اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Customers Communication Management and Lack of Interest Lead to Lack of Result + Other Useful Pieces of Training

After the tumultuous days of changes in Arad Branding, we are going through quiet days but full of growth in the company.
Many have come to grips with Arad Branding.
Most of the employees in Arad are changing their contracts to new ones and using the high signaling capacities of the Arad Branding site, and some have decided to say goodbye.
All evidence shows a more loving Arad.
The growth of Arad branding, on the one hand, and the training, and strengthening of employees and traders, on the other hand, promise bright days ahead.
Stay with us.

1. Arad Branding is Busy With the Russian Trade Delegation.

The Russians will enter Iran this morning.
Mr. Shabani, the chairman of the board of directors of Arad Branding, along with 70 international negotiators of the group, will welcome Russian traders.
The Russians will stay in Iran for at least five days, and a large part of the negotiation and supply team, along with the logistics and support departments, are busy with this Russian trip.
If, by the will of God, we can show good hospitality to the Russians, we are sure that we can draw the attention of different countries to trade with Iran by documenting it in the media.
How we deal with Russian traders can significantly affect other Iranian chambers of commerce with other countries.
By the grace of God, some high-ranking officials of the country will witness and monitor this hospitality of Arad Branding. If this move is brilliant, there will be more assistance in international business consultations with Arad Branding.
All we want to say is:
Dear Arad employees
When a guest comes to a house, we should be hospitable.
First of all, we ask the employees of Arad Branding to be more compassionate in their work at this critical time.
The group hosting the Russian guests in Tehran should represent the authentic Iranian Muslim culture by maintaining complete courtesy and respect.
No matter what the outcome of this business with the Russians will be, we want the Russians to say how good our hospitality was.
We want to say that our views on Iranian Muslim traders have changed.
We were hoping you could create an atmosphere that has never been seen in Iran.
We ask the other employees who stay in the Arad offices to work harder so that the absence of colleagues who went to welcome the Russians will not be felt.
And in the second place, we want the Aradi traders chosen to be among the Russians to appear like polite, assertive, and adorable international negotiators.
Those traders who are not present in these meetings should not be disappointed.
God willing, we will witness the presence of many business groups from different countries in Iran.
We ask you to take the masters' training more seriously.
Prepare yourself to communicate and socialize with traders from other countries.
In short, we all have to join hands to make our country prosperous.

Master Mahjoub's Work of Art 

2. Customer Relationship Management

Mr. Ziyarkolai makes a clear point about following up and managing customer relationships.
Let’s watch this short film together.

3. Lack of Interest and Lack of Results

Have you heard that experience is better than science?
Sometimes we say things that minds may not accept at first, but long years of experience in the business have proven this fact.
So accept this from us based on our experience in this field.
Those who have no interest in Arad, Arad employees, its goals, and its path will not gain wealth through Arad.
Not that they won’t get rich in any way, it’s not like that at all.
God provides sustenance with or without Arad, and His grace is perfect for all His creatures.
The point here is that they do not get rich in Arad; sooner or later, they say goodbye to Arad.
When many people see the comments of Arad supporters, they cannot believe that in a country where there is no satisfaction, there is a group that expresses joy and says that these are all lies.
They consider the comments to be lies and the films fake; in short, they are pessimistic about everything.
Naturally, these people have no future with Arad.
We recommend that you open up your heart to Arad.
Here is the answer.
You grow here.
You learn here.
You will find a friend here.
Here you plan to get better every day.
There are many things here if you show interest.
As they say, come near us with one heart and not one hundred hearts.
What is Arad?
The presence of a group of Arad employees.
Arad grows if the Arad employees are together.
Arad will fail if the Arad employees disagree.
Even if you are a prophet of God, you will be defeated and fail when you don’t have like-minded companions.
So solidarity and unity are the secrets of our victory.
All of Arad’s effort is to be the place of growth for Arad employees.
All Arad wishes is that when an Arad employee stays in Arad for a few years, he will say to himself what a right decision I made to enter Arad.
Arad was God’s gift to me.
We want to be like this for you.
But these will be realized when you hear from us and understand and believe.
When you believe, be willing to act and try.
Indeed the victory is ours.
And how beautiful is God’s promise about believers:

So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith. Surah Al-Imran, verse 139

4. Signal, The First Principle In Business

In a short video file, Mr. Farshid Yusefpour, the deputy of content production and Arad Branding site, mentions the effective parameters in business.
Let’s watch this short film together.

5. Public Interview; the Amount of Capital Needed to Start a Business. 

We went to the people and asked them about the necessary capital for a shopkeeper job.
Then we made a subtle comparison between business and shopkeeping.
Let’s watch it together. 

6. Value Increase and Visits to the Arad Branding website

According to the estimate of worthofweb, the price of the Arad site increased by 5000  dollars compared to yesterday.
The current price of the Arad Branding website is 1 million 444 thousand dollars.
The site visitors also reached 62,600, with an increase of 200 people.

7. Business Etiquette; Don't Procrastinate.

When you receive the money from the customer, he expects you to deliver the goods to him as you promised.
Here you enter the cycle of the producers’ procrastination.
It means that you have given the order to the manufacturer, who is supposed to provide the customer with a specific date for the product, but he procrastinates in giving you the product.
And you become unreliable.
To avoid procrastination, one must first not have such a personality.
Get used to doing everything on the same day.
You must have heard people call the money they receive daily Rouzi (Sustenance).
Sustenance is called Rouzi, as it is given on the same day.
So they don’t procrastinate today’s sustenance for tomorrow.
If you procrastinate, God will procrastinate in providing your sustenance.

So do each day’s work on the same day so that the creator provides your sustenance today.
After you get rid of the habit of procrastinating, seek to find craftsmen who are not people of procrastination.
They are indeed hard to find, but not impossible.
Of course, even a craftsman who is very fond of procrastination can work with us in such a way.
It means that we should be an exceptional partner for him.
For us to be an exceptional partner for him, he must believe that by keeping us, he can both experience his entry into the export world of other countries and be at ease in terms of money.
The old Arad employees should strengthen these traits in themselves every day. The newcomers should also know that rectifications are required for success.
But what is certain is that we have the will to rectify our shortcomings, and we will not fail on this path.

8. News of the Day 

And at the end, we invite you to watch Arad Branding’s news of the day with the voice of the familiar name of the great master Mr. Hayati.
Let’s pray for each other and ask God to make an opening in the affairs of the people of Iran with the help of the family of the prophet Muhammad. May God’s blessings be upon him and his family.

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