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Lasik Surgery Machine in India (PRA) Computerize System Halogen Gas Cylinder

The Lasik surgery machine in India is employed in procedures such as PRA and Lasik.

This device has altered how eye surgeries are performed in India.

Lasik Surgery Machine in India

The fields of medicine and optics medicine are both impacted by laser technology.

In this sector, a variety of Lasik surgery machines are utilized to cure eye disorders using laser waves.

One of the most vital body organs that is susceptible to many diseases is the eye.

As technology advances, many machines aid in the treatment of certain disorders.

In India today, Lasik surgery machine focus on a specified point by using a particular wave length.

The acute performance of these waves is identical to those that do not harm nearby tissues.

These devices make advantage of frigid ultraviolet waves.

Lasik Surgery Machine

Lasik Surgery Machine Features in India

The Lasik machine should contain accurate point system, computerize system and cylinder of halogen gas.

The laser on this device has a wavelength of 193 nanometers, accurately removing the target part of corneal tissue.

Title Description
Use In PRA and Lasik
Contain Accurate Point, Computerize System, Cylinder of Halogen Gas
Pulsed Power 150 to 200 J in sqm
Duty Reduced the Lasik Operation to 10 Minutes

Ultra violet waves in this device can pierce up to 0.5 micrometers of corneal tissue at a time.

The pulsed power of these machines is between 150 to 200 J in sqm and diameter of the narrow conductor is between 1mm to 0.5 mm.

The reputations of pulses of this machine are 10 to 200 hertz and duration of these pulses is between 10 to 15 nanoseconds.

This feature reduced the length of this Lasik operation to 10 minutes.

lasik surgery machine cost

Buy Lasik Surgery Machine in India

The following are the considerations you should make before purchasing one of the several models of Lasik equipment that are developed.

Some Lasik surgery machine in India require an electrical plug with a higher voltage than regular plugs.

If the Lasik device requires an external water reservoir, a water pump is also required to produce the necessary water pressure.

It should be confirmed that the consumer or business is responsible for the repair costs.

To buy this machine, be aware of the different ways these machines can be used.

The FDA, which is the US government's medication and food confirmation, should be one of your considerations.

best lasik surgery machine

Lasik Surgery Machine Price in India + Buy and Sell

The health care sector in India, which includes the Lasik surgery machine market, has grown recently.

The price of Lasik maintenance and repair varies.

Compared to YAG devices with double fractions, gas Lasik machines are substantially more expensive.

This product will be purchased based on the cost of the machine over its working life, local support services, the size of the buyer's discount, and other considerations.

These devices will be priced differently depending on the previously listed criteria, ranging price from $200000 to $400000.

To make a risk-free purchase and get necessary details about the preferred device, our experts are at your disposal.

lasik surgery equipment

The Answer to Two Questions About Lasik Surgery Machine

1: What is advantage of using Lasik Surgery Machine?

It reduced the length of this Lasik operation to 10 minutes.

2: How do Lasik Surgery Machine micrometers pierce the corneal tissue?

Ultra violet waves in this device can pierce up to 0.5 micrometers of corneal tissue at a time.

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