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buy marble slab | Selling With reasonable prices

Marble slab used widely as a magic stone for flooring and cladding walls, gardens and graveyards in various price list is a type of limestone, which means shiny. The polishing power of these stones is very high and can be polished to a mirror shine. Stones have different minerals and colors and marble is a metamorphosed stone formed by the metamorphosis of limestone. Its main mineral is calcite. Their main advantage is a beautiful color and a good shine. and is used in the construction industry. This stone is mainly used for cladding, stairs, internal and external facades, columns and floors. Marble was used as a unique raw material for decorating large buildings and sculptures. Over the past 15 to 20 years, ornaments and precious stones have not met their needs due to the increasing number of different industries. Nowadays, many flooring services are done for this type of stone. Marble and granite are stones formed by the cooling of magma inside the earth. Inside the Earth, behind the mantle, there is a deep layer of lava, which is formed by the reaction of radioactive elements and eventually undergoes a process of decomposition. Marble slab price for graveyards The disintegrating material releases intense heat waves that bond the surrounding rocks together. Geological processes, such as plate movement or pressure, cause rocks to be pushed to the Earth's surface. When the rocks reach the surface, coolant is produced from igneous rocks such as granite and marble. The process of mining granite and marble begins with a quarry. Mines are natural deposits in the Rocky Mountains and rocks are natural. Successful mining requires a professional team and the right equipment, as this activity is delicate and requires protection and protection of the stone during the mining process. Various tools are used to cut the stones into smaller sizes: diamond wire machines, water bags, stone crushers, diamond bits, etc. Large tractors are used as loaders to transport the blocks in the mine from the mine to the warehouse. After this stage, the material is stored in large trucks suitable for heavy loads and then transported to industries that convert the blocks into sheets. Slabs can be produced in the following steps: polished (with lighting), leveled (without lighting) and plastered (without lighting) After the mining and industrialization process, the granite and marble will be ready for the market. for the mentioned ideas it is widely believed that marble slab is a magic stone for any flooring or cladding purposes. Marble slab price list

Marble slab price for graveyards

The price for marble slab used widely to floor graveyards varies based on different factors but usually it ranges from 40$ to 180$ per square foot. Marble stone, divided into marble and non-marble, can form the most extensive family tree in terms of composition. Well-known stones on the market include limestone and sandstone. Some of them are part of sedimentary rocks and some are metamorphic rocks. Those marbles that belong to sandstone are usually composed of quartz grains held together by cementitious materials. Sandstone has a layered structure in which texture can be seen. The grains that make up sand can be seen from about seventy microns in stone to four millimeters, turning into "clumps" as the grain grows. These large and small parts are held together by another substance which acts as cement, and of these cements silica cement is the most durable. Iron oxide is also a strong cement, but it can be weaker than silica, which contributes to the color of the stone. Clay cement has disadvantages. Marble price list for graveyards The clay is not strong and absorbs moisture from the stone, making the stone susceptible to frost. Hard sandstone with low absorption always has a long life, but softer sandstone can be damaged by frost. As mentioned, the clay veins in the stone are a weak point. The bulk density of sandstone is usually about 2.6 tons per cubic meter. In terms of absorbency, sandstone has a wide range. Its hard and dense type absorbs less than one percent of water. Its compressive strength is between sixty and eighty MPa. Many sandstones change color due to exposure to the atmosphere and oxidation of the iron compounds in them. This color change does not necessarily mean damage to the stone, as it sometimes makes the stone more beautiful. outdoor marble, the combined type of mineral and composition of marble, is mostly subject to surface and depth weathering, so it is not recommended to use these stones in open space, because in a short time the surface will weather First. Then as the water seeps into the veins of these stones, we will see the lime on both sides of the joint corrode and dissolve. As it freezes and expands its volume, its surface gradually develops deep cracks, and marble made of limestone is first affected by the process of air dissolution. Effects of rain or surface water are possible. It will happen slowly, gradually but surely, and the effects are likely to be quite uneven. If parts of the stone are silicified, these parts are more resistant to the dissolution process than the adjacent carbonate parts and the appearance of the stone becomes uneven and pitted.

Marble slab price list

Marble slab range in price list from $40 to $100 per square foot, with an average price of $60 per square foot, according to HomeAdvisor. Marble is a type of limestone that comes in a variety of colors. White marble has been used in construction since ancient times. The Egyptians and Greeks used this stone to build their temples. This type of stone is heat-resistant, frost-resistant and resistant to rain. Limestone is transformed into marble by the action of high temperature and high pressure deep in the earth for a long time. The main component of marble is calcium carbonate. Some types of marble contain 99% calcium carbonate. The presence of aluminum and magnesium salts in marble can cause its color to change. Pure marble is completely white. when preparing marble, first the marble rock is divided into large pieces by special machines. These parts are then transported to the mason's workshop and cut to the required size. After carving, the marble is polished with special machines to find a smooth surface. In this way the marble is ready for use. Italy is one of the largest producers of marble in the world. This country also produces some of the best marble in the world. Marble has always been used in sculpture, architecture and decorative projects due to its special beauty. These stones are sometimes seen with a flaky surface, separated from the main stone, and the other part of the marble is limestone. These marbles are always layered, which is why sometimes marble is also called fine-grained limestone. These rocks are usually jointed or veined and more soluble in surface water than sandstone. The limestone has a variable texture, but most is fine-grained. Coarse grains consist of large crystals or fragments of fossils. The fine-grained type has better workability and higher resistance to weathering. Limestone is not hard, the dense type of limestone is hard and the porous type is looser. Different types of hard dense limestone have a low rate of water absorption, less than two percent, but other lower density types that can also be used as building stones have a higher rate of water absorption, about four to twelve percent, which is Yes - say they say – limestone. Limestone is bulky and resistant to alkalis. When limestone is subjected to high pressure and heat, it transforms, resulting in marble. In general, where travertine is quarried, marble can also be quarried because travertine is a limestone that can be turned into marble. In this way, the marble can be said to have formed at the entrance to a hot spring or cave. In addition to calcite, the other minerals that make up this stone are graphite, pyrite, mica, dolomite, aragonite, and iron oxide. One of the differences between marble and other building stones such as granite or marble is that marble is formed deep in the earth on the surface. It is possible that marble and granite formed deep in the earth. This type of stone precipitates from spring water rich in calcite minerals, formed by the deposition of minerals in the water at the mouth of the spring forming a shell of calcite crystals. Now, differences in water flow cause differences between the layers and create impurities in the marble, resulting in different types of marble. But marble in its purest state (99% calcite) is very white and transparent. Of course, it is easy to combine with other minerals in the form of stripes or waves, and the color of this stone varies depending on the type and amount of impurities. For example, yellow or brown color is due to hydrated iron oxide, red or pink color is due to anhydrous or dehydrated iron oxide, and gray color is also due to the presence of manganese and coal materials. color. Available in white, light to dark yellow, honey, red or light to dark green. In addition, it varies in design, like striped marble, depending on the flow of water. (layered), wavy or mottled. Now that we are familiar with the structure and formation of marble stone, let's move on to the practical aspects of this stone.

Marble price list for graveyards

Many homeowners and commercial space owners do not consider marble as a budget-friendly surface material. However, the price list range is wide. Marble slabs typically cost between $75 and $250 per square foot for graveyards or flooring purposes. Marble is often interbedded with metamorphic rocks such as mica, phyllite, gneiss, and granulite, and is most commonly found in older layers of the Earth's crust that are deeply buried in areas of extreme folds and magmatic intrusions. In such metamorphic zones, it is common for fossil-rich limestone to change into true marble; occasionally, as in Carrara, Italy, and Bergen, Norway, recrystallization of the rock does not completely remove the organic structure. Most white and gray marbles from Alabama, Georgia, and western New England, as well as marble from Yule, Colorado, are recrystallized rocks, as are many of the famous ancient Greek and Italian sculptural marbles that are still quarried. These include the Parian Marbles, the Pontel Marbles of Attica, in which Phidias, Praxiteles and other Greek sculptors completed their major works, as well as Michelangelo and Antonio Ca. Snow white Carrara marble used by Nova and popular with modern sculptors.   Exterior of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. is Tennessee marble, and the Lincoln Memorial contains marble from Yule, Colorado, Alabama (clear roofing material), and Georgia. Marble is often interbedded with metamorphic rocks such as mica, phyllite, gneiss, and granulite, and is most commonly found in older layers of the Earth's crust that are deeply buried in areas of extreme folds and magmatic intrusions. In such metamorphic zones, fossil-rich limestone often changes to true marble; sometimes, as in Carrara, Italy, and Bergen, Norway, recrystallization of the rock does not completely remove the organic structure. Most of the white and gray marble from Alabama, Georgia, and western New England, as well as from Yule, Colorado, and many of the famous ancient Greek and Italian sculptural marbles still mined are recrystallized rocks. These include the Parian Marbles, the Pontel Marbles of Attica, where Phidias, Praxiteles and other Greek sculptors completed their major works, as well as Michelangelo and Antonio Ka. The snow-white Carrara marble used by Nova is popular with modern sculptors. Exterior of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. is Tennessee marble, while the Lincoln Memorial contains marble from Yule, Colorado, Alabama (transparent roofing material), and Georgia. These minerals represent impurities in the original limestone that react during metamorphism to form new compounds. Alumina is a mixture of clays, silicates extract silica from quartz and clays, iron comes from limonite, hematite or pyrite in original sedimentary rocks. In some cases, the original bedrock of calcareous deposits can be detected by the mineral bands in the marble. Silicate minerals, when present in large quantities, can stain marble; for example, green in the case of green pyroxene and amphibole, brown in garnet and Vesuvite, and yellow in epidote, chondrite and sphene.   The black and gray color is caused by the presence of fine graphite flakes. Bands of calcium silicate rocks can alternate with bands of marble or form nodules and plaques, sometimes creating interesting decorative effects, but these rocks are particularly difficult to achieve due to the large differences in hardness between silicate and carbonate minerals. My company has for decades been the lead in both supply and export of marble products to the entire countries around the world and is hence gently honored to have invited all dear customers and traders around the globe to join us in world trade of marble through the link above the page and have the best purchase ever in your life.

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