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largest producer of groundnut in india state export

The state of Gujarat is the largest producer of the most amount of groundnut in India.

Gujarat also is responsible to provide groundnut to export.

This state is followed by some other states including Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, and Maharashtra.

As a result of India's two-crop cycle, which yields harvests in March and October, groundnuts are readily accessible throughout the whole year.

In the past, Gujarat and Rajasthan have exported a lot of groundnuts.

Groundnuts from the eastern region would be more likely to be sold abroad if they came from West Bengal.

During 2020-21, India sent out 6.38 million tons of groundnuts, which were worth Rs 5,381 crore.

Most of the groundnuts are sent to places like Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Russia, Ukraine, Nepal, and the United Arab Emirates.

A shipment of 24 metric tons (MT) of groundnuts was sent from West Bengal to Nepal.

This could be a step toward increasing groundnut exports from the eastern region.

The shipment came from farmers in the West Midnapore district of West Bengal, and it was sent abroad by Laduram Promoters Pvt Ltd, which is registered with APEDA and is based in Kolkata.

NET, APEDA has made it easier to export groundnuts.

This has been done through steps like buyer registration, batch processing by APEDA-registered peanut units, exporters applying for an export certificate and a stuffing certificate, labs testing for aflatoxin, and giving out stuffing certificates, and APEDA giving out export certificates.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare's third advance estimates of oilseeds production say that groundnut production will be 101.19 lakh tones in 2020-21, up from 99.52 lakh tones in 2019-20.

largest producer of groundnut in india

Largest Producer of Groundnut in India

This part lists India's 10 largest groundnut producer states in India.

India's environment is ideal for producing groundnuts, which require ample rainfall.

India calls groundnuts peanuts.

Title Description
Larger Prducer State of Gujarat
Export to Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia
Other Name Peanut and Groundnut 
By Products Oil, Butter, Extract

People from diverse states enjoy them for their necessary nutrients.

India produces 16.5 million tons of groundnuts annually.

Groundnut oil is popular in India and beyond.

  • Gujarat

Gujarat produces India's most groundnuts.

Gujarat produces 2892k tons of groundnut annually.

Jamnagar, Amreli, Bhavnagar, and Porbandar are prominent regions.

  • Rajasthan

Rajasthan ranks second with 10,411,000 tons of groundnuts annually.

In recent years, the state's productivity climbed by 29,900 tons.

Jaipur, Kota, Dungarpur, Jaipur, and others produce groundnuts in Rajasthan.

  • Kerala

Tamil Nadu is India's third-biggest groundnut producer.

Annual groundnut production was 894,900 tonnes.

Tamil Nadu grows peanuts. Proper irrigation and wet weather make the ground suitable for farming.

  • Telangana

Andhra Pradesh produces 788k tons of peanuts.

It ranks fourth among India's groundnut-producing states.

Krishna-Godavari delta, Anantapur, Kurnool, Chittoor, etc. produce groundnuts in AP.

  • Karnataka

Karnataka produces 381.4k tons of groundnuts annually. Fifth in India's groundnut production.

  • Rajasthan

Madhya Pradesh produces 312k tons of peanuts annually. Few thousand tons of output increase and decrease annually.

  • Maharashtra

Maharashtra's groundnut output is very important. Maharashtra produces 278.8 kt of groundnuts annually. Peanuts grow well in the climate and soil.

  • Bengal

West Bengal produces 199,2 tons of groundnuts yearly. The state ranks ninth in India for groundnut production because of its rich soil.

  • Bihar:

Uttar Pradesh grows Chitra, Prakash, Amber, and Chandra groundnuts. Chitra, unique groundnut, produces 20 quintals per hectare, Chandra, 30 quintals, and so on.

  • Orissa

Orissa ranks 10th in peanut output in India. Orissa's rains produce a lot of groundnuts. groundnut 1kg price in india groundnut india The number of groundnuts produced in India makes it the world's second-largest producer.

There are a few distinct types of groundnuts that may be sourced from India. These include the Bold or Runner, Java or Spanish, and Red Natal.

Groundnut is an important oilseed crop that spans 5.85 million acres and produces 8.26 million tons. Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka cultivate groundnuts.

The most common types of groundnuts grown in India include Kadiri-2, Kadiri-3, BG-1, BG-2, Kubler, GAUG-1, GAUG-10, PG-1, T-28, T-64, Chandra, Chitra, Kaushal, Parkash, Amber, and others.

In addition to having a sweet flavor, a crunchy texture, and a somewhat longer shelf life, they have a rich flavor that is reminiscent of nuts.

The soil conditions in some producing locations are suitable for generating groundnuts in shells that are dry, clean, and free of any blemishes.

The groundnut is India's most important oil seed crop, and it plays a significant part in the nation's efforts to reduce its overall reliance on imported vegetable oil.

Because India has two agricultural cycles every year, groundnuts are harvested in March and October and are therefore accessible throughout the whole year.

In India, ground nuts are essential protein crops that are cultivated mostly in soil that has been nourished by the rain.

The groundnut shellers and processors in India are slowly developing a greater understanding of, and care for, the quality of their products.

Multiple levels of sorting and grading are rapidly becoming the industry standard.

The factory in India is able to produce and deliver edible peanuts that are following the most stringent requirements.

groundnut yield per acre in andhra Pradesh

Largest Groundnut Producing State in India

The western state of Gujarat, which is also one of the leading agricultural states in India, is the location of India's largest groundnut-producing facility, making it one of the most important agricultural states in the country.

The majority of Gujarat's land is used for growing groundnuts during the Kharif season.

This crop is responsible for more than 40 percent of India's entire output and is grown throughout the majority of Gujarat.

With Jamnagar, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot, Saba Kantha, and Porbandar serving as the primary locations where the crop is farmed, the state engages in a substantial amount of groundnut production every year throughout the summer months of June through September.

However, the Saurashtra portion of the state is the most significant location in India for groundnut production.

This region may be found in the state of Gujarat.

However, Gujarat is not only the state that produces the most number of groundnuts in India; it is also the state that produces the majority of the groundnuts that are of the highest quality.

India is one of the greatest producers and consumers of groundnuts in the whole globe given the amount of respect and reverence that these lowly groundnuts have earned over time.

Groundnuts are one of the key protein crops in the nation, and they are cultivated largely in situations where it rains a lot.

This gives them a significant place in the agricultural landscape of the country, which is why they are of such tremendous value.

Whether it is cultivated for food in its natural state or with the intention of extracting oil from it, groundnut is produced in various regions across India.

Numerous states in India are engaged in groundnut production, making the nation one of the world's greatest producers.

To be more specific, India is divided into six zones: the north zone, the central zone, the western zone, the southeastern zone, the peninsular zone, and the southern zone.

groundnut export from india

Groundnut Export From India

Exporters were worried that Gujarat's exports would not reach 2.50 lakh tons for the whole of 2018-19 because of how poorly they had done.

But exports picked up speed after December when fighting broke out in Sudan.

Interesting fact: from December to March, Gujarat exported 42% of all its groundnuts.

In the same way, India's exports of groundnuts were 4.89 million tons in FY19, down from 5.04 million tons in FY18.

From December to March, the country's exports of groundnuts went up by 1.79 lakh tons, or 37% of the total. Of this, 1.29 lakh tons came from Gujarat.

After protests and unrest, Sudan's military recently got rid of the country's longtime president, and a council of generals is now in charge to keep things calm and safe.

Protesters, on the other hand, want Sudan to be run by civilians.

India's exports weren't hurt as much as its production because supplies from Sudan were cut off because of an emergency and because of high levels of aflatoxin.

The crisis in Sudan and the demand from China, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia helped India get new markets, said Kishore Tana, convener of the groundnut panel for the Indian Oilseeds and Produce Export Promotion Council.

He said that low crop yields and quality problems in Mozambique also led to a rise in Indian groundnut exports.

It was thought that Gujarat's Kharif groundnut production would drop from 31.45 lakh tons in 2017-18 to 15.95 lakh tons in 2018-19.

India's total groundnut production was also thought to drop from 52.75 lakh tons to 37.35 lakh tons.

 largest producer of groundnut in world

Groundnut 1kg Price in India

It is clear that the wholesale price of groundnut, or any other product, is much cheaper than the price per 1kg.

As you may have noticed, the wholesale price includes the wholesale discount and a few other price cuts.

Some customers may want to try 1 kg of groundnuts as their first purchase, but they should be aware that this will cost them more.

We have always told our customers that buying in bulk is the best way to save money on those extra fees and save time.

Most of the time, we give our customers a sample, but not a 1 kg sample, so they can check the quality and taste of the product.

In addition to what was said above about the price per kg of roasted peanuts, it is also important to note that this product is usually used to get oil out of it.

Our roasted peanuts have more oil than most other kinds of nuts.

Not only does this make the food taste better, but it also makes the oil ratio better.

The oil rate is the most important thing that can change the price of a product.

It means that the price goes up the more oil is used.

It's important to note that our company can sell different kinds of roasted peanuts with different amounts of oil, qualities, and sizes, depending on what the customer wants and why they're buying.

Some research has been done on different groundnut to see what the affecting factors on the price are.

The goal of the study was to figure out what factors affect the groundnuts in India to have lower prices than other producers.

largest producer of groundnut in africa

Groundnut Yield per Acre in Andhra Pradesh

The average groundnut (in-shell) yield per acre was computed using the expected/realized yield given by farmers.

The yield was 'kg/ha' Multiplying each district's average yield by its acreage (in hectares) approximated its peanut production.

MT denoted production (metric tons).

On 28 October 2018, IOPEPC's Annual Trade Meet was held at Mahabalipuram, Chennai.

Kharif-2018 groundnut acreage in India was 38,90,000.

Gujarat (37.7%), Andhra Pradesh (17%), Rajasthan (14.1%), Karnataka (9.8 %) Maharashtra (1,95,594 hectares, 5.0%) accounted for 83.7% of national acreage.

Nationally, acreage fell 6.3% from Kharif-2017.

Gujarat had a 10% drop, while Andhra Pradesh saw none (1.0 %). Karnataka's acreage increased somewhat (1.3 %).

51 to 67% of groundnut producers possessed less than 2 hectares.

Peak sowing was 8 June-5 July nationally. The most seeding was done from 8 to 14 June in Rajasthan (28%) and Maharashtra (42%), then from 28 to 5 July in Gujarat (31.2%), Andhra Pradesh (25.2%), and Karnataka (22.9 %).

Most farmers bought seed from local suppliers, while others grew it.

Vendors often offer mixed groundnut seeds as a popular genuine type or rename their seed stocks.

Most farmers relied on local seed dealers and couldn't specify the seed variety they used. Gujarat and Rajasthan farmers used insecticides to manage illnesses and insects (98-99%).

In Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh, just 88% of farmers used pesticides (77 %).

Rajasthan had the greatest yield, 2051 kg/ha, followed by Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.

The average yield was 1336 kg/ha.

These five states produced 43,47,298 MT or 83.6% of the national total.

Gujarat produced 40.1% of the national output with 20,84,780 MT, followed by Rajasthan (21.6%), Andhra Pradesh (11.2%), Karnataka (5.5%), and Maharashtra (2,66,162 MT; 5.12%).

The remaining states contributed 8,48,698 MT or 16.4%. All-India Khalif's 2018 output was 51,95,990 MT.

groundnut storage business

The Answer to Two Questions About producer of groundnut

1: Which country is the largest producer of groundnuts?

Since of 2021, China was the largest producer of peanuts worldwide

2: Who is the second largest producer of groundnut?

Gujarat state of India.

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Comments (49 Comments)


Indian government has been able to be very successful in the field of peanut export because its production is much more




Peanuts are delicious and nutritious nuts, rich in minerals and vitamins, and almond butter is also produced from them




Their unique nature makes them perfect for creating cooking oils, alternative flours, and supplemental protein powders




Hello, these peanuts are very delicious and have a delicious taste, and they are completely fresh. I used them myself, they are great




Groundnut, also known as peanut and pignut is one of the best sources of protein.Consuming groundnut is very beneficial for our healt




Today, the largest peanut producing countries in the world are India and China




Peanut is an export product that has many fans and fortunately it has contributed a lot to the economic situation of different countries including India and Iran.




Peanuts are great for treating high blood pressure




Very useful! Keep the hard work going and good luck.Hope to see such beneficial articles ahead to.



Mona hajimirzakhani

The state of Gujarat is the largest producer of the most amount of groundnut in India




This food is rich in many micronutrients and vitamins that can bring great health benefits.



Ayda jabari

Peanuts have many properties, so try to consume them daily




Peanuts are high in fiber and are a good option for people who suffer from weight loss




Peanuts are in high demand in India and their consumption is very high




Hello, peanuts contain magnesium and heal wounds quickly.




Peanuts require little water to grow and take up to 8 months to grow




Hello, one of the points that you should pay attention to when buying peanuts is that they have a good and excellent taste.



Amir Ail

Hello, peanuts are one of the most nutritious nuts and seeds that taste good.




Eating 15 ounces of peanuts daily may reduce the risk of heart disease. Peanuts are a healthy food and a good source of B vitamins.




Peanuts are rich in vitamin E, zinc, and magnesium, and thus help treat pimples and acne. Vitamin E present in peanuts is also effective in treating sunburn in addition to helping to treat acne.




I recommend groundnut, an excellent and high-quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits




In this way, peanuts can be considered a snack full of properties and benefits for people with diabetes.



Zohreh mirsofian

During the week, you can eat 30 grams of peanuts, which will improve your gallbladder diseases.



Zohreh mirsofian

This edible nut, along with pistachios, hazelnuts and cashews, has always been and still is a stable base of nuts in Iranian households




Hello good day ?.Peanuts are rich in magnesium, zinc, sodium, etc., they are very nutritious and they also produce butter, which is usually eaten at breakfast




Peanuts are rich in magnesium, zinc, sodium, etc., they are very nutritious and they also produce butter, which is usually eaten at breakfast



Shima rad

It is one of the peanut producers that produces Philly peanuts, which are larger in size than peanuts around the world.




Hi I'm Tomaso, you know Peanuts are very nutritious for health and beauty



Sahar kamali

Importing peanuts from India or other countries will reduce domestic production capacity and harm farmers because their customers will decrease.




One of the things you should pay attention to when buying peanuts is that they have a good taste




The peanuts of this collection are very fresh and delicious and have a good price




HelloThe most common types of groundnuts grown in India include Kadiri-2, Kadiri-3, BG-1, BG-2, Kubler, GAUG-1, GAUG-10, PG-1, T-28, T-64, Chandra, Chitra, Kaushal, Parkash, Amber, and others.




HelloThis could be a step toward increasing groundnut exports from the eastern region




Hi Peanuts are also very nutritious as a snack. They are low in carbohydrates and rich in nutrients




Peanut can be used salted or plain, and it is very useful to give them as a snack for children



Sara sareie

In fact, groundnut are a nut with an almost reasonable price in the whole world, which is produced in India




Peanuts are one of the most nutritious nuts and seeds that have a pleasant taste.




Hello Some research has been done on different groundnut to see what the affecting factors on the price are.Most of the time, we give our customers a sample, but not a 1 kg sample, so they can check the quality and taste of the product.




I prefer to eat raw peanuts instead of salty and butter peanut is very rich




Peanuts are an excellent source of various vitamins and minerals, including:

Biotin. Peanuts are one of the richest dietary sources of biotin, which is important during pregnancy




Peanuts are very tasty and have a pleasant taste and are very useful for children's height




Peanuts are particularly popular among people, especially when they are cooked and salted, they are more delicious.




Peanut is one of elephant's favorite foods for which it is very popular




Peanuts also contain pantothenic acid, potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc.




Peanut protein is usually arachin and konarachin. These peanut proteins cause allergic reactions in some people and there is a possibility of death.




Peanuts have a strong nutritional profile. They are an excellent source of plant-based protein, fiber, and many key vitamins and minerals.




Peanuts contain magnesium and heal wounds quickly




Iran is one of the countries that produces peanuts, which produces this product well




Cashew is a good product, very tasty and good, which has many benefits and properties, and its consumption is recommended



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