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Jasmine Rice in Ghana; White Brown Grain Fiber Vitamins Antioxidants Source

Jasmine rice in Ghana recently became more popular owing to its benefits and new recipes that came form foreign countries.

Jasmine Rice in Ghana

In Ghana jasmine rice which is also named Asian rice belongs to the long-grain variety.

The hull and all of the bran are removed from the great majority of jasmine rice production, making it possible to produce the polished white kind.

There is, however, a brown variety of jasmine rice that has been hulled but still retains the bran, and there is even a rare kind of black jasmine rice.

This is similar to the situation with most other varieties of rice.

The kind of jasmine rice you use and what you use it for, side dish, soup, or stir-fry, will dictate how you utilize the rice.

Jasmine Rice

Jasmine Rice Features in Ghana

All varieties of Jasmin rice in Ghana have the same features and they are called aroma and nutty flavors.

This rice is full of fiber, vitamins such as B and C, and antioxidants.

Title Description
Known As Asian Rice
Color White and Brown
Source Of Full of Fiber, Vitamins Such as B and C, Antioxidants
Benefits Lower Risk of Birth Defects

Folic acid is in abundance in jasmine rice.

Folic acid seems to help pregnant women have healthy babies, especially if they take it before they get pregnant and during the first trimester.

Folic acid has been linked to a lower risk of birth defects and neural tube defects, in particular.

Because of this, jasmine rice is a healthy choice when you are trying to get pregnant or when you are pregnant.

jasmine rice wollongong

Buy Jasmine Rice in Ghana

In Ghana, you can buy jasmine rice from all the local supermarkets as well as online stores.

This rice in both local and online providers is offered in packages and in balk.

According to your routine usage you can choose different packages such as 5-kg, 10, or 20-kg, but there are 50-kg packs that are suitable for hotels and restaurants.

Online shops give you full information about jasmine rice and also display different packs and different types.

You can observe each one in detail and also read the comments of the other users and finally opt for the one that is suitable for your home.

jasmine rice sticky

Jasmine Rice Price in Ghana + Buy and Sell

It became clear that in Ghana buying jasmine rice from online stores seems more logical.

Our company is one of the international providers of this grain and we have many customers from the whole of the world.

Giving you accurate info about this rice is our priority and due to this responsibility, our experts can guide all those who contact our company.

Our expert will tell you the latest prices as well as other data such as how to distinguish the original rice and the best shipping approaches.

A 20-pound package of this rice in the global market costs around $27 to $35.

You can contact our experts for a safe purchase and advice.

white jasmine rice

The Answer to Two Questions About Jasmine Rice

1: What effect does folic acid in jasmine rice have on the body?

Folic acid in jasmine rice seems to help pregnant women have healthy babies, especially if they take it before they get pregnant and during the first trimester.

2: What nutrients does jasmine rice have?

This jasmine rice is full of fiber, vitamins such as B and C, and antioxidants.

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Comments (1 Comments)


Hello, I use rice in most of my meals. When I prepared this rice and used it in cooking, it tasted good and has a good aroma. It is very tasty and has a soft texture. I am satisfied with my choice.



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