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Mamra Almond in Iran; Sweet Calcium Potassium Vitamin B2 E Magnesium Source

Mamra almond in Iran is a sweet nut that consuming a small amount of it on a daily basis can greatly benefit people's health.

Mamra Almond in Iran

Mamra almond is one of the most luxurious types of nuts and is native to the Middle East and the countries of Iran and Afghanistan.

Mamra almond kernel is usually twin and its color is lighter than other almonds and its taste is sweet.

Almond and their oil are also associated with other properties and nutrients.

Almonds contain high amounts of antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, potassium, and vitamin B2.

These antioxidants protect the body against cancer cells.

Those who have osteoporosis are advised to include almonds in their diet because almonds contain a lot of calcium.

This calcium also helps in bone and teeth health.

Mamra Almond

Mamra Almond Features in Iran

Just by eating a handful of mamra almonds a day, you can provide many vitamins and minerals your body needs.

The unsaturated fatty acids in mamra almonds help regulate the body's serotonin levels and help you get a restful night's sleep.

Title Description
Native Middle East
Taste Sweet
Nutrients Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Potassium, and Vitamin B2
Health Benefits Relieving Stress and Anxiety by Lowering Blood Cortisol Levels

Eating almonds is recommended for people with diabetes because the fiber in almonds helps regulate blood sugar.

Magnesium in almonds plays an important role in relieving stress and anxiety by lowering blood cortisol levels.

Mamra Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E and prevent inflammation in the body.

It is recommended to soak almonds the night before and then eat them for breakfast.

Soaking almonds doubles their properties.

mamra almond benefits

Buy Mamra Almond in Iran

Before buying mamra almonds consider the following tips.

The mamra almond skin color is high quality, clean, and stain-free.

Moldy almond nuts should be avoided.

Almonds should be uniform in size and appearance.

Almond nuts should be tasty, not bitter or unpleasant.

If the almond kernel is soft, it has been exposed to moisture.

Almond kernels should be smooth and dry.

If you buy almonds in bulk taste some of them and also make sure how they have been stored.

Packaged almonds should have an expiration date and health standard signs and numbers.

Buy mamra almond in Iran from reliable suppliers and trusted stores.

mamra almond oil

Mamra Almond Price in Iran + Buy and Sell

Iran is responsible for a large share of the production of mamra almonds in the world.

Iranian almonds have a unique taste and are different from other countries' almonds.

In the almond sorting process, mamra almonds are classified according to quality and size.

In general, mamra almonds are divided into seven categories in terms of size.

The price differs from small to large sizes of almonds.

Also, each of these categories has a different quality, and the price of each of them is also different.

Mamra almond price in Iran is between US$10.7 to US$ 19.6.

We are the supplier of all sizes of mamra almonds with the best quality.

Just contact our consultants and they will help you.

mamra almond origin

The Answer to Two Questions About Mamra Almond

1: How Mamra Almond help sleep at night?

The unsaturated fatty acids in mamra almonds help regulate the body's serotonin levels.

2: Is Mamra Almond good for people with diabetes?

Yes because the fiber in almonds helps regulate blood sugar.

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