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Machine Apparatus for splitting closed shell pistachio nuts Processing Plants

Closed shell nuts in different processing plants greatly increase the demand for pistachio nuts.

pistachio tree

The machine apparatus used in the splitting process includes a cylindrical body with a rotatable mandrel forming a ring into which a nut can be inserted According to various features of the machine pistachios are rotated, oriented, then split at their limits in the ring and discharged through housing openings A continuous-process is provided for processing, which includes a step of removing denser foreign particles from closed-shell nuts by flotation and a soaking step so that the shell of uncovered flours is saturated with water to impart such amount of shell flexibility If you don't, it will curve.

The shell is then dried and cut in the same manner as was done in the machine mentioned above.

Marketing requirements for pistachios in the United States generally require that nearly all nuts contain open borders.

Typically, 80 to 85% of the normal crop of pistachios is free borders plucked from the tree.

But the rest of the nuts, which are commonly referred to as "closed shell" nuts, are only partially open or completely closed, making them difficult for the consumer to open anyway As used herein, the term "seam" refers to the longitudinal seam of a nut.

When the seam is opened, the seam splits into two halves around one end of the pistachio and most of the length in the long direction of the egg Efficient and reliable methods were needed to uniformly split unopened or partially opened pistachios so they resemble naturally opened nuts Pistachio openers should be able to operate at high speeds and it is important that such tools do not crack the covering of unopened pistachios, except at seams.

The present invention provides a continuous process for processing and cracking closed-shell pistachio nuts, as well as a special cracking device that can be used alone or in combination with other methods and equipment of the invention.

And the process can be used continuously.

 According to an aspect of this invention, a device is provided for splitting closed pistachio nuts in a controlled manner that cracks longitudinal seams of nuts.

The machine has a cylindrical body in which a rotating mandrel is placed, forming an annular space into which a nut can be inserted are then discharged through the opening of the casing.

In addition to being a truly delicious treat, pistachios are among the most nutritious nuts around.

Pistachio nuts are all natural, cholesterol free, high in fiber, low in saturated fats and NO transfats, and gluten free.

One ounce of shelled pistachios contains 10% of an adult’s needed daily intake of protein, without animal fats.

There is more potassium and iron by weight in pistachios than in any other nut, fruit, or vegetable. 

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Mahdi ali Zeinali sharifabad