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Natural Honey in Kenya; Thyme Kanaar Citrus Goon Strengthening Immune System

Natural honey in Kenya is a potion of nature that cures many pains and you should pay any price for it because it is so valuable.

Natural Honey in Kenya

Natural honey is referred to as honey where bees are fed very well and healthily and do not use any chemicals.

In fact, beekeepers who produce natural honey pay attention to the nutrition, movement, and health of the bees.

In the process of producing, honey bees suck nectar from the flowers in their flight and store some of that nectar inside their beehive.

When they return, the pollen is mixed with other substances in their body and becomes drops of honey.

These drops are saved in their nests which is called a hive.

Natural honey is a sticky and thick substance.

The lower the amount of water, the more sticky and concentrated it is.

Based on the area where the bee has fed and the type of plants it uses, the color and concentration of honey are different.

Honey is the only food that does not spoil.

If you heat honey at a temperature higher than 60 degrees Celsius, it will lose all its properties.

Natural Honey

Natural Honey Features in Kenya

Based on the different nutrition of honey bees, there are different types of honey.

In addition to taste and color, these honey also have slight differences in properties, which we will mention below.

Title Description
Made of  Flower's Nectar
Types  Thyme, Kanaar, Citrus and Goon Honey
Famous for Health Properties 
Great Source Vitamins and other Nutrients

Thyme honey: antibacterial, improving cough, relieving sore throat, source of vitamins and other nutrients, increasing energy, and strengthening the immune system.

Kanaar honey: skin and hair health, sexual enhancement, constipation treatment, strengthening the immune system.

Multi-plant honey: useful for the digestive system, respiratory system, and urinary system, strengthening nerves, and improving blood flow in the body.

Citrus honey: memory enhancement, disinfectant, appetite stimulant, stomach tonic, anti-nausea, etc.

Goon honey: treating kidney diseases and reducing joint pain.

Dill honey: treatment of infection and wounds, reduction of cholesterol, the release of free radicals.

Coriander honey: treating headaches, colds, coughs, allergies, and sensitivities.

Barberry honey: reducing blood pressure, removing pimples

Fennel honey: treating women's menstrual disorders and increasing breast milk

Katira honey: treatment of stomach and digestive diseases.

Eucalyptus honey: healing and treating wounds quickly, treating coughs and colds

Mountain honey: improving sensitivity, natural source of energy, a natural antioxidant, sleep-inducing, weight loss.

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Buy Natural Honey in Kenya

Buying honey as a natural food has become common in many families in Kenya.

Of course, you have to buy natural honey to use its properties.

In the market, honey is sold that only has the name of honey but does not have any properties for health.

If you know a reliable beekeeper, it is best to get your honey from him.

But this is not possible for everyone.

Authentic centers offer high-quality honey to consumers.

You should consider these points when you are going to buy honey.

When buying honey, check that it is natural.

When choosing honey, pay attention to its purity.

Honey is produced and offered in different flavors.

When buying honey, pay attention to the production and expiration date of the product.

Buy honey from quality brands and reliable sales centers.

is natural honey good for diabetics

Natural Honey Price in Kenya + Buy and Sell

Natural honey price in Kenya is between US$ 7.86 and US$ 6.43 per kilogram or between US$ 3.57 and US$ 2.92 per pound.

The price of natural honey in Kenya depends on various factors.

Among these factors, we can mention the quality of honey, the type of honey and its packaging.

Climate change, worker's rights and honey production and demand cause fluctuations in its price.

Natural honey can be purchased in Kenya through several different methods.

First, if you have a familiar beekeeper, buy from him, of course, keep in mind that the beekeeper does not have all kinds of honey.

Second, you have to go to the consumer market and buy your desired product in person.

In the third method, which is the newest method and has attracted the attention of many people due to the ease of purchase, it is enough to order the product through Internet.

You can check the price of different types of honey through this center.

Then read their properties and order your desired honey based on your needs.

Your orders are made from the best natural honey directly from the beekeeper and sent to you.

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The Answer to Two Questions About Natural Honey

1: How should natural honey be kept?

Glass jars with tight lids are also good for storing honey, as long as the honey isn't exposed to air.

2: When does honey go bad, and how can you tell?

Honey that has gone rotten becomes hazy yellow and gets gritty.

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Comments (1 Comments)


Hello, I always use natural honey and I am very satisfied because first of all, it has wonderful properties, it also has a wonderful effect on the skin and preparing hair and skin masks from natural honey. I recommend others to use this natural honey. To see its amazing effect



Hamidreza Hasanvandian