If you have always been looking for a list that includes names of different varieties of cucumber and contains pictures of each one, you are reading the right article.
According to the latest research, the origin of cucumber goes back to India.
So far more than one thousand types of it have been found.
However, not all of them are edible.
Generally, cucumber is divided into three categories.
The first types are the ones specially used for pickling.
The second groups are greenhouse cucumber, also known as seedless.
And the third one is green cucumber which is the most commonly found variety.
Unusual Cucumber Varieties
All varieties of cucumber that are local to a specific region, might seem unusual to those who haven't seen them at all.
They differ in terms of color, size, shape, and taste.
However, a certain verity that is weird in one's opinion is typical to others, therefore, it greatly depends on the reader's living area.
So it's hard to categorize some varieties as common and others as unusual.
There is no easy way to define what cucumber variety is the best.
The criteria for the best type is different from one person to another but some factors like taste and fragrance are the standards that everyone would agree upon when it comes to picking up one specific type as the best.
Best Cucumber Varieties
In terms of taste Persian cucumber is similar to Slicing cucumber which has a slightly sweet taste, with a quite juicy and fleshy texture.
The best thing about this variety is that it's available all year round.
However, the standards for different people with different goals are not the same.
For example, a chef might be looking for some varieties that have better looks than taste so that they can be used as decorative toppings in salads, or in another situation the same chef might need a variety that tastes better when it's cooked.
So it can be said that the only way to signify the best cucumber is to see how compatible it is with your needs.
Mini Cucumber Varieties
One of the most interesting kinds of cucumber is the mini cucumber.
One type of it is white and round with thin skin and suitable for both cooking and fresh use.
The other one is Snack cucumber also known as a Cocktail which is very small and it takes only a few bits to finish.
Mini cucumbers are easy to cultivate you just need to have the seed and plant it 4 cm deep in the ground in the spring.
You might find it funny that you can grow it even in your house.
But to make it work you should plant three to five seeds in a vase that is 24cm in diameter.
Cucumber falls into the category of vegetables but a certain vegetable that looks a lot like cucumber is Karla.
Yellow Cucumber Varieties
When we hear the word cucumber the first color that pops into our mind is green.
But interestingly there are different colors for cucumber from green and white to black and yellow.
The yellow type has an oval shape and turns from green to yellow as time passes.
It is mostly available in the late spring and fall.
The yellow cucumber has the possibility to be cultivated both directly and indirectly.
One of the advantages that it has over other types is that it can grow in all seasons.
The seeds of this variety are more expensive than the typical ones because it has a higher quality yield as well.
It's supplied in large quantities also online purchase is available for farmers.
Its popularity and benefits for health have drawn people's attention to itself and made it a potential product to enter the global market and a profitable business.