اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Blessed be the birth of the epitome of men, the leader of the pious, the commander of the faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), upon the universe and mankind.

You came along and the word "man" found its true meaning.

How insignificant are all the beautiful words without your presence.

How can someone who cannot perceive even a particle of the ocean of your existence attempt to describe them?

What an exalted status before your Creator, as Allah has taken your name from His own name.

If you were not created, the entire creation would be worthless.

How can one reach the Creator without you, while you are the straight path?

You are the embodiment of great news, the unbreakable rope of Allah, the commander of the companions, the scale, the covenant, the pledge, and all the goodness spread among the worlds.

If humans and jinn become writers, seas become ink, and trees become pens, and they write about your virtues, their lifetimes will end, trees will reach their limits, and seas will dry up, yet the unwritten virtues of yours will remain, O man among men.

What a virtuous being in the eyes of your Creator that, like Mary (peace be upon her), who was pregnant with Jesus (peace be upon him), when the time of delivery approached, a call came: "O Mary, this is a place of worship, not a delivery room. So, leave this place." However, when your noble mother, Fatimah bint Asad (peace be upon her), was pregnant with you, and the signs of sudden childbirth appeared, the wall of God's house split open, and a voice said, "O Fatimah, enter inside."

O master, whom the Prophet of God has counted as his own soul and has said about you and Ali, "We are from the same tree, and others are from different trees."

And you, like Harun, who was the caliph of Moses, were appointed as the caliph, successor, heir, and custodian of himself.

In no verse of God's book has there been mention of your greatness and generosity unless He has considered you at the forefront of those virtues.

We celebrate your arrival and take pride in having a leader like you.

If we did not have you, what would befall us?

Oh, how unkind the world is without your love.

How repulsive and undesirable the sky is without your grace.

How the earth, without your love, lacks any beauty.

O great one,

O brave one,

O Heydar,

Who lowered the necks of the Arabs,

O father who cared for orphans,

O refuge of helpless men and women,

O unparalleled Imam,

O companion of the destitute,

O friend of the needy, whose words surrender in front of your greatness, and hearts of lovers soar in the excitement of your union.

O one whose praise brings virtue to the praiser.

We have become great and honorable because of your love and grace.

So, plant the trees of your love and affection in our hearts, and nurture them yourself.

We congratulate you on the day of your birth to the Messenger of God, Fatimah Zahra, Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain, the children of Hussain (peace be upon them), and to all your friends and lovers.

O the Remainder of Allah,

O Imam Mahdi,

May this day of pride and glory be blessed for you.

We pray for your swift reappearance and ask for the grace to serve in the economic path of Shia and your followers, both commanders and soldiers, so that we may be worthy and devoted.

Until the day when the meeting takes place, which, God willing, is soon, may we be pleased to meet you, and you to see us.

Let us not forget our Eid gift as well.

Comments (30 Comments)

Ali AhadTajari

Happy father's day and emam Ali's birthday to all Muslims around the world



Zahra Rezaei

According to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, you possess seven unique qualities that set you apart from anyone else. Even if others have similar traits, the qualitative distance between you and them is like the gap from the foothills to the mountain peak. Your noble existence was the most loyal to the principles of Islam, being the first to embrace the blessed Islamic faith. Most importantly, you were always obedient to the command of the Almighty, regardless of the circumstances. We hope to be considered among your followers and admirers on this blessed day. ❤️



Fatima Radmanesh

Ali is revered for his courage, honesty, unbending devotion to Islam, magnanimity, and equal treatment of all Muslims.
He is greater than any great person and it's impossible to describe him.
We are blessed to have him in our heart.



M Amir Eftekhari

Wishing everyone a blessed eid!



Mohamad moosavi

Happy emam ali's birthday to all the muslims and anyone who know him as a big leader...



fateme hosseinkhani

O the leader of the pious, Ali ibn Abi Talib, we celebrate your arrival and take pride in having a leader like you.💛



Musa mohammed Gini

Masha Allah: Happy birthday Imam Ali to all sisters and brothers in Islam.



Fatemeh Afrad

The effect of greatness in some of personalities is so attractive for us to move and try to do the same as them on some of the roads. Here we have this proud to follow the way of Imam Ali peace upon him.



Ahmad Ashkian

We all should ask our father Imam Ali to help us walk the righteous path.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Happy birthday day y'all



Fatemeh Faraji

Imam Ali has a great personality and he is the best man during history.



Alireza Soleimani Nasab

I wish the whole world knew him and we Shiites knew him more, today you cannot find a model of masculinity and chivalry, behavioral and moral balance, courage, determination and seriousness and at the same time patience and tolerance like Ali. Hoping that their child will come and humanity will see such degrees again



Venus Falahati

Congratulations to fathers who are hardworking and try to make living for their families.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Imam Ali is remembered for his piety, courage, and commitment to social justice. His teachings and sayings, known as the "Nahj al-Balagha" (Peak of Eloquence), are considered a valuable source of wisdom in Islam. The legacy of Imam Ali continues to inspire Muslims around the world, and his life remains a symbol of righteousness and leadership in Islamic history.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

We were born in this family, the family who are lovers of Imam Ali and it is a matter of pride for us to be here among Murree lovers.
Happy birth of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) to all the world of Islam many happy returns.



Javad Gh.


I congratulate all the lovers on the birthday of Amir Almomineen.
I wish the world would see a man like him.
Last night's celebration of Arad Branding and the magnificent celebration was also great. Thank you to all the friends who prepared and to all the friends who enjoyed together.



Mahdi Alavi

Happy father's day to all Muslims.




Imam Ali is the best pattern of our life and we must follow him in everything, not only in our religious issues but also in our daily life. ♥️



hadise motlagh

Every country has an important day as Eid. One of our most important holidays is the day of our Imam, which we celebrate.



Reza Karimi

Hello everyone
Imam Ali was a great great man in history. A man of peace, loyalty, bravery, honesty and fighting whose his birth was a gift to the world of Islam and Muslims.
His lifestyle and manners are the best pattern for a man to live.
Happy his birthday and congratulations to all hard working fathers.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Zahra Alavi

We honor men and our fathers in this day and I wish for all fathers to be immune to all harms and be healthy and powerful to protect their families all the time.



Marzieh olamaei

Inshallah, Imam Ali will help us in this way of business to be successful



Muhammad Fazeli

Happy Father's Day and wish the best to all fathers around the world



Mariya Salim

Let me express my congratulations on the occasion of Imam Ali's Birthday to all his followers and lovers.



Abubakar Sidi Ibrahim

Happy fathers day to all of us, Imam Ali (AS) we will never forget him in the world history, we ask God to bless us with there blessings, I wish you successful business with Arad branding company.



Ahamd Reza

Praise be to Allah, who has made us among the adherents of the leadership of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Special thanks to dear Professor Vahid, who, with his excellent words on the night of the celebration, gave us the best Eid gift. Especially the part where he referred to Imam Sadiq (AS) being the wealthiest person in Medina was truly new to me. It was wonderful that the clergy and esteemed pulpit speakers took him as a role model and shared his teachings in various religious ceremonies.



Azin Fakhr

I congratulate all Muslims on the birthday of Imam Ali🌹🧡



amin mirzaei

"Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads out there! Your love, strength, and guidance make the world a better place. Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. You deserve all the appreciation today and every day!"



Roohollah Akbari Salim

On the occasion of Hazrat Ali's birthday, I wish that all of our prayers are answered and we are blessed with happiness and success in life. Let us celebrate the auspicious occasion of Imam Ali's birthday and seek the blessings of Allah for a better tomorrow.



Esther Mmesoma

Allah bless you 🇳🇬



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