1. Special Podcast for Newcomers
One common concern about entering any business is the belief that it requires skills we lack, leading to doubts about success. Let’s listen to business skills discussions together to understand that our fears are unfounded.
Download Podcast: Fear of Lacking Skills
2. Special Article for Newcomers
3. COB of Arad Branding with Iran’s Ambassador to Burkina Faso
⏳ 1 minute
4. Services Provided to Traders by Employees
⏳ 4 minutes
5. Self-Discovery: Body, Mind, and Intuition (Part 2)
⏳ 121 minutes
6. Arad Visual Documentation
⏳ 2 minutes
Submit documents to T.me/Arad102
7. Senegal Representative with Aradi Traders
⏳ 4 minutes
8. The Path That Must Be Taken.
Considering that the films featured on the news site today are rich in content, and we highly recommend watching them, I will keep today’s text brief. However, I truly urge you to take a few moments to deeply contemplate what I am saying and spend a few minutes in solitude with yourself.
If someone were to ask you, how much effort did the Prophet of God exert for the prosperity of people, what would your answer be?
If someone were to ask you, how much did the Prophet’s household sacrifice for the people, what would you say in response?
If you review all historical sources, you will not find a single instance where the Prophet of God performed even two units of prayer on behalf of a Muslim.
If you examine all religious texts, you will not find a single instance where, for example, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) declared that if someone fasted all their lifetime fasts except for one day, he, Imam Hussein, would observe that single fast on their behalf.
If you study the life of Imam Reza (peace be upon him) from his birth to his martyrdom, you will not come across any narrative suggesting that the Imam performed Hajj on someone’s behalf or even carried out a single good deed in their stead.
So, this question remains: when the Prophet of God and his household did not even perform two units of prayer, observe a missed fast, carry out a pilgrimage, give alms, or perform any other righteous deed on behalf of anyone—when we say they exerted immense effort for the well-being of the people, can you precisely explain what those efforts were directed toward?
Exactly, you answered correctly.
All the efforts of these noble figures were focused on guiding people to the right path and shielding them from deception and misguidance.
This is the meaning of God’s words when He said:
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error." Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 256
And God made it unequivocally clear when He said:
"So obey Allah, and obey His Messenger: but if ye turn back, the duty of Our Messenger is but to proclaim [the Message] clearly and openly." Surah At-Taghabun, Verse 12
In simple terms, if you refuse to listen and find yourself ruined and desolate, neither God nor His Messenger will bear any responsibility. It was the duty of the Prophet of God to show you the correct path, and he fulfilled that duty. If you chose not to obey, that is on you.
If we resolve one matter within ourselves, everything else will fall into place.
The path must be walked by ourselves.
We are searching for an Imam to come and traverse the path on our behalf.
No Prophet or Imam before has ever done this, and Imam Mahdi will not do so either.
The path must be walked by you.
The duty of God, His Prophet, and His Imam is solely to show the correct path and distinguish it from error.
That is all.
When the Prophet of God and the Imams were alive, they advised people to engage in trade, saying: Nine-tenths of sustenance lies in trade.
Two-thirds of intellect is in trade.
Dignity is found in trade.
Character is shaped through trade.
Blessings come through trade.
They consistently encouraged people to pursue trade.
If you find even a single instance, just one, where a Prophet or an Imam conducted trade on behalf of someone else, then you have the right to hold me accountable.
But if you understand the truth of my words, commit yourself to your business and abandon all excuses.
Be assured that no one but yourself will carry the weight of your responsibilities.