اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Some Aradi merchants deprive themselves of significant funds through a simple error.

Business has two components. 

The first part: Lead generation and signals.

The second part: Converting them into money and contracts and transactions.


Two significant mental flaws that need to be resolved.

Among most Aradi merchants, there are two major mental flaws regarding lead and signals.

The first flaw is that they generally do not consider lead and signal generation as part of their business.

Just a few days ago, when the news of posting a guest post for lead and signal generation by Arad Branding employees was announced, many merchants expressed happiness in their comments and phone calls, stating: "This move by Arad is a very positive step so that we, as merchants, can be more focused on our businesses."

It seems they believe that lead and signal generation is not part of the business and only consider negotiations with customers as part of it.

Dear ones, don't forget that business has two main components.

The first part is lead generation and signals, and the second part is negotiating with them.

Most people who believe that lead and signal generation is not part of business certainly do not take it seriously.

Because they don't take it seriously, they don't attach any meaning to leads and signals to negotiate with them and then convert them into money.

The second flaw is that most Aradi merchants make no specific effort regarding lead and signal generation, and perhaps they expect Arad to do 100% of this task for them.

Certainly, Arad will not compromise or fall short in making efforts for lead and signal generation for its merchants, but dear ones should keep in mind that Arad will never exert itself for those who don't make an effort for lead and signal generation themselves.

Arad's logic is that you also strive for your own growth, and we also make efforts for your growth.

Why do individuals in this category, who make no effort in lead and signal generation (which constitutes half of their business, money, and growth), expect Arad to go above and beyond for them?

They haven't heard this proverb that says: "He who mourns more than the bereaved is a fool."

If a merchant also makes an effort for lead and signal generation, Arad says, "Well done, so we also make efforts for your growth.


An example of some merchants' negligence toward lead and signals

For instance, in the past few days, more than 300 guest posts for Arad merchants were published on the Arad Branding website.

Then a message was sent to the merchants, asking them to share their own links and even have themselves and their acquaintances leave comments at the end.

Your guest post is like a shop displayed on a busy Google street for potential customers.

When no one is inside the shop, naturally, the interest of new customers for purchases decreases.

However, if they see the shop is busy, others also come with interest.

Have you not seen that most people who open a shop ask friends and acquaintances to keep the shop busy on the opening day or subsequent days so that others become eager to come?

Google has a software called Google Analytics that most reputable websites have installed.

We looked at Analytics and found that more than 200 links out of the 300 we sent to merchants didn't even open once.

It means that even the merchant himself did not open his own content once, let alone sharing with friends and acquaintances and leaving comments.

Well, why should Google come and display this content at the top of search results so that this person's phone rings and they become rich?!

Really, why?!

Google analyzes and tells itself that no one, not even a sparrow, has visited this page, so why should I give it a place?

If Arad employees open this page, it's not essential for Google because Arad employees do this with specific modems, all from the same city and company, and for Google, a thousand visits only count as one.

Neither Google promotes such a merchant's content nor does Arad tell its employees to do such a thing.

And these are the same individuals who don't give any importance to lead and signals, don't make any effort, and a few months later, they become protesters and dissatisfied, blaming Arad for everything.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

Because God is the witness and observer of the whole story and knows how eager we were for merchants to take it seriously, and some of them didn't.

Therefore, Arad becomes dearer day by day to the group of merchants who listen to the training and act upon it, and the group of merchants who didn't take it seriously resign from business and return to their former lives.

This story always continues.

Thank God that the number of those who take action increases day by day, and the number of those who are indifferent decreases.

Indeed, thank God, even if it were otherwise, praise to God is established in every situation.


Encouragement from Arad for Taking Leads and Signals Seriously

Arad has introduced a new incentive to encourage you to take visits to the content that was written for you more seriously.

If, within 48 hours of publishing their content, each merchant leaves a comment at the end of their content, we will count it as two comments in our tracking system.

Since our system writes a guest post for a merchant for every eight comments, this single comment will be considered as two, whether it's written by the merchant themselves, their acquaintances, or even other people.

All this is aimed at increasing the number of guest posts for merchants, and we aim to witness the growth of their leads and signals.

However, be aware that the guest post capacity contributes only ten percent of your total leads and signals capacity.

Never overlook the importance of producing content on your own sites and using social media techniques to attract more leads and signals.


Read this section with Arad's sincerity in mind.

Rest assured that you will learn negotiation sooner or later.

What determines your success or failure is leads and signals.

If you have leads and signals, you will undoubtedly succeed in business sooner or later, as it has its own pace.

However, if you lack leads and signals, you will undoubtedly face failure because zero multiplied by any number is still zero.


Good News about the Power of Guest Posts in Attracting Leads and Signals

The guest posts we publish on the Arad Branding site provide leads and signals in two ways:


1. Through Google's Discovery

If you've noticed, options similar to the name "Merchant Products" have been added both in the site menu and the site footer.

If you carefully look at the end of today's commercial recommendation, you'll see that 12 product categories have been added at the end.

All of this is to increase the number of commercial entries and guest posts for merchants.

The higher the number of entries for an article, Google says, "There must be some news here, and I'll discover it."

Discovery is selective, meaning some content may be discovered and some may not, depending on the number of visitors, which is the second condition.

The first condition is the credibility and power of the site.

If you attract many visitors to weak and small sites, the likelihood of discovery will be low.

Therefore, Arad, being a reputable site, suggests sharing your guest posts with others to ensure discovery.


2. Through being searched by search engines, with Google being their forefront.

It's enough to have content on the Arad Branding site in any language for it to appear in Google's search results in less than 24 hours.

However, after seven to ten days from the initial publication and considering feedback from the number of visitors and comments on the content, this position will significantly grow and after three to six months, it will reach very high positions, providing numerous leads and signals.

Of course, this doesn't happen with just one or two guest posts, serious dedication is required for promising results, God willing.

In the following, we will explore the power of indexing content in less than 24 hours for Arad's site in Persian, Arabic, English, Hindi, Russian, French, German, and Turkish.

Finally, we will engage in reading your delightful comments, and we ask God for continuous success for all of us.

Let the sharpness of certain sections of the article be considered a gentle teacher's advice.

Or in another style, as the literati say:

"Tyranny of a teacher is better than the affection of a father."

Comments (55 Comments)

mostafa Cheldavi

The two important steps that must be followed in business are the lead and the signal that you can negotiate for each specific person later so that you can get the result. You can use it



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Nothing gets started in isolation. It's impossible to start a business without having anyone to do business with. So the starting and continuation of any endeavor is contingent upon establishing new connections as well as maintaining the old ones.



Fatemeh Afrad

All the steps would be important in getting a good result not paying attention to some points and not caring about other points.



Rahele Nateqi

If you don't chase the opportunities, no one is to blame but you.



Jalal rezaei

Guest post is one of the best ways to introduce yourself to the world. Don't hesitate to use it.



Marzieh olamaei

Try to do not make a mistake
Try to find a good mentor for yourself
Try to he the best version of yourself



M Amir Eftekhari

The non-participation in the website hinders the promotion of the website and stops receiving leads. That is of the utmost importance that should not be neglected if one wants to see an outcome in their business.



Seyed Mahdi

Professor Talia's recommendation to establish at least 10 new contacts per day for business and exports seems to be an active strategy for expanding your business network. Participating in events, exhibitions, and business sessions provides opportunities to meet new people and establish valuable business connections. Additionally, leveraging social networks and online business platforms allows you to connect with individuals globally. Organizing face-to-face or virtual meetings can serve as an effective tool for direct interaction with potential customers and new collaborators. This recommendation can play a significant role in enhancing your business network and identifying new business opportunities.



Zahra Rezaei

Never forget that in the path of trade and business, all stages must be systematically and fundamentally completed, as the absence of any of these stages disrupts the outcome. In fact, each stage is a prerequisite for the next one. As long as you don't have a regular flow of leads and signals, or quantitatively haven't validated it, you can't expect quality. Every day, you need new input of leads and signals; otherwise, discussing negotiation quality and ultimately achieving financial goals becomes irrelevant.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

Attracting leads and signals is one of the main steps of business. merchants should follow guest posts more seriously and do not neglect creating contents on the website to get leads and signals, and this means the beginning of success in business.



Fatemeh Faraji

Ufortunatally most of mechants take care of other sides of business, but they should look for customers in first step.



mohammad mousavi

When we ourselves don't care about our business and don't appreciate it, others will definitely not value it either...



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Communication and Language Barriers: Misunderstandings due to language barriers can lead to errors in contract terms, pricing negotiations, or product specifications. These mistakes can result in financial losses or strained business relationships.
To minimize these errors, merchants engaging in international business should invest in proper research and understanding of the target market, work with experienced professionals such as customs brokers and international trade experts, and utilize technology platforms that facilitate accurate currency conversions, shipping documentation, and compliance management. Clear communication channels and language support can also help reduce misunderstandings and errors in international transactions.



Azin Fakhr

Having signals, and negotiation are both important, and the issue here is that you see a world of training in Arad for negotiation, but as long as you cannot implement these and use them in practice, you cannot learn business empirically, and it will become similar to one of thousands theoretical sciences that you have learnt for no good.



Javad Gh.


What is the real reason that some people do not pay attention? Arad gives free training in all areas of business, it helps you with the content and publish your content on our powerful site and...
So what happens that some of you do not use these plans effectively. God really gives strength to those who work well and know the value of this opportunity. I hope that you will make good profits for yourself.

Definitely, someone who does not try himself and waits for someone or a group to work for him will not succeed. The first principle of success is the unceasing effort of the businessman
Thank you Arad for creating great opportunities and conditions to attract leads and signals.



Mehdi lotfi

Some useful information around fund



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

A critical and worthwhile practice is to continuously engage with what is sure to improve one's well-being. And that includes all that is available, and what has been made available for the sole purpose of building up and consolidating.



Rahele Nateqi

in order to be number kne in business, you need to have so many signals and leads.




it is important to know about the importance of concentration on reaching your goals. people or merchants who do not follow the principles introduced by Arad senior managers will not benefit our trainings and just waste their time.



Fatima Radmanesh

Arad is getting stronger everyday and it's good news for those who are collaborating with us.
I see clean strategies which is bossting our businesses all.
Long live Arad 🍀




Business is the best jobs in the world that you can improve with it



Sepideh Afshar

Having a lead and signal is one of the most important indicators of sales and business. Nowadays, everyone who wants to buy searches for it on the internet, so if we get signals and leads on the internet, we can increase their number with content.



Mohamad moosavi

As Professor Talia said, three sides are necessary for business. The first side is product supply, the second side is negotiation etiquette and the third side is the customer. So we must have a signal to sell our product to the customer with a strong negotiation.



Mariya Salim

The generation of leads and signals is the most important part of every business and every business that wants to be successful needs to sepnd money, energy and time on.



Marzieh Olamaei

Its better to pay attention to the path and result at the same time in order to get a good income.



hadiseh motlagh

Because God has mentioned business, so if we act in this way, he will help us.



Ahmad Ashkian

The fact that Arad Branding is willing to share all his tools and capabilities with its traders, is showing how Arad is dedicated to its cause.



Ali Ahad Tajari

As explained in the news, lead and signal are very important in business. You can sell when you have a signal
No matter how strong the negotiation is, but there is no signal, it will not affect your sales.
He really wants to leave his hundred for the businessmen. I hope the businessmen don't cut corners and make the most of these offers.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

As mentioned in the text, the key to success or failure in business is lead and signal.
In fact, if each person strives for his own success, others will help him in the same way. And the opposite is also true.
The only person who can help you is definitely yourself



Muhammad Fazeli

Lead, signal and negotiation are complementary. And without one of these factors, there is no other, and it goes without saying that there will be no negotiation unless there is a lead or signal. Also we need to use all potential for gaining lead and signal



Sharife Nateghi

First step in business is to find leads and signals; specially if you are a trader who has no business relations and also no experience in this field, whether it is fomestic business or international. How are you going to do business if you don't know any suppliers and clients?



Seyyed Mojtaba

When trader doesn't care about it's articles published to share and get rated, why should Arad and Google work on growing them?



Mahdi Alavi

I would say that's a horrible mistake not looking for new signals or stop doing it so.



hadise motlagh

And to determine one thing for yourself first, how long are you going to do business? If your answer is for the rest of your life, then try to learn the rules of negotiation little by little.



Alireza Sharifi

Leads and signals are very important in virtual business. They should be careful about their gest posts.



Afsane Latifi

GOD! grant us good, lawful sustenance 🤍

👉Human problems are not always caused by not knowing
Rather, in many cases, it is due to forgetfulness

👉One of the lessons of business school is "absorbing and responding to signals"

Dear Arad ❤️
thank you for the reminder

Business 🎯🎯🎯



Amin Mirzaei

It's essential for Aradi merchants to recognize that lead and signal generation are integral parts of their business. Expecting Arad to do all the work without personal effort is unwise. I believe that individual effort is crucial for business growth, and I appreciate the reminder that both parties need to contribute to the process.



mehdi lotfi

in the business always the customer side matters more than others



Mohammad Sadeqi

Lead generation is a crucial aspect of business development and marketing. It involves identifying and attracting potential customers (leads) who have expressed interest in a product or service, with the ultimate goal of converting them into paying customers.
In summary, lead generation is a fundamental element of business strategy, playing a pivotal role in customer acquisition, sales growth, and overall business success. Businesses that prioritize and optimize their lead generation efforts are better positioned to thrive in the dynamic and competitive business environment.



Hasan Kaviani

If we have no signal or customer and we know everything about negotiation and export, We will fail because there is no signal to sell our products to. So lead an signal generation is very important



Hani Rostami

It is highly important to be taken into consideration that signals and lace are one of the most necessary steps to begin. A successful negotiation so to make more profits for yourself, and they will love your business. You got improved this in per section



Reza Karimi

As long as an individual does not value himself, expecting others to respect you is meaningless.
Leads and signals are your potential customers who do not know you yet. If you are seeking for high profits in trading, you should not miss even one of these.
Now with the provision of such unique platform and opportunity, it is a pity not to take advantage out of it.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Zahra Alavi

Some people's expectation from guest posts is that they will automatically become viral and a link will come up by searching for any keyword, but for a better understanding, it can be said that guest posts are like Instagram posts and advertisements, which are based on the impression and impact of likes, sharing and interaction. It happens on them that they go viral and everyone can see them.



Marzieh olamaei

If you dont try to receive at least 10 leads per a day, you wont be successful at all.

Because after receiving leads, you should be able to change them into signals.



Venus Falahati

Arad is one of the companies that have update system to get signals and leads joining it helps everyone to promote the business and stay update in global business.



Rahele Nateqi

The most important thing in any business is customers, otherwise how we are going to be successful in rhis field.




I think of guest post as an awsome way to expnad our fame



mehdi lotfi

very helpful ideas about fund control. thank you so much




We all should take into consideration that leads g and signals are the most important things to reach out to the customer to make deal and increase your income, and became a successful businessman 👨‍💼❤️



Rahele Nateqi

Use this opportunity to presentbyourself and your business to others.



Dr sohail manzoor

This forum has 12000 plus members if a forum is created where they can exchange information on buying and selling leads signals will be very productive for group and members




Wow. Amazing information. Success to Arad and all associates



Rahele Nateqi

In order to be successful in any field you need to have a mentor or a consultant that take you through the steps. so even with the help of the mentor you need to go step by step.



mohsen jabbari

In the name of Allah . All businessmen and employees of Arad know that money today means drowning in online literacy, which means keeping yourself up-to-date. The fact is that the development of cyber technology and protocols is happening at an astronomical speed. And this means that we must constantly seek information about the methods. Our arad is like this, and it is one of the best in the country and perhaps the best in this field, and its powerful team will continue to improve the path from good to better. We take advantage of this opportunity and appreciate all the guidance provided to everyone in clear language.



mostafa chaldavi

The two important steps that must be followed in business are the lead and the signal that you can negotiate for each specific person later so that you can get the result. You can use it.



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