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Lifebuoy Soap in India; Emollient Carbolic Acid Compound Anti Skin Infection

Lifebuoy soap in India has been able to conquer the global markets with its extraordinary properties in fighting bacteria and germs.

Lifebuoy Soap in India

Lifebuoy soap is a herbal soap that keeps the body and faces clean and moist and tender throughout the day.

The unique formulation of this soap makes it suitable for all family members.

The herbal ingredients in this product make it superior to other ordinary soaps in the market.

Lifebuoy is still produced today and is the leading soap brand in many developing countries.

This brand became global in 1911 and its distribution was done in countries such as the United States, Germany, Switzerland and Canada.

Lifebuoy soap continues to be the top soap brand in several countries around the world, especially in India and parts of South Asia.

In recent years, India has become one of the producers of this product.

lifebuoy soap benefits

Lifebuoy Soap Features in India

Lifebuoy soap was the first soap to use carbolic acid in its structure.

Carbolic acid adds red color, strong fragrance and medicinal properties to this soap.

Title Description
Act as Emollient
Advantages Anti-Skin Infection
Compound Carbolic Acid 
Use for Toilets, Baths or Faces 

Lifebuoy soap is specially designed and manufactured for sensitive skin.

Its special formulation protects against germs 10 times better.

This soap also acts as an emollient and helps the skin retain its natural moisture while bathing.

Lifebuoy soap is anti-skin infection and protects family members from diseases.

This soap is an active, fast and very strong substance that has a wide effect against all types of microbes and viruses.

This product affects the cell membrane of bacteria, enzymes and their DNA.

lifebuoy soap company

Buy Lifebuoy Soap in India

When buying lifebuoy soap in India, note that the shelf life of the original type is about three years.

This product is generally produced in packs of 6 and the weight of each piece is from 75 to 125 grams.

Note that different types of it are produced for different skin types.

Be sure to use soaps suitable for your age, and the type of soap for adults and children is different.

Please note that this soap is produced for toilets, baths or faces in different designs and properties.

Be sure to buy the original product of this soap from reputable shopping centres and make sure it is standard.

lifebuoy soap lemon

Lifebuoy Soap Price in India + Buy and Sell

Currently, the price of 6-packs of lifebuoy soap is between 3 and 4 dollars.

Keep in mind that various factors affect the price of lifebuoy soaps in India.

The quality of the raw materials used to make this soap is one of the main influencing factors.

The brand of the product producer is one of the other points that determine the price.

The weight of the soap, its properties and uses and many other things, each individually have a direct impact on the final cost of buying soap.

What is clear is that the level of customer satisfaction with this soap is extremely high.

For more information about this product and to get to know reliable sellers, be sure to contact our experts.

lifebuoy soap tfm

The Answer to Two Questions About Lifebuoy Soap 

1: How is Lifebuoy different from other soaps?

Lifebuoy soap is inexpensive and protects against 10 infection-causing bacteria.

2: What is Lifebuoy soap good for?

Its rich, foamy lather cleans filth, dust, oil, grime, and bacteria. It refreshes and softens your skin while protecting against germs.

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