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Jar Cake in Nigeria; Sponge Chiffon 3 Flavors Fruit Vanilla Chocolate

Jar cake in Nigeria is a creamy dessert made with fruit, vanilla and chocolate flavors, This cocoa cupcake is very popular with children.

Jar Cake in Nigeria

This is Nigeria where jar cakes are famous.

Birthday and party cakes.

A sponge or chiffon cake made with chocolate and vanilla flavor.

A small cake for one person that is suitable for outdoor parties.

They don't look like much, a normal cake with colored caramels, which are also good for Valentine's Day.

Some models are made with dried fruits.

Jar cake in Nigeria are all made in single serving plastic containers.

Although glass containers with lids are also suitable for making cakes.

But these cakes are decorated with Nigeria tablets and colorful ribbons.

Different flavors of cocoa cake are packed with different layers.

All cakes are prepared in plastic cups.

They are usually made according to the request.

Jar Cake

Jar Cake Features in Nigeria

Net weight 350 grams, weight with packaging 400 grams, they were suitable for one person, plastic packaging, all these are the characteristics of cake jars in Nigeria.

All cakes are prepared in 4 minutes, in fact, the cake baking time is very short and convenient.

Title Description
Ingridents A Sponge or Chiffon Cake
Flavors Fruit, Vanilla and Chocolate Flavors
Suitable for Birthday, Party and Valentine's Day
Preapration Time 4 Minutes

The best conditions for storing them is to use the refrigerator, while the maximum time for using the cake is one day.

Some models have different types of raw materials.

Some others are suitable for open space.

Jar cake in Nigeria are suitable for holding luxurious parties.

The cake has many fruit flavors.

But the way to prepare the cake shows that the cake is layered.

It is better to use pastry cream in its preparation, but its amount will be according to your opinion.

chocolate jar cake

Buy Jar Cake in Nigeria

The best option in buying a cake jar in Nigeria is to have the authenticity of the product and the seal of the Ministry of Health.

Just pay attention to the quality of the Jar cake in Nigeria when buying.

When faced with a long production date, discard it without any hesitation.

Although cake jar products are considered food, it is better to pay attention to their packaging.

Never ignore the design and theme of the cake jar to get more pleasure from eating it.

Buying from internet websites is often associated with challenges that it is better to keep this issue in mind in this type of purchases.

Choose the flavor of the cake yourself.

The weight and size of the cake becomes very important at the time of purchase.

When buying, pay attention to the method of transporting the cake.

red velvet jar cake

Jar Cake Price in Nigeria + Buy and Sell

Some suppliers use the prices of competitors in the supply of their products.

Like many other products, the jar cake price in Nigeria is increasing every year.

Also, the amount of demand for the product changes the price of the product in the short term.

Of course, the deliciousness of the cake greatly affects the increase in demand for the product.

Providers use a good trick like using marketers to sell their products to get more sales.

They say that the development and launch of Internet channels can help reduce the price of products.

Currently, a cake jar in Nigeria retails for 0.50$.

If you have any questions about the price of the cake, you can contact our experts to get the answer.

kookie jar cake

The Answer to Two Questions About Jar Cake

1: What is the shelf life of a cake in a jar?

Cake in a Jar keeps its freshness for 3–4 days when kept in the refrigerator.

2: Should jar cakes be kept in the fridge?

A cake that is sealed in a jar need not be kept in the fridge.

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Comments (1 Comments)


Hello, the glass cake is very good, children love it and it tastes good.

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