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Natural Aloe Vera Leaf; Disinfectant Hair Softener Vitamin E Source

Natural Aloe vera leaf is one of the beautiful and suitable plants for beautifying the space of homes, which also has healing properties.

Natural Aloe Vera Leaf

Natural Aloe vera leaf has wide and long leaves and it can be said that it is very similar to the cactus plant.

Watering this plant should be done every two weeks.

Because it is too sensitive to moisture and watering and will cause rotting and damage to its roots.

In winter, it will need less water so once a month will be enough.

You can use soil that is suitable for cacti in planting them.

The temperature in which it is kept must also be balanced because it is sensitive to excessive humidity, excessive heat, and cold.

It can be said that almost all people who are interested in this plant are aware of its medicinal, healthy, and edible properties.

It can be a very good choice to decorate the environment.

Natural Aloe Vera Leaf

Natural Aloe Vera Leaf Features

Among the features and characteristics of the natural Aloe vera leaf are its thick leaves, which have strips around the leaves that may look like razors.

It is very easy to maintain and has good resistance to various weather conditions.

Title Description
Source of Vitamin E
Advantages Disinfectant
Used as Hair Softener 
Appearance Thick, Wide and Long leaves

It is widely used for health and medicinal purposes.

It helps to remove darkness around the eyes.

Vitamin E and the oxidants in it help lighten the skin color and are very suitable for better hair growth and cleansing of the scalp.

Using it softens the hair and prevents it from falling.

People who have acne and pimples can overcome this problem by using aloe vera gel.

Since it is a disinfectant, it is very suitable for herpes around the mouth.

Aloe Vera Leaf

Buy Natural Aloe Vera Leaf

To buy natural Aloe vera leaf, you can go online to stores that are engaged in growing and selling these products.

When buying, note that its leaves must be wide and long.

The thicker the leaves, the better the quality and the better the jelly inside.

Avoid buying plants with yellow, shriveled leaves.

It is better to choose green and young leaves.

There should not be any traces of hole worming and unnatural spots on it.

Determine the type of use and choose the desired plant accordingly because some are only decorative and cannot be used as food or medicine.

Buy plants that are lush and have smooth, shiny skin.

Aloe Vera

Natural Aloe Vera Leaf Price + Buy and Sell

If you are looking for the price of natural ‌Aloe vera leaf, you should know that it depends on currency price fluctuations.

The fresher the plant, the higher the price.

Decorative plants are cheaper than medicinal plants.

The type of pot and the age of the plant are other factors affecting the price.

The price of this plant is between 2 and 7 dollars according to the type and number of leaves.

In this collection, we are trying to get the satisfaction of our dear customers by providing a reasonable price and excellent quality.

For more information, contact the sales experts of this collection.

organic aloe vera leaf

The Answer to Two Questions About Aloe Vera Leaf

1: How does aloe vera leaves remove toxins?

Standing the aloe leaf upright in a container or sink for 10 minutes drains the yellow sap. Aloin sap is bitter yet nontoxic.

2: What chemicals are in aloe vera?

Aloe vera gel contains water, amino acids, vitamins, lipids, sterols, tannins, enzymes, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal phenol, saponin, and anthraquinones.

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Emran Nouri