compared to other fertilizers in the market.

It can be concluded that Neem cake provides a good return on investment as a fertilizer due to its cost-effectiveness and rich nutrients which are beneficial for plants.

Contact us for more information.

neem cake fertilizer

The Answer to Two Questions About Neem Cake 

1: What is neem cake good for?

Farmers and gardeners like neem cake fertilizer. It supplies nitrogen and phosphorus for crop growth as a biofertilizer. It ensures great agricultural yields.

2: Does neem cake make soil acidic?

Neem seed cake decomposes into organic acids, lowering soil alkalinity.

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