اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Friday, January 31

1. The Celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) divine appointment (Mab'ath) at Arad Branding

🕰️ 19 minutes


2. Shabaniyeh Festival and Congratulations on The Ten-Day Fajr

We congratulate you on the arrival of the blessed month of Sha'ban and the Shabaniyeh festivities. We also invite you to the festival of these celebrations, which is a gift from Arad Branding in honor of these days, as mentioned at the end of the news.

We also congratulate the lovers of the Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran on the joyous Fajr decade and hope that the radiance of this revolutionary act will increasingly become clearer with the expansion of trade in this land, Insha'Allah, by the blessing of sending salutations upon Muhammad and his family (Peace be upon him and his family).


3. Special Podcast for Newcomers

By becoming familiar with various types of advertising, we will understand the failure of many startups and, in contrast, the success of Aradi traders.

Download the advertising podcast


4. Special Article for Newcomers

Fighting is not only military, because the main enemy of our people is poverty and deprivation, and we must find a way to fight it.


5. The Friday That Was Enjoyable

🕰️ 1 minute


6. Types of LC and Their Problems in Sanctions Conditions

🕰️ 56 minutes


7. Business Meeting of the Portuguese Representative with Aradi Traders, Promotion 9 and Above

🕰️ 5 minutes


8. Sending Samples to the Representative in Niger

🕰️ 1 minute


9. Shabaniyeh Festival and Arad Branding’s Gift for This Occasion

Arad Branding has repeatedly emphasized that the fees collected for promotion are allocated to employee salaries and the ongoing expenses of the company.

Therefore, with the increase in the legal minimum wage in the new year and the skyrocketing fixed costs of running a business in this country, promotion costs will rise by 40 to 50 percent.

Currently, the promotion costs, in millions of tomans, are as follows:

  • One: 18 
  • Two: 30 
  • Three: 40 
  • Four: 60 
  • Five: 100 
  • Six: 150
  • Seven: 200 
  • Eight: 300 
  • Nine: 400 
  • Ten: 600 
  • Eleven: 800 
  • Twelve: 1000 

These numbers will remain the same until Mid-Shaban, the birth of Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance), on 26th of Bahman 1403. From the day after Mid-Shaban, starting from 27th Bahman 1403, the following changes will apply:

  • One: 27 
  • Two: 45 
  • Three: 60 
  • Four: 90 
  • Five: 145 
  • Six: 215 
  • Seven: 285 
  • Eight: 425 
  • Nine: 560 
  • Ten: 840 
  • Eleven: 1120 
  • Twelve: 1400 

Arad Branding has made significant efforts to avoid a sharp price increase. However, the price change we are witnessing, after a year of price stability, has become inevitable.

The gift from Arad Branding in this festival is for Aradi traders who have had a contract with Arad before today.

Any trader who increases their promotion, even by just one step, between today and 26th Bahman will have their contract registered with the new promotion and executed until the end of the year 1404.

For example, if a person had Promotion 1 and upgrades to Promotion 2 with the previous price, their contract will be executed with Promotion 2 until the end of 1404, even if their Promotion 1 contract is close to expiring. It will be as if the services they received in the past were free, and this new one-year contract will be applied for them.

However, those who increase their promotion after 27th Bahman will have their contract adjusted according to the company’s regulations, and their promotion will be extended after the one-year contract period based on mutual agreement.


10. What is the Difference Between a Contract and a Mutual Agreement?

A contract has a completely formal and legal nature, meaning that when you increase your promotion during the Shabaniyeh festivities period, you will have a contract to receive services with the new promotion until the end of 1404.

However, a mutual agreement means that, for example, you have Promotion 8, and your contract expires.

Arad looks at the 10% of business share you have paid, your participation in site comments, your presence in meetings, your actual performance in business, and your unquestionable adherence to Arad and its trade, and then makes a mutual agreement with you to continue collaborating in Promotion 4, for example, without any payment. A formal contract will not be signed between you and Arad for this Promotion 4.

But in the case of the Shabaniyeh festival, you will continue to receive services with the new promotion at the previous price until the end of 1404, without any reduction in your promotion, and this will be a formal written contract.

Arad Branding's goal in making mutual agreements with Aradi traders is to ensure they know that even if Arad reduces their promotion services, it will not stop them. Arad will not give up until they turn them into successful traders. However, if the trader goes offline, stops visiting the website, and does not stay informed about events, the responsibility falls on them, as they have ignored the guiding signs (website), which are essential in the trading journey. Naturally, anyone who ignores the road signs will fail to reach their destination and suffer losses.


11. The Promotion of My Brand is My Expression of Respect 

And He is the same God who said:

"Indeed, We have dignified the children of Adam." Surah Al-Isra, 17:70

God’s reference is not only to Muslims but to all the children of Adam. Everyone who is a descendant of Adam (peace be upon him), whether a believer or a non-believer, is included in this honor.

God clearly states in this verse that He has granted honor and greatness to humanity.

Now, let’s explore further and see how this greatness that God has chosen for the children of Adam is channeled.

"And carried them on land and sea, granted them good and lawful provisions." Surah Al-Isra, 17:70

Which occupation derives its livelihood through transportation on land and sea?

Do employees make a living through land and sea transport?

Does this "lawful provision" mentioned by God refer to workers, who earn by being transported across land and sea?

Are there shopkeepers who fall under "We carried them on land and sea"?

Who, other than traders, can you think of whose path to provision and livelihood involves transport across land and sea?

Could the honor and greatness God mentioned at the beginning of the verse, followed by His reference to transport across land and sea and the pure provisions from it, only be related to the trade profession?

Think about it for a moment.

Then, immediately after, He says:

"And privileged them far above many of Our creatures." Surah Al-Isra, 17:70

Which profession’s people, when they enter a gathering and tell others what their occupation is, are automatically received with respect and admiration?

Is it not true that in many films and series, when they want to show someone as wealthy and important, they say, "He is a merchant"?

Since the moment the title of "merchant" was applied to you, haven’t you noticed the change in how people treat you, provided that they have accepted your identity as a trader?

Thus, we understand that this honor and preference God granted to the children of Adam, to all of humanity—whether Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, or any other faith—comes through the pure provision they receive from land and sea transport.

God mentions land transport before sea transport because every trade inevitably involves some land transport. Even if goods are to be transported by sea, they must first be moved from the factory to the port by land, before being shipped by sea.

But it often happens that goods are directly transported by land and never need to be shipped by sea. Therefore, He mentioned land first, then sea, saying "We carried them on land and sea and provided for them from the good things."

Had you really thought about this path of provision before Arad, when you read this verse repeatedly? God first says "We have certainly honored the children of Adam," meaning all children of Adam are honored through this path, with no exceptions, whether they are Muslim or not, worshipers of God or not.

Then He points to land and sea transport, and concludes by saying that anyone who enters this path gains a remarkable virtue over others.

If an Arab wants to say that they have given superiority to others over the rest, they would not add the word "tafdilan" that appears again at the end of the verse.

When the word "tafdilan" is repeated at the end of the verse, it means "We have favored them over many of Our creations, and what a great favor it is."

The translation "what a great favor" is due to the repetition of the word "tafdilan" at the end of the verse.

When you read the description of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) in the Du'a of Nudbah, you say:

"And upon whom You have chosen from his righteous ancestors, the most virtuous, most complete, most perfect, most enduring, and most abundant in blessings among all those whom You have chosen from Your creation."

When I, as the writer, read the word "most virtuous" about Imam Mahdi, I immediately think of this verse (Surah Al-Isra, 17:70) and realize that my Imam is the greatest trader of all the traders in the world.

And this is the very statement of God:

"Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah, establish prayer, and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, hope for a trade that will never fail." Surah Fatir, 35:29

Why didn’t God say their hope is in a construction project that never finishes?

Why didn’t He say their hope is in an employee who will never be laid off?

Why didn’t He say their hope is in a factory that will never face downsizing?

He says these people are at peace, reading the Quran with tranquility, praying with love, and giving charity openly and secretly, because their hope is in a trade that will never fail.

Which profession, other than trade, allows people to give charity, both secretly and publicly, without worry in this world?

Now, if you ask people why they don’t read the Quran, they’ll say they don’t have time because they’re busy working all day.

But the Quran is telling them, "Come into a trade that never fails, earn well, and while doing so, you will maintain your Quran reading, pray with love, and give charity both secretly and publicly."

God clearly states in this verse that the reason for these three good deeds—reciting the Quran, establishing prayer, and giving charity—is because they hope in a trade that will never fail.

Now, what happened that some translators and commentators link this clear meaning to spiritual and afterlife matters, telling people that the trade that never fails refers to the reward from God after death?

Certainly, the Quran has many dimensions, and the afterlife reward is also included. But why deny the clear meaning here in favor of the afterlife?

Why not say that in this world too, reciting the Quran, praying, and giving charity secretly and openly can be ways to ensure your trade does not fail?

To all of you seasoned traders who are worried that your business might fail, I tell you this: Stick to these four principles.

You say that your trade is thriving, or even if it isn’t, you wish you would have no concern about your market shrinking, and that you would never experience loss, as they say in Arabic LĀN TABŪRA.

LĀN means never.

TABŪRA means without light or without glow.

Perhaps you’ve heard that in the old days, when shopkeepers opened their stores, they would say, "Inshallah, the light of your shop will always be on," or "We won’t see your shutters go down."

This is the same concept as LĀN TABŪRA.

So, you want your trade to flourish in such a way that you never run out of customers.

You never run out of shipments.

You never have empty moments.

First, make reading the Quran part of your daily routine.

You may not believe it, but as I write this today, I understand why Mr. Ghorbani always emphasized that whenever I write anything, I should include a verse from the Quran.

Today, I truly realize the meaning behind it.

Arad wants its traders to be the example of Those who recite the Book of Allah and say, "Oh Allah, witness that my traders recite Your book every day, so never let their trade face loss."

Secondly, make sure to pray.

Under any circumstances, and despite any laziness or exhaustion.

Thirdly, don’t forget to make discreet donations that only you and Allah know about.

Now, some people say, "I make all my donations secretly and I dislike public charity."

Well, dear friend, you are mistaken.

The God who created you says both are necessary, secret and public donations, so that people can see them.

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) was asked:

"Isn’t it just the giver and the receiver who matter when it comes to giving charity? Why does it need to be visible to others?"

Imam replied: "It is not as you think. In charity, the giver and receiver are not the only important ones.

When you give publicly, others see that God’s supporters are still present on Earth, and seeing that they have enough provision to give charity, they are encouraged to turn to God."

Imagine you're standing at a busy intersection, and a beggar comes to you. People have already decided not to give any charity anymore.

But when you give even a small amount, those drivers who have their windows up and no intention to give are reminded of charity. They might not give to the beggar, but they’ll help a relative in need.

It means that just by seeing you give money to the beggar, they also feel like giving, but instead of giving to the beggar, they might give it to a family member in need.

If you hadn’t done this, they would have forgotten to give due to the distractions of this world.

By helping the beggar, you demonstrated to others: "Let’s not forget charity."

So, dear Aradi traders, whether your trade is thriving or not, make these four actions part of your life, and God has promised that your trade will never face loss.

And what amount should you donate?

God says in His book:

"They also ask you O Prophet what they should donate. Say, Whatever you can spare." Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:219

What does ‘spare‘ mean?

It means to forgive, to let go, and to disregard.

It means donate to the extent that when that money leaves your pocket, you never think about it again, and you don't invalidate your donation by reminding others or causing harm.

"O believers! Do not waste your charity with reminders of your generosity or hurtful words." Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:264

Give to the point that when you give, it’s like someone forgiving another and you never revisit it in your mind.

Now, people differ.

Some may have billions and donate millions, but they forget about it immediately, and that’s fine.

Others may donate millions but struggle with the thought of it, so God tells them, "Donate a small amount."

You might make billions, but if donating a million makes you uneasy, don’t.
Give ten thousand.

Give something that when you’ve given it, you can sleep peacefully, without it troubling your thoughts.

For those who say, "I don’t have a lot of money to donate," I offer this solution.

Pick up a few chocolates and keep them in your pocket, or in the dashboard of your car if you drive.

When you come across a child or beggar at an intersection, give them one of these chocolates.

Say, "Oh Allah, You are my witness that even though I have little, I did not neglect to give charity."

This way, you will have your name written among those "who spend from what We have provided for them, secretly and publicly."

For God, the amount you give isn’t as important as the essence of giving. God loves to see His traders practicing charity.

Imam Ali (A.S.) said:

"If the rich paid their due to the poor, there would be no needy person left on Earth."

So, all of us, Aradi traders, are putting in our best efforts to grow ourselves, elevate our brand, and act according to the teachings of the Quran, so we can build businesses that will never face loss.

I distinctly remember a speech by the president of Arad several years ago in Qom. He mentioned that Arad’s victory in conquering global trades is inevitable, and he immediately said, "This victory is certain because of the promises God has made to believers in His book. I am not speaking from my own words."

We, Aradi traders, view all our struggles for personal growth, brand development, and business success as a manifestation of our devotion to Imam Mahdi.

We are waiting for you, O the Remaining One of God on Earth, not like those who sit idle and do nothing.

In this waiting time, we are strengthening ourselves.

When you come and wish to guide the world towards justice, as it is drowning in oppression, we will be ready to say:
"O Remaining One of God, entrust us with a portion of your work, and rest assured."

We have the money.

Our management skills have improved.

We know how to negotiate and lead with confidence.

We have many talents that will be of use in your government.

Count on us, O Son of Zahra.

Comments (3 Comments)


I'm Calvin Manginga in Southafrica interested in doing your business



Azin Fakhr

All the four items are amazingly strong and are a great way to get into the global markets.
The upcoming year is going to be a great success for all Aradi merchants that are really making efforts in this field.



Paulo Souza

Building trust requires you to have a certain level of emotional intelligence. When you treat your clients fairly and with empathy, you show them that they can confide in you



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