There are many types of healing clays including mountain rose bentonite clay which is found throughout the world. Here are the most common clays that have medical and at the same time cosmetic benefits. Bentonite is a green clay with a high absorption rate and a unique chemical structure. The surface particles are negatively and positively charged. Bentonite can absorb all kinds of little monsters. Clay is similar to an ant in terms of its ability to hold onto particles three to four times its size and adhere to them as they travel through and out of the body. Montmorillonite is popularly known as French green clay. Montmorillonite gets its green color from the algae-rich dry sea beds of the Mediterranean. This type of clay is safe, it is ideal for internal consumption. When immersed in clean or spring water, Montmorillonite binds to toxins and safely holds them until they can be excreted from the body. This makes French Green Clay invaluable for removing toxins, bacteria, and heavy metals from the blood. Montmorillonite clay also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is high in silica and supports the production of fascia and connective tissue to help relieve osteoarthritis and muscle conditions. The therapeutic use of French Green Clay can help relieve symptoms of arthritis in older dogs. Elite is soft molecular clay, so it won't swell when soaked. This green clay is rich in marine minerals. Helps support the body's own healing mechanisms by having the highest absorption rate. Illite is a detox magnet and is by far the best choice for detox purposes. Redmond Clay can be used both indoors and outdoors. It is high in sodium and calcium, which makes it ideal for topical removal of infections and bacteria, as it is Polaris that attracts those harmful insects. Redmond clay can be used for joint care, insect bites, stings and localized infections. Healers, estheticians, herbalists, and even nutritionists have cited bentonite clay as a superfood for its detoxifying and healing properties. Bentonite clay, used topically (stained on the face or skin) and orally (consumed in a drink or tonic), is believed to remove impurities and bind toxins as well. Keep in mind that there are special considerations when using bentonite clay and buying the correct brand and product. If you're considering grabbing a jar, but aren't sure what type and what to look for, consider the Consumer Guide to Bentonite Clay as your guide. Bentonite clay, also known as montmorillonite clay, is a type of clay derived from natural volcanic ash deposits. According to the seller of high-quality herbal and nutritional supplements, Mountain Rose Herbs, “Bentonite clay is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays” and “has been used traditionally to help with mineral deficiencies and to help bind toxins by making them more soluble. Bentonite clay goes back in history as a traditional treatment method to protect the body from disease." Various traditional cultures in Andrews, Central Africa, and Australia have used and consumed clay in a variety of ways for centuries.
"Because clay is readily available and does not require modern processing, it has been a popular and cost-effective way to 'eliminate toxins from the body for some time," Axe says. Packages of bentonite clay can be found online through reputable sellers such as Mountain Rose Herbs or Amazon or at health food stores such as Whole Foods Market, Sprouts, and Natural Grocers. Clay jars usually cost less than fifteen dollars at most retailers. Bentonite clay possesses detoxifying properties due to its unusual molecular structure. Once the clay is moistened, Mountain Rose Herbs notes, "The electrical and molecular components of the clay change rapidly and produce an electrical charge." This allows the clay to "swell" like a porous sponge and then draw toxins from the skin and body. Dr. notes. Axe: “While in its natural state, bentonite clay contains negatively charged particles. Most toxins and heavy metals contain positively charged particles. This allows the two to bind easily and remain linked while the detoxification process is occurring.” This means that once the toxins and mud stick together, the mud can "help remove toxins, chemicals, impurities, and 'heavy metals from the gut, skin, and mouth.
Bentonite clay has a variety of other healing properties including: Trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron, and potassium. When taken into the body, whether in the form of a drink or by ingesting clay, vitamins and minerals are absorbed in a similar way to supplementation." Heavy metal detoxification. Bentonite clay can flush out many heavy metals and fight disease-causing pathogens, including Escherichia coli and the virus that causes staph infections, according to a 2008 study. flushes out harmful toxins from the liver, according to a 2015 study. A 1995 study found that bentonite clay can help treat poison ivy. It speeds up the healing time of dermatitis, wounds, and rashes when applied to the skin. It aids in digestive health and protects the intestinal lining, which may prevent or help treat leaky gut. Protect the health of teeth and gums. Dr. Axe notes that "bentonite clay binds to harmful substances in your mouth, such as around your teeth and on your tongue and gums, and helps remove them before you swallow them and get sick." A 2016 study in rats found that bentonite clay supplementation was associated with weight loss and lower cholesterol.
In rat studies, bentonite clay has been shown to absorb the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, which may help reduce hyperthyroidism. What you should know about bentonite clay Although there are many well-studied health benefits associated with bentonite clay, experts still exercise caution when consuming or suggesting the clay is consumed. Mountain Rose Herbs recently changed the type of bentonite clay that is offered today. This new clay comes from the same trusted source as previous bentonite clay, however, it is now USP grade. It still contains sodium and is for cosmetic use only. The bentonite line offered by Mountain Rose Herbs is Sodium Bentonite, which is extracted from natural deposits and is not processed.
Bentonite clay is sedimentary clay composed of old and renewable volcanic ash. Our bentonite is NSF certified and manufactured to ANSI/NSF 60 standards. Bentonite is typically harvested from sediments that can range from 100 feet to several thousand feet. Having picked it up from the ground, it is taken out in the sun to remove excess moisture and facilitate work. After the initial drying, it is processed (ground) using huge hydraulic breakers and then goes through the final process of “fine granulation” or “fine granulation”. Due to the natural variation, the size and consistency of the clay particles will vary. Bentonite is unusual because once hydrated, the electrical and molecular components of clay change rapidly and produce an electrical charge. It is an expanding clay, and when mixed with water it swells quickly like a porous sponge. Although indigenous cultures have used this clay internally for wellness, our bentonite clay is sold for external use only.
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