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A Full Day of Training + Documentation of Extensive Growth In Internet Branding And Other Interesting News

Today's article on the Arad Branding site consists of 4 main sections:

  1. Teaching technical business points
  2. Documentation of the massive growth in internet branding
  3. Business ethics
  4. Arad employees' achievements and efforts 

Stay with us

1. What Is A Product Sample?

In a 3-minute educational video, Mr. Ziarkolai, Arad Branding Deputy of Education, explains about samples.
Let’s watch this video together.

2. Follow-up Earns Eighty Percent Of Business Money

Most traders only respond to customer calls and do not follow up on the relationship with the customer.
While more than 80% of businesses are successful with follow-up.
If traders are willing to take follow-up more seriously, they will profit considerably.
Don’t expect any financial growth without follow-up.
The principle of accessibility is essential in business, which is manifested by follow-up.
Mr. Saeed Zareh, Arad Branding’s senior business consultant, explains in a short film about follow-up and its importance.

3. Arad Branding Value Increase And Its Website Visitors

According to the latest valuation of the website worthofweb, the value of the Arad Branding site increased by $15,000 in the last two days from $1,453,000 to $1,468,000.

The number of visits to the site also increased from 62,900 people to 63,400 daily.

4. Value Increase Analysis And Visitors Of Arad Branding Website 

These show that the number of visits to the Arad Branding site is increasing daily.
As seen on the main page of the site's business section, the titles and topics of the Arad Branding site are commercial. Therefore, the visitors of the Arad site are buyers or suppliers of goods, and they do not visit the site for entertainment, to read the daily news, or to learn from scientific articles.
These all promise more signals.
Arad traders who have a good signal should focus on the fundamentals of negotiation and making money.
Traders whose signal is zero or weak should send the daily report more regularly, so the technical unit follows their product more seriously.
With the progress achieved and the extensive efforts of the Arad Branding technical unit, we expect to solve the signal problems entirely in the beginning months of 2023. This will prevent Arad traders from worrying about the signal and help them be concerned only about negotiating with customers, God willing.

Master Mahjoub's Masterpiece 

5. Google Congratulates Arad Branding Website For Reaching One Million Visitors 

Google announced the November performance report of the Arad Branding website on December 3rd.
The first good news of this report is that Arad Branding’s website reached one million visitors in terms of the number of visitors only through Google web clicks.
And this is while more than 100 thousand clicks have been registered through Google images.

The number of visits based on the web, image, and video

6. Take Your Cell Phones More Seriously

We have a sad statistic, when we contact Arad traders about an issue, we see that 70% of the time, they don’t answer their first call, and more than 50% of those who don’t answer don’t call again to see what has happened and who has contacted them.
Our target audience is those who do not contact the person who called them even after not answering.
Our analysis has two results.
First, their signals are too many, and they don’t take the signals seriously. Therefore, by planning the technical unit, we direct the users to another trader who operates in the same field and is more available.
Second, they did not take the business seriously, so we again direct the users to another trader who is more responsible.
In both cases, we direct the customers from this trader who is not approachable and then does not call back to the ones who are approachable and are willing to call back.
Important note: We don’t want people to think that Arad traders are not responsible.
Google graph reports in November show that most of the customer visits were from mobile phones, so it is not unlikely that he called the number he saw below. When he saw that the Arad trader did not answer, he found another number from another site.
And this means the loss of the trader’s profit and Arad’s profit.
You should note that a lot of money has been spent on each of these signals, so we don’t expect you to lose them easily.

More than 90% of visits are from mobile phones, less than 10% from laptops and computers, and less than 1% from tablets.

7. User Visit Report Based on Countries

About 80% of customers are from Iran, and 20% are from other countries.
Indeed, in the coming months, we will try to increase the number of foreign signals compared to domestic ones.
Of course, we look at the number of our traders and negotiators to balance the signal and the response language.
Egypt and America are the most significant source of our users after Iran.

8. Table Of Visit Details To Different Countries 

We see the table of the 100 countries with the most visits to the Arad Branding site, respectively.
The word Impressions in purple means the number of impressions in search of the people of that country, and the word Clicks in blue means the number of visits by the country’s people in November.

9. Activation Of The Index Of Arad Sites 2

If you remember, some time ago, we announced that if you are unsatisfied with the sites, Arad designed for you, return them to us, and we wrote that, as they say, a bad penny always comes back.
Before that, some people said that the sites designed by Arad are not helpful or that Arad does not know internet branding.
And as much as we wanted to say that this is not the reason and that a site needs more spending and care, many did not listen to these words.
Not a short time has passed, and we gathered the sites that others said were worthless, and with the techniques we knew + the high cost we spent + the many forces we hired to work on them, we managed to do it in less than a week. We will solve the index problem of many of them, and we hope to solve the index problem of all of them by the end of December, God willing.
Currently, any content placed on many of them is indexed well and in less than a week, but they have not yet reached their zenith.
Arad Branding named these sites Arad 2 sites.
In Arad 2 sites, we do not intend to get a high position in Google. Still, we only intend to use them as valuable sources for reporting and backlinks to the main Arad Branding site and to increase its visits.
This technique is unique in the world that maybe some sites have done it on a small scale, but it has not been implemented in this volume and with this wide range of products worldwide.
We hope that the brilliant results of indexing and strengthening of Arad 2 sites will increase the strength of the main Arad Branding site before the end of this year and will send many signals to Arad traders.
We put ten photos as examples of the weekly indexing of Arad 2 sites.
We chose the index range of the last week.
Still, these sites do not have the power to index in less than 24 hours.

10. Business Etiquette Review 

Before starting today’s business etiquette, we would like to review the previous ones.
One of the most critical etiquettes was magnanimity, and if a trader is not magnanimous, no matter how rich he becomes, he is out of the circle of humanity, and his wealth will have no value.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that if they are magnanimous, they will get poor. In contrast, the main reason for people’s poverty is their activity in jobs that do not have much wealth, not from magnanimity and other desirable qualities.
One of the virtues of magnanimity is supporting the weaker ones and not imposing anything on your subordinates beyond their ability.

And one of the other etiquettes in business was to never swear in business and transactions, even truthfully.
Do not swear to God that I bought such and such price.
Do not swear to God, Prophet, and Ahl al-Bayt to satisfy the customer.
Present your logic and reason firmly, and be sure that they will buy from you.
Swearing takes away the blessing from your trades and destroys your goods.

11. Today's Business Etiquette; Greed Makes You Poor.

In the business market, not everyone is a customer or a supplier.
Some are also market thieves.
Business thieves are not like home thieves.
They are much more intelligent.
All of them have the same trick: to make you greedy.
For example, they tell you a significant number and pretend you will become wealthy if you cooperate with them.
When greed takes over your whole being, they tell you to send your cargo to him, send you part of the money and make the other part dependent on the arrival of the cargo.
When the cargo reaches them, they disappear and are no longer accountable, and you cannot do anything.
What is the reason for this failure?
If you were not greedy for worldly goods, you would never be in a hurry.
Most people perish because haste makes the mind not work correctly, and a foolish trader is better off leaving the business early.
The reasoning is the most crucial principle in business, and greed destroys reason.
Never be greedy, and don’t give the product until you have received the money from the customer, even if the order volume has skyrocketed.
Tell him to buy less if he says my purchase volume is too much.
You don’t have to buy a lot.
Buy less but buy in cash.
Don’t let him tempt you with his large order volume.
Of course, many who buy a lot are real customers, but you should stay away from greed in all cases, whether it is a real customer or not.
And how beautifully the commander of faithful Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: Greed makes a man’s masculinity defective.

12. Arad Traders Council

God should be greatly praised for the daily unity among employees and Arad traders.
Indeed, these friendships and sympathies have no fruit other than victory.
The journey to attend the council meeting is difficult for some businessmen, especially those from other cities. Still, indeed God sees and blesses and rewards those who endure these hardships on the fruitful path of business.
We recommend that when you walk from your home to the city of Qom to attend the meetings of the councils, you should set your intention on the path of business according to the tradition of the Prophet of God so that God will reward you for the immigration and subjugation on His path.
Let’s watch some parts of the Arad Traders Council this week.

13. Arad Branding News Of The Day 

And finally, we invite you to watch Arad Branding news of the day.
Be happy and proud.

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Comments (3 Comments)

Javad Maulai

Arad Branding, an institution with no competitions💪🏻



Alireza Samimi

I believe that anyone can feel positive changes in their life with Arad Branding, just listen, follow and apply.



Behangana Philip

Am glad to know about Arab trading... I wish you could establish abranch in Uganda where the sales representatives will report to.
And I think this creates trust from the business people who pick intrest in doing business with Arab trading company



💰 Tenfold your income 💎