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Nanotechnology in Agricultural Diseases and Food Safety

Nanotechnology can be used to combat agricultural diseases, either through the controlled delivery of functional molecules or as a diagnostic tool for disease detection, which is essential for food safety. Nanotechnology, nanoparticles and quantum dots (QD) have become an essential tool for detecting a specific biomarker with pinpoint accuracy. The possibilities for the future, as well as some of the successes achieved so far, are discussed in this review. Diagnosing the disease at its early stage can play an important role in treatment. Due to the tremendous advances in nanotechnology, QDs have become an essential tool for detecting a specific biomarker with pinpoint accuracy. QDS, which is highly optically stable and optically sensitive, can be used as a label and can be easily traced with normal equipment. The early detection of tumor markers using quantum dots has been shown to greatly aid in the diagnosis of cancer. The use of QD also helped unleash complex neuronal phenomena, such as molecular activities at the synapse during neurotransmission. QDs also provide important information on receptor movement if labeled with appropriate antibodies. In summary, optical stability and user-friendly properties have kept QDs at the forefront of medical diagnostics. Every time a new technology appears, it opens up many avenues to explore. The new nanotechnology with materials that have unique properties than their macroscopic or macroscopic counterparts, has promised applications in various fields. The essence of nanotechnology is the ability to work at the molecular level, atom by atom, to create large structures with fundamentally new molecular organization. The goal is to exploit these properties by controlling structures and devices at the atomic, molecular and supramolecular levels and to learn how to make and use these devices efficiently. Nanotechnology has provided new solutions to the problems of plants and food sciences and offers new approaches to the rational selection of raw materials or the processing of such materials to improve the quality of plant products. Nanotechnology is the brainchild of the late Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman. With the guidance of nanoscience and nanotechnology, ultra-sensitive biomarkers can be designed that can detect amounts of zeptomolar proteins (10-21 M) in samples! The essence of nanotechnology lies in the ability to compress tools and devices into the nanometer range, and to bundle atoms and molecules into larger structures while remaining extremely small. However, it must be said here that it took a relatively longer time for botanists to use the uniqueness of nanomaterials to their advantage. This review addresses the limited efforts to use the application of nanotechnology to control plant diseases.

  • Efforts are directed

In this review, we provide an overview of some of the current efforts in nanotechnology as they apply to the interests of plants and some morphologically different structures and associated manufacturing techniques that can be used to construct functional food systems. Efforts are underway to produce the following items in the future, such as reactive and edible nanomembranes to repel pathogens, targeted release of chemicals, packaging, comprehensive nanomonitoring, and reactive agrochemicals such as herbicides and pesticides. Although agribusiness is only just beginning to explore its applications, nanotechnology has shown great potential in areas such as: pesticide or fertilizer release systems in agriculture; Antibacterial or easy-to-clean surfaces in food processing machinery. Consumption and demand for food is increasing. In agriculture, new molecular and cellular biology tools are expected to provide prevention and treatment of plant diseases, for example disease diagnosis. Screening and processing in livestock practices that include:

  • Detection and control of vectors and pests.
  • Disease control
  • Intelligent nanoscale processing delivery systems act as carriers and provide chemical sensing and decision-making capabilities for self-regulation. These intelligent systems deliver precise amounts of the required drugs, nutrients, or other agrochemicals. These smart systems monitor and reduce the use of pesticides and antibiotics.

  1. Nanoparticles that control plant diseases.

Some of the nanoparticles that have entered the field of plant disease control are the nanoforms of carbon, silver, silica and aluminosilicate. Often, a simple question leads us to the ocean of chemistry, why is carbon chosen as the brick molecule for the simple and complex architectural designs of almost all molecules in nature? What distinguishes carbon? Why only carbon and not silicon or other similar elements? Several scientists have come forward to explain the uniqueness of carbon in a unique way. But the truth is that there are many concepts that are not yet understood. Faced with such a situation, nanotechnology has stunned the scientific community, as materials at the nano level exhibit different properties. Therefore, we are exposed to a wide range of nanosciences, where entirely new materials, new technologies and new hopes exist for the current problems of agrochemicals, pesticides and herbicides: regulation and smart use. Brazil is trying to improve the value of its exports by developing agricultural nanotechnologies. This may be a boon for the use of carbon nanotubes as a means of delivering desired molecules to seeds during germination that could protect them from disease. Since it promotes growth, it will not have any toxic, inhibitory or harmful effects on the plant.

  1. Nanotechnology for the detection of plant diseases

the need to detect plant diseases at an early stage so that tons of food can be protected from possible outbreaks; Nanotechnology experts have been tempted to search for a nano solution to protect food and agriculture from bacteria, fungi and viral agents. A detection technology that takes less time and can give results within a few hours that is simple, portable, and accurate and does not require any complex techniques to operate, so that even a simple farmer can use the portable system. It would be beneficial if autonomous nanosensors connected to the GPS for real-time monitoring could be distributed throughout the field to monitor soil and crop conditions. The union of biotechnology and nanotechnology in sensors will lead to the creation of equipment with greater sensitivity, which will allow an early response to environmental changes and diseases.

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