اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

All the concerns and worries of senior managers revolve around increasing leads and signals for Arad traders that is fully addressed by this plan.

Some traders have not properly grasped the difference between leads and signals.

Leads refer to clues that people convey to traders by providing their details through the website form or other methods.

When traders contact these leads, they often find discrepancies – some claim they never filled out the form, others say their child did it, or the phone number is inactive, and sometimes the lead mistakenly filled out the form.

Typically, around 50% to 90% of leads are fake, which is entirely normal.

However, the key is that people are willing to fill out forms easily, and the price of leads is much lower than signals.

Signals, on the other hand, represent genuine customers.

It doesn't necessarily mean they will pay you immediately, but it empowers your negotiation skills to convert signals into revenue.

All Arad traders who joined Arad went through the lead generation process.

You filled out a form on the Arad Branding website, and then our business consultants contacted you, leading to your entry into Arad today.

Know that to find and talk with you, between 5 to 9 other individuals were considering joining, but they gave various reasons such as not being available, their child filled out the form, the line was busy, and many other stories.

Therefore, Arad has based its strategy on leads and believes that despite the high percentage of fake leads, it is far superior to signals.

Because the price of a lead is almost 5% of a signal.

In other words, if we wanted to tell people to contact us instead of filling out the form, out of every 20 people or even more, only 1 person would contact us.

For example, you are running advertisements.

And assume it gives you 100 leads.

When you contact these leads, you will end up with 10 to 50 signals.

But if your technique is not to receive leads directly and only receive signals, you will see that with the same budget and advertising effort, you will get 2 to 5 signals.

So, our recommendation is to value leads more than signals and follow the principle of treating others as you would like to be treated, encouraging you to take this approach.

However, most Arad traders dislike leads and prefer signals.

Human nature seeks an easy win over challenges.

It does not like to hear no.

It doesn't want to hear denials.

Being rejected or told it's a mistake challenges one's honor, personality, and identity, causing disappointment.

These have no connection to a person's character and dignity.

It's astonishing that we don't consider being poor and lacking possessions as lacking character, but if a stranger refuses our offer, we label it as a lack of character.

These are our preachings and advice to Arad traders to take leads more seriously than signals.

It reminds people of the verse that many things you dislike may contain goodness, but God knows, and you do not know. (Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:216)

We know that these preachings are not often heard, and your interest is still in signals, not leads.

Therefore, to support the companionship and cooperation that we have always prioritized, we have adjusted our system to assist in increasing signals for Arad traders.

If you look at the menu on the website under the "Benefits of Participating in the Site," you will see that we have provided valuable offers and services for your participation in Arad Branding to contribute to the growth of the signals you desire.

Being on the site should be a dual victory for you.

Enhancing both your business knowledge about negotiation and other subjects and strengthening your brand-building power to attract more signals.

Here is the entire text placed in the "Benefits of Participating in the Site" section for us to read together once.

Presenting to you, these are the benefits of participating in the Arad Branding site with the new formula.


Benefits of Participation in Arad Branding Site

Arad Branding, specializing in branding, increases the visibility of Arad traders for attracting more customers.

The effort Arad puts into an Aradi trader is proportional to their participation in the Arad Branding site.


Sign of Participation

The Sign of this participation includes:

  1. Obtaining a green circle from business school lessons.
  2. Obtaining a green circle from business and integrity school.
  3. Obtaining a green circle from lead and signal platform.
  4. Participating in site comments.


Incentive Programs

To increase leads and signals for their traders and enhance their negotiation power for increased wealth, we implement the following incentive programs:

  1. Designing the trader's website from scratch.
  2. Content production on the trader's site or guest post on the Arad Branding site using artificial intelligence technology.
  3. Increasing the crawl rate (Google bot visit rate) of the trader's site.
  4. Improving the SERP (higher position in Google displays) of the trader's site.
  5. Business infrastructure package.
  6. Graphic designs.

No fees are charged to traders for these incentives.


How Many Points Does Each Participation Earn?

  • Obtaining a green circle from each business school lesson: 4 points
  • Obtaining a green circle from each business and integrity school lesson: 2 points
  • Obtaining a green circle from each lead and signal platform lesson: 1 point
  • Commenting at the end of articles on the site: 1 point
  • Commenting at the end of your guest post or other traders' articles: 2 points
  • Non-participation in site comments deducts 1 point each day.


With what points is each incentive given?

  • Fully graphic-designed site: 600 points
  • Site design without graphics: 200 points
  • Export infrastructure package: 1200 points
  • Domestic infrastructure package: 600 points
  • Export graphic designs: 800 points
  • Domestic graphic designs: 400 points
  • Producing each content on the trader's site: 40 points
  • Each guest post on the Arad Branding site: 8 points
  • Each report from the Arad Branding site to the trader's site with a follow link: 120 points
  • Each report from the Arad Branding site to the trader's site with a nofollow link: 40 points
  • Aradi trader can include their site name in any comment on Arad Branding site articles with a follow link for increased crawl and SERP power.


Reminder to Us

Our monitoring unit automatically calculates scores for Aradi merchants, but if you feel the envisioned incentives aren't being implemented, you can remind us using the following methods.

  1. Open a ticket through your Arad User account, the quickest and most effective method for resolution.
  2. Use the contact us form on the Arad Branding website
  3. Connect with business support via telephone
  4. Submit your request within the comments

The first method is reviewed and addressed more swiftly and accurately compared to other approaches.


In the comments, include your website name.

If you go to the comments, you'll see an additional option after the mobile number:

Business Name without https (optional)

No need to write your site's name in your comment, just enter the website address here.

Writing without https means you don't need to include https://yoursite.com or www.yoursite.com, simply write yoursite.com, replacing yoursite with your business site name.

In the comment text, there's no need to praise Arad, express your opinion about the content, and don't forget to sign at the end.

When you write your website address, it becomes a clickable link in the comments, highlighted in blue and anyone who clicks on it will enter your site.

With this action, Arad has four advantages for its merchants.


Our link is follow, telling Google to send its bots to our merchant's site through this link.

While all other sites allowing you to write your site name make links nofollow, Arad provides follow links.

Those familiar with SEO know the huge difference between follow and nofollow links, every follow links is worth hundreds of nofollow links.

The image below proves that Arad genuinely provides follow links, not just a deceptive trick.

Indeed, Arad Branding diminishes its own website's power with this action, boosting the strength of merchants' sites by instructing Google to leave its site and visit the merchants' sites.

This is merely a paternalistic sentiment, as no sensible site owner undertakes such an action.

Even the imprudent ones.


2. Increases Merchants' Website Traffic.

Undoubtedly, with merchants' sites becoming linkable, some will click on their sites, increasing site traffic – a crucial parameter for crawl and ranking strength.

We recommend being among the first commenters to utilize this traffic and be seen sooner.

Ensure to comment on all posts to make the most of this limited capacity.


3. Aradi Merchants Get to Know Each Other.

Many merchants aspire to acquaint themselves and benefit from each other's experiences.

This way, Arad's merchants will find each other, promoting increased interaction among them.


4. Negative Remarks and Hostility Will Grow.

Undoubtedly, not all conversations among Arad's merchants revolve around positive sentiments about Arad and the devil works hard.

Negative remarks will grow, and some may engage in heated discussions.

Individuals who are not affiliated with Arad and its teachings and did not spend a penny, yet claim to follow them without results, enter the field.

However, there are two fundamental differences this time.

Detractors must visit Arad's site, click on the site of Arad's merchant to access his number.

This will enhance the strength of both Arad's and the merchant's site.

Arad exploits this opportunity, benefiting from their time and effort.

The second distinction is that Arad Branding, with a strong and professional cyber team, monitors and identifies suspicious elements among them and Arad's merchants, issuing warnings.

Certainly, the firm and decisive attitude of Aradi businessmen in relation to those who do not want the growth of Arad discourages and disappoints them, and the association of Aradi businessmen with them gives spirit to their efforts against Arad.

We believe you will find no one more benevolent than us in your business and economic life.

We allow you to connect, share information, send messages to each other, and engage in other activities.

Fraudsters and dishonest individuals won't come easily if you introduce those who have been victims to each other.


Please note

Distancing yourself from Arad Branding is only to your detriment.

Arad Branding has faced verbal and practical threats from its adversaries but remains unaffected.

The only annoyance it caused was for us, and, of course, God turned it into more dignity.

We take pleasure in our merchants getting to know each other.

It's a shame that you, as brothers and sisters, don't know each other and don't benefit from each other's experiences and capabilities.

Just be cautious that an unfamiliar person with a sacred appearance doesn't infiltrate among you, causing harm.

Comments (55 Comments)

Hasan Kaviani

Finding signals in business is very important. Thanks for offering these opportunities to get signals



Roohollah Akbari Salim

Arad is looking for the growth of its merchants with all its heart, and now it has provided good opportunities to attract leads and convert them into signals. In fact, the problem of traders is having customers, and Arad uses every opportunity to solve this problem.



Azin Fakhr

I wish you could see and understand these paternal sympathies of Arad. That's when you realize that the compassion that Arad has for you and your success is not shared by many of your closest friends. Seize the opportunities and make the best out of it.



Sepideh Afshar

There are many ways to join and use Arad facilities.
Arad increase trader's signal and leads easily just traders should notice their advices and teaches as well as possible.
This is a perfect opportunity to get signals and customers and increase their experiences.



Ahmad Ashkian

Generes offer for all dear traders from Arad Branding.



Rahele Nateqi

lead generation and signals lead you to a successful deal if you don't take them gor granted.



Fatemeh Afrad

Using every opportunity will not be for a long time just take this chance as soon as possible to expand your businesses and be more success.



Zahra Alavi

Thsi is a perfect opportunity for thos ewho are interested in improving their experience with Arad.
Arad will definitly value the people that participate actively and get closeer to us.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

God bless the lovely senior managers.
Whoever does a good deed will see it.
Thank you for being you💛



Zahra Rezaei

The truth is that Arad acts like a kind father, continuously offering his traders more options and privileges. His sole purpose is to engage Aradian traders with unique ideologies and methods, encouraging them to contribute their own information for mutual growth and advancement. The beautiful sentence at the end advises against strangers intruding into your private gatherings in sacred attire, as such an incident could undoubtedly have negative consequences for you.



Venus Falahati

The way for the growth and advancement of businessmen is clear that anyone who does not succeed should be surprised. These facilities and this information are the result of round-the-clock efforts of our esteemed colleagues in the technical unit and site. Let say good job to them.



Mohammad Sadeqi

This is a great opportunity for all traders out there to take advantage of and grow their business.



jalal rezaei

there are new options for the traders on the website. I look forward to getting more from AradBranding. Thank you and good job guys.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Gold, it's a wonder, apparently must be salvaged back from the ore. As if it were reabsorbed.



Mehdi Yadollahpour


Aradbranding company is very popular




Mahdi Alavi

The best point of the article was about facing challenges in this business, you shouldn't be afraid of facing challenges and you should even look for them cause that makes your personality to grow and also your business.



Azin Fakhr

I wish you could see and understand these paternal sympathies of Arad. That's when you realize that the compassion that Arad has for you and your success is not shared by many of your closest friends. Seize the opportunities and make the most out of it.



Mariya Salim

Arad Branding never abandons its efforts to achieve alot of high quality signals for its traders and agents.



Reza Karimi

Hello, have a good time
These days, Arad does not hesitate to make any efforts for the development of his family members. All of Aradis are members of the same family, and we must take the lead in progressing and helping each other.
And how beautiful is the goal by which some people seek progress under one name, with unity and brotherhood.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Mahdi Alavi

And you may think you should look for ideal goals to become successful and it's not true because it's only during the experiencing of this business that you will learn and can achieve the bests.



Sharife Nateghi

The new option added to the comments section is very useful and practical for traders. As mentioned, more people would visit their websites and they can get to know other businessmen as well.



Mohamamd moosavi

Sometimes I really think why I didn't start with Aradbranding before, this collection always have new plan for merchants by this kind of opportunities...



Marzieh Olamaei

This is a unique and outstanding situation for those traders who want to improve their financial life.



Seyyed Mojtaba

It's incredible to see even our traders are getting website with trying and learning and also participate



Amin Mirzaei


Thank you, the text was very excellent and accurate, and it pointed out very good points.



Alireza Sharifi

We are members of one, but a very large, family. The members must know each other well.



Marzieh olamaei

Thanks for publishing every day news.



Sayyed Mahdi

To increase leads and attract merchants, focusing on online advertising and active presence on social networks is crucial. Creating engaging and informative content in posts, sharing successful customer experiences, and organizing contests with attractive prizes can help grab merchants' attention. Personalized emails and direct messages to merchants strengthen individual connections, fostering lasting relationships. Through meticulous monitoring of performance and regular updates in marketing strategy, consistently increasing leads and positive signals from merchants can guide the business towards growth.



Santo Tong

It is a great idea



Marzieh olamaei

Lead and signal are very important in order to have a perfect and outstanding negotiation.

If you have a good lead, you will have a signal and if you have a signal, you will have this opportunity to make it to an agreement



Alireza Sharifi

Traders and employees always should be engaged with Aradbranding comapay to be successful. They must use from every opportunity.



Javad, Gh.


Arad is really a loving father for us I hope we can all experience good days together This is a great opportunity for all traders that we should take advantage of



hadise motlagh

Everyone should know how much the increase in customers affects their income. then they will try their best to rise their signals.



Fatemeh Faraji

I appreciate this new opportunity for merchants. they should use it in best way.



Fatima Radmanesh

It's surprising to see Arad branding is paying more attention to our commercial signals than even ourselves.
I hope we make the most this opportunity for better results.



mohsen jabbari

Taking steps on the path of righteousness and honesty, supporting and befriending friends, and dealing kindly with those who are not friends. Boldly and courageously speaking the truth, and moving forward with strength and resilience.




Arad tries to develop our income in different ways and supports us. It is our duty to follow them wholeheartedly and promote our skills in selling products.



Rahele Nateqi

in order to be different from others in business, you need to do different things.



mostafa chaldavi

Arad provides all the business training tips to others, so that others can improve



Saba sadeghikia

Arad is trying its best to improve many people life through business.



Afsane Latifi

GOD! grant us good, lawful sustenance 🤍

👉Incentive Programs for leads increase is excellent 👏

Thank you Arad ❤️



Mohamed Mohamud Ahmed

Appreciate the article and I agreed thanks



Yusuf hotagua

l signals lead you to a successful deal if you don't take them with slight though



Ahamd Reza

To increase leads and attract merchants' attention, the initial focus should be on online advertising and active presence on social networks. Creating engaging and informative content in posts and sharing successful customer experiences can help capture merchants' attention. Holding contests and raffles with attractive prizes can encourage merchants to establish direct communication with the business and generate positive feedback. Additionally, sending personalized emails and direct messages to merchants strengthens personal connections and fosters ongoing relationships. Through careful monitoring of performance and regular updates to the marketing strategy, it is possible to consistently increase leads and positive signals from merchants, guiding the business towards growth.



Fatemeh Faraji

Its nice of Aradbranding that allow to it's customers and merchants to meet each other. this act certainly increase friendly behaviors between them.



Amin Mirzaei

I completely agree with the emphasis on treating others as we would like to be treated. It's essential to remember that every lead represents a potential customer with their own unique needs and concerns. By approaching leads with respect and understanding, we can build stronger, more genuine connections that are essential for long-term success in business.



mohammad mousavi

sometimes i really think about changing my position to a businessman. look at this offers and respect to Arad✨🐱‍🏍🐱‍🚀



M Amir Eftekhari

Everyone should get moving if they have taken the work seriously! Arad us concerned about the progress of each one of us. Time to get off moving backwards!!



Mostafa chaldavi

Great content posted daily, I hope we can use it.



Sharife Nateghi

It is absolutely true that collecting leads is much more cost-effective than collecting signals, and as it was said, more signals are obtained from negotiation with these leads than when we collect signals directly. And the signals that come through negotiations with leads are sometimes much stronger than other signals.



Razie Rezai

another great option provided by Arad. The follow links are really important in your website boosting, try to use it.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

It's great to hear that Arad Branding has a plan in place to address the concerns and worries of senior managers regarding increasing leads and signals for Arad traders. While I don't have specific details about your plan, I can provide some general guidance and suggestions that might be helpful.
Analytics and Measurement: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts. Utilize analytics tools to monitor website traffic, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics. Continuously analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategies accordingly.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine your lead generation plan based on the insights gained from data analysis and feedback from the sales team. Experiment with different approaches, test new channels, and adapt your tactics as needed to maximize results.

Remember, every organization and market is unique, so it's important to tailor these suggestions to your specific circumstances. Good luck with your plan to increase leads and signals for Arad traders



Ghasem Bazyar




Rahele Nateqi

No one would ever think about making you successful and rich other than Arad! So try your best!



Natnael Tadele

Arad is showing us how assertive and initiated he is and as a company Arad stands to help traders to be prosperous with every possible solutions and this is really helpful for someone who uses this opportunity. Keeping updated in the environment we work can assist our effort to achieve the goals we want to meet. Actively networking with other Arad teams is also creates additonally opportunity to work together and exchange experiences and informations.



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