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Kashmiri Saffron in Pakistan; Golden Yellow Great Aroma Seasoning Colouring Agent

Kashmiri Saffron in Pakistan has a significant amount of sales because its quality has attracted the attention of many buyers.

Kashmiri Saffron in Pakistan

Kashmiri Saffron in Pakistan is considered one of the most prominent saffrons produced in the whole world.

The Kashmir region fulfills the great need for saffron from the surrounding countries, whether Iranian saffron is superior or Kashmir saffron has always been debated among people.

The harvest of saffron in Kashmir is in the autumn season, at this time, as if something special is happening, everyone prepares for the harvest of saffron.

The seriousness and excellent performance of the people of this region in the cultivation and harvesting of saffron is one of the main reasons for the popularity of this product.

If you are also curious about this authentic saffron, stay with us.

Kashmiri Saffron

Kashmiri Saffron Features in Pakistan

Now we want to check the characteristics of Kashmiri saffron, but due to writing limitations, we will tell a summary of these characteristics.

Undoubtedly, the first feature of any good saffron is its excellent coloring, and Kashmiri saffron performs very well in this field.

Title Description
Harvest Time  Autumn
Fragrance  Rich Aroma
Usage  Seasoning and Colouring Agent in Food
Color Rich Golden Yellow Hue

The next thing is related to the fragrance of this product, you will definitely not experience the fragrance of Kashmiri saffron when using any other type of saffron.

If you use this saffron in your food and sweets, you will definitely notice its unique taste.

In mentioning the last feature, we should mention the excellent packaging of Kashmir saffrons, which are absolutely perfect.

raya kashmiri saffron

Buy Kashmiri Saffron in Pakistan

How to buy Kashmiri Saffron in Pakistan?

In the first step, be careful of fake saffron that is sold instead of this quality product.

In order not to fall into the trap of fraudulent sellers, be sure to research the history of sellers of this product.

Considering that Kashmiri saffron is distributed in packages with different weights, you should determine the amount you need of this product before buying.

Ask the seller to provide you with sufficient information about the different weights of this product.

If you follow all the mentioned points correctly, surely buying Kashmiri saffron will be a great experience for you.

pure kashmiri saffron

Kashmiri Saffron Price in Pakistan + Buy and Sell

Kashmiri saffron Price in Pakistan has been calculated at around 11 to 15 dollars for each one-gram package.

Due to the recent increase in the global saffron market, there have been changes in the price of this product.

With a simple survey, you can compare the price of Kashmiri saffron in different years.

It should be noted that saffron produced in Kashmir also has different qualities and each quality level has a different price.

In our introduction, we must say that we are one of the most experienced sellers of this unique saffron.

Contact us through the specified numbers.

iran saffron vs kashmiri saffron

The Answer to Two Questions About Kashmiri Saffron

1: Why is Saffron from Kashmir the best?

High crocin content makes Kashmiri Saffron the best.

2: How Kashmiri Saffron is used?

Mostly as a tea and spice in foods.

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Comments (2 Comments)


These saffron are very good and good for foods such as yellow flame and have the best flavor




Saffron is a fragrant plant that is used in foods, cakes and desserts, and gives them a nice color, and it has a beautiful color and is very fragrant.



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