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Leather Sofa (Full Grain) Resistance Long Lasting

Leather sofa in Pakistan are an important part of a house and apartments and play an essential role in the decoration of houses.

Leather Sofa in Pakistan

As the name suggests, the leather sofa has a leather top.

This sofa is used in homes and offices.

If the leather of the sofa is natural, it can be long-lasting and not wear out.

In general, leather is a resistant material, and items made of leather can last well.

Be careful that synthetic or artificial leather has a much shorter lifespan.

The life of leather sofas and their durability is four times that of fabric sofas.

Leather has a much lower impermeability than fabric in Pakistan.

That is why human or animal hair cannot penetrate it.

The leather sofa is really stylish and beautiful, so it really adds beauty to the home or office.

leather sofa set

Leather Sofa Features in Pakistan

One of the most important factors of a good leather sofa is that high-quality leather is very resistant in Pakistan.

If for any reason there are scratches on its surface, they will be removed with just a simple leather polish, and in this way, the sofa will not be damaged.

Title Description
Used in Homes and Offices
Main Feature Resistance and Long Lasting
Durability Four Times More Than Fabric Sofas
Famous for Beauty and style

The leather sofa does not absorb bad smells, so those who have leather sofas should not worry about this.

It is easy to clean with a simple and soft cloth.

The leather sofa is not hypoallergenic and never goes out of fashion.

To create a sense of contrast and distinction in the home, can use two colors of black and white leather. 

leather sofa

Buy Leather Sofa in Pakistan

One of the easiest detection methods for buying a leather sofa is to smell the leather.

Natural leather sofa smells like an animal body, but synthetic leather smells like plastic.

Attention to the appearance of the leather sofa.

Natural and original sofa leather has a non-uniform surface in Pakistan.

Because the surface of the animal's body usually has veins and natural lines.

The natural leather sofa also has non-uniform lines and sometimes wrinkles can be seen.

But in synthetic or artificial leather, we see a completely flat surface and completely identical and uniform designs.

Natural leather sofa is not waterproof and water penetrates into it.

Just pour a few drops of water on the leather sofa and wait for a few minutes.

If water remains on the leather, the sofa is made of synthetic leather.

modern leather sofa set

Leather Sofa Price in Pakistan + Buy and Sell

The higher the quality and longevity of the leather on the sofa, it would be more expensive and it is considered one of the first-class leathers.

The natural sample leather sofa has a much higher price than the synthetic one.

The average price of each square meter of genuine leather is more than five times that of artificial leather.

This has caused the price of furniture with natural leather to be higher than synthetic leather.

The price of a modern leather sofa is almost between US$400.00 and US$460.00 in Pakistan.

This website is one of the reputable websites on the internet where customers can offer this product at wholesale price.

For more information, contact us.

genuine leather sofa set

The Answer to Two Questions About Leather Sofa

1: What happens if there is a scratch on the leather?

If for any reason there are scratches on its surface, they will be removed with just a simple leather polish, and in this way, the sofa will not be damaged.

2: Does the leather sofa smell bad?

The leather sofa does not absorb bad smells

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Comments (1 Comments)


Hello, the leather sofa is one of the best sofas that is made of durable fats, it is very soft and comfortable, and you can use a simple cloth to clean it, and it is very easy to clean, and I am very satisfied with the purchase for my wife.



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