اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Even a single day doesn't pass without such criticism aimed at steering people away from money.

If you happen to be a site admin and come across comments, it's almost inevitable that a day goes by without encountering criticism directed towards Arad Branding.

This critique aims to dissuade Arad from involving certain groups of people in trade and finance.

The critic, often portraying themselves as benevolent towards us and the people, initiates with an apparent goodwill, stating:

"Hello and greetings,

I am an old trader of Arad, and I truly appreciate the cultural influence you are bringing to trade, however, there needs to be a filter for entry into trade.

Making trade a public affair is not right because it's not for everyone.

Specific criteria should be set from day one, and individuals lacking these criteria should not enter."

In reality, the critique from this category of critics, whether they be new or old traders, whether inside or outside Arad, suggests that trade should not be desired for everyone but reserved for specific groups.

For now, we have no business with the intentions formed within these individuals since we are aware that some of these intentions are not well-meaning.

For example, individuals, being traders themselves, propose measures to prevent market saturation, fearing their own market might be adversely affected.

This indicates their limited understanding of trade dynamics and profit margins.

They fail to comprehend that when the number of sellers of a product in a market increases, not only does the number of customers not decrease, but it effectively transforms into a marketplace, attracting even more customers.

The more the number of businessmen in a country increases, the more the business growth in that country increases.

Or there are groups of these critics who are not pleased with the growth of Arad and wish to restrict it by proposing measures to curtail the number of participants.

In this article, we assume none of these negative intentions exist, and the speaker is solely concerned with the welfare and prosperity of the people and their country, nothing else.

Now, let's address this question.

You who believe that certain groups should enter while others should not, please share your criteria and benchmarks.

Which group do you deem worthy of entering trade, and which group do you consider unworthy?

When we ask them this question, we observe that each one of them suggests a criterion different from the others.

One says their financial level should be the benchmark.

Another suggests researching the cultural level of their family.

Someone else recommends assessing their intellectual capacity.

Yet another emphasizes the importance of their thoughts and beliefs.

In summary, each person proposes a criterion for entering trade, and over the years, the number of these criteria has exceeded a hundred.

Now the question arises, which criterion would Arad choose based on your assumed approval, ensuring that your criticism won't rise again tomorrow?

If you had to choose, it would be better if the selected criterion turns out to be inadequate.

Secondly, when we examine each of the benchmarks suggested by these critics, we see that if we applied one, we wouldn't have Arad's current top traders entering on the first day because they didn't meet that specific criterion.

If we considered the next criterion, we would lose another successful individual.

If we made the third criterion the basis, we wouldn't have the young person engaged in exporting to a specific country today.

And if document verification were the fourth criterion, certain elderly individuals wouldn't have entered trade, even though today they are among the best, claiming they were close to feeling the end of their existence, but entering trade made them rejuvenated.

Interestingly, some individuals occasionally forget their past.

Among these critics, there are those who, when we recall their past, would not have allowed them to enter trade if we compared them with the very criteria they propose.

Yet, humans are forgetful beings

They've forgotten their past and assume it has always been as it is now.

They categorize and label people, attempting to portray certain groups as incapable and others as capable of engaging in trade.

Which is not the case.

When the Prophet of God said, "There are ten parts to sustenance, and nine of them are in trade," he addressed all people, not a limited few.

When Imam Ali advised a group of non-Arab slaves complaining about the hardship inflicted by the Arabs, he didn't say, "Trade is not for you." On the contrary, he said, "If you seek honor, engage in trade," not denying them the opportunity based on their status but encouraging them because trade brings honor.

Looking at the great figures in history, we find them advising on the minutest aspects of trade, but nowhere did they say, "This group should not enter trade" or "That group lacks the potential to become traders."

So why label and stigmatize people based on personal preferences, asserting that someone is incapable of trading or isn't fit for it?

Our pain lies in the fact that some have made trade a matter of personal taste, convincing people that it's not for them and questioning why they should engage in trade.

If a child says they want to be a laborer or an employee, their family wishes them well.

But if they express a desire to be a trader, suddenly there's hesitation and curses, questioning where they can possibly engage in trade.

Business is not for people like us.

Business is for the best of us.

The real question is, what has happened in the minds of some people that they think they are suitable for a worker and an employee, but not for business.

This mindset has made us believe that we are fit for subordination, servitude, humiliation, and disdain, but not for dignity and nobility.

Why is it formed in our mind that our Lord wants pain and suffering for us but not greatness and greatness.

Why have we adopted these baseless and empty mental classifications and biases spread by the media regarding trade?

In no film or series do we see a pure and clean trader.

In every story, traders are depicted as wealthy but dirty,


and impure.

Yet, in Surah An-Noor, verse 37, men and women engaged in trade are praised, and it's said that their trade, buying, and selling do not distract them from the remembrance of God.

These traders always have a fearful heart and watchful eyes for the day of judgment.

The teachings of Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali ibn Abi Talib, emphasize choosing a lawful path for earning sustenance, as it is a form of jihad in the way of God.

Remember, trade is not exclusive to any group, race, tribe, or religion.

Anyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, or faith, can enter trade and succeed.

The crucial factors are the four principles we mentioned earlier.

  1. Let certainty be in trade and do not prefer any other path. (To increase your certainty, watch the series "The Path to Wealth" several times.)
  1. Seek good and worthy guidance to make the difficulties of the journey easier and learn what you don't know. (Take Arad Business School more seriously.)
  1. Acquire potential customers and suppliers. (Follow the lead and signal platform.)
  1. Learn to negotiate properly and put it into practice. (Daily educational podcasts can help you.)

Anyone who adheres to these four principles will undoubtedly become a successful trader.

Now, those who seek to divide and separate trade among people, claiming that certain individuals are deserving, should ask themselves: If these individuals don't adhere to any of these four principles, can they become successful traders?

Therefore, adherence to these four principles is crucial, and it has no relation to categorizing and classifying people into groups.

O people

Whenever someone tries to convince you that you are created for poverty and cannot become wealthy, know that it's the devil who has spoken these words.

This is the word of God:

"The devil promises you poverty and orders you to immorality."

Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:268

Comments (54 Comments)

Amene Abbasi

Beginning a new path is always criticised by different people. In case we want to begin sth, it's important to think through the details ourselves and discuss with people who are stakeholders of the business



hadise motlagh

you should think about this completely, what do I want from my future and life? Once you find the answer, it's time to find a way to get there. And then try to reach your goal. and dont stop till you get it.



Hasan Kaviani

Nobody is going to live in your shoes, so do what you think is best for you. Consult with the professionals but make the decision yourself. You are the only reason for the conditions you live in



Razie Rezai

Arad provides the best way for its followers and those who believe wholeheartedly in Arad's principles will develop and take great decisions.



Mahdi Alavi

People are looking for money somewhere with low percent of transaction, yet this is not only the mindset of our people but it is globally matter, most people prefer to do salary based jobs.



Rahele Nateqi

It's not about how much money you want, at the end of the day it's all about how much you want the money!



Muhammad Fazeli

People of a community are connected to each other like chain, so this is so important to have a wealthy society and this is not possible except business and trai it to typical people



Mohsen Imam

A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.



Mahdi Alavi

Yeah these are 4 essential ways in order not to forget the path of export busines and be able to get into it



Azin Fakhr

I wish everyone understands that God who gave us the opportunity to be active and earn, will determine how much I earn and how successful I get based on my own efforts not any other factor.
It is one of the best factors about Arad that it is a combination of multiple groups with different grades, interests, backgrounds and even nations.



Javad, Gh.


This is enough for us to realize that our prophet was not a shepherd, but his main occupation and that of all imams were businessmen. The tradeing makes a person's vision open to see different cultures and people from different countries and the doors of wealth and wealth are opened to a person.



Mohammad Sadeqi

There are always people who are trying to discourage people from making money.



Alireza Rohani

The reason for this mindset is that lives seem so poor. Well, let's just talk about how hard it is not to let your life get out of being poor, even when you don't have a pillow full of money.



Alireza Sharifi

Islam encourage people to conduct business. Our prophet (peace be upon him) and his wife were traders. We must encourage people to be traders.



Mahdi Rezaei

We found out from this text that business does not belong to a particular tribe and has four basic principles, and negotiating and finding customers should be learned early.



Zahra Rezaei

Yes, one of the unique advantages of engaging in business is that it expands your horizons, as you encounter various people with different attitudes and face diverse challenges on a daily basis. All these aspects contribute to your personal, social, and economic growth. Therefore, the notion that business is reserved for specific individuals is entirely wrong. Ordinary people, even with limited knowledge and experience, can make significant progress in a shorter time frame if they genuinely have an interest in growth, surpassing even prominent individuals or those considered to have specific advantages.



Zahra Alavi

In my opinion, these words only come out of selfishness and nothing else and I'm proud to be in a path that is so unique in manner and strategies that no other path is. I see selflessness in every way and that is what must be implemented in the society to thrive and grow day by day.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

There is always a group of negative and opposing people in every field, to be successful you must know who you are listening to. Targeted people have a clear path, so don't worry, continue on your path with the very practical trainings of our collection to achieve great results.



Fatima Radmanesh

In my negotiations, I always ask that have ever had anyone who encouraged you to start trading goods?
They always say, not at all.
Then I say, now that you have understood this fact, don't you think this is a very special chance?
Because most of the people, want you dependent to them, silent and weaker than them.
It's a very simple fact.
That's why and then they like to work with us.



Ahmad Ashkian

It is true that business has a difficult and ups and downs on the path, but it was never impossible or belonged to a special group. It just requires more effort and more patience.



Venus Falahati

God creates us in such a way we have to try and get what we want. If we want to promote our life quality we have to try more. God promise to help us if we try enough.



Zeynab Ghasemi

God created man to be able to do anything, this thinking that we consider something to be specific to a certain group of society is wrong and a form of discrimination.



Saeed Akbarpour

It’s a question that philosophers, economists and social scientists have grappled with for decades: Can money buy happiness?
Answer is simple: Of course, your salary has a big impact on your quality of life. It’s going to impact everything from the kinds of food you eat, to where you live and the car you drive. However, these improvements will only make you happier to a point.



Mohamamd moosavi

The way in which we do not see criticism is definitely the wrong way, or in the best case, there are better ways to do it. Therefore, we should know the existence of these daily critics as the reason for our right path



Mariya Salim

As an Iranian who loves his country I appreciate Aradbranding's effort to remove the economical suffering which has been imposed by sanctions and malfunctions in the government. If Iranians get united in this big international business we can overcome all our economical difficulties.



Alireza Sharifi

If you are walking on true way, you may lots of critics. Don't worry about it and continue your journey.



Hani Rostami

Poverty can drive people to crime due to limited opportunities and desperation. However, it's just one factor, and various other social and psychological elements also contribute to criminal behavior.



Amene Abbasi

Beginning a new business and a path in general, needs consultant and advice with people who are wcprienced in it and also thinking through all the angles. So in general, no matter what you want to do, but people always critise you for it.



hadise motlagh

The little things you do every day will bring you closer to wealth. The habit of successful and rich people will help you to increase your luck and increase the probability of your becoming rich in the future; Because these habits can have a significant impact on your future success. So we should not listen to the words of people who keep us away from the path of success.



Reza Karimi

Apart from the fact that there are very few traders in our country, below 1%, and this means that trade in the country is not culturized, not all people are supposed to enter the trade. It is great to have only 10% traders.
However, another issue is that the business should accommodate other people who are engaged in other businesses.
People should acknowledge business so that if their child says, "I want to be a businessman in the future", there would be no guard from his parents. Or to encourage him to do so.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

I dedicate my every single day to fight with this "The devil promises you poverty and orders you to immorality."



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Some criticism arises from the belief that the pursuit of money can lead to unethical behavior, such as exploitation, corruption, or disregard for environmental sustainability. Critics argue that focusing on money without considering ethical implications can have negative consequences for individuals and society as a whole.



amin mirzaei

I agree that setting transparent criteria is crucial, and I'm glad to see that Arad Branding is open to evaluating its approach to ensure fairness and inclusivity.



Fatemeh Faraji

Everyone I know as a businessman at the first step of entering the business is afraid of his low financial level, but this fear is completely wrong.



mehdi lotfi

Criticism happens all the time in all the levels of work from different groups that only observes your work . no matter what you do . so concistansy is the key



Mohammad Taskhiri

these four principles that were mentioned can make the way of business easier and make some profits faster




Fair Criticism is given in a respectful, constructive and non-threatening way. It includes factual statements, and focuses on actions to be taken, rather than on the person responsible for them.



Marzieh Olamaei

Imam Ali says that poverty enters through any door, faith leaves through the same door.
This is why Muslims should be richer than any other nation.



Sharife Nateghi

In any business, there are some people who are always jealous of others, and want success to be only theirs. But as it was mentioned here, as long as you set your mind to achieve a goal and you are determined to work based on these 4 principles, nothing would be impossible.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Surely you can see lots of people who are talking about everything they deny you to join trade because of lake of knowledge and fail in everything they joined
If you research about the jobs and opportunities they have surely easily figure out the trade is best



Sayyed Mahdi

When the Prophet of God stated, "livelihood is divided into ten parts, nine of which are in trade," he did not address this saying to a limited group but rather addressed all people. With this guidance, the Prophet called upon every individual to acquire the skill of commerce, so that each person, with their knowledge, may increase their livelihood.



Rahele Nateqi

People need to believe that being a trader is not exclusively limited to a specific group of people,anyone can be a trader if they learn the needed skills and specifications, and also they need to be patient enough.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

I hope it can be argued that there is a self to be preserved, but most everything can be learned. And learning equals change. If teachers want to teach, and students want to learn, from the teachers and/or experience, there needs to be only effort. And enjoying the journey that a preservable self is supposed to enjoy.



Mariya Salim

There are always people who send us negative energy while we are going to do something new. They are afraid of changes and never make progress. So wise people never consult with ordinary people.



Mahya Soleimaniun

In a word.. money means everything Poverty means nothing



M Amir Eftekhari

It is undeniable that one should use their mind and then leap to conclusions. Similarly, when it comes to Arad, they have first see who makes things up and then analyse it. The conclusion is that they have heard nothing but just hindrance from more professional progress.



Fateme Afrad

If i have something for myself it doesn't mean that anyone else can't have the same. If we wanna grow ourselves so we help others and share our knowledge together then both of us can grow.



Fatima Radmanesh

This was a meaningful post, a right answer to all the wrong objectives that some may have.
I totally agree that we shouldn't set boundaries and limitations for those who want to join us, start trading and to have business on their own.
The more we have new people in the field of business the sooner we will reach our goals.
We have great goals in Arad branding that it's harder to reach with small number of people.
So, I hope everyone who believed in a wrong way, stop complaining.



mohsen jabbri

In the name of God.

We should pay attention. The methods presented in the will of business education are not designed specifically for individuals, social classes, cultures, or specific financial levels. They are useful for everyone, so they are presented equally to everyone. On the other hand, these teachings have been tested, and there is complete confidence in their ability to achieve success through these methods. It only remains for the individual to discover the secret of progress within themselves, understand the subject matter, take it seriously, and strive to achieve the desired outcome.



jalal rezaei

Every day, some people criticize regular money systems. They don't like how it's controlled and not fair for everyone. Some suggest using new things like cryptocurrencies to make money more equal and accessible. The argument is about changing money systems to be fair, safe, and give more power to individuals. People are discussing issues like inflation and unequal wealth to find a better way for everyone.



mehdi lotfi

you cant make everyone happy specially when you are progressing in your work . so negative comments are always there




You can’t never, and ever find a society without any crime, and that is obvious, but the thing is that we can decrease the crime by involving people to the business, and letting them to have the opportunity to change their lives, so there wouldn’t be that much crime. So somehow we can say with a good business opportunity for all people we can save the humanity.



Garikai Mutiumwe

Being criticised it doesn't necessarily means you are not doing well but it can also helps us to improve our business.



Rahele Nateqi

when we are not sure about something, it's better to ask about others' opinions but we must take the final decision ourselves.



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