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Introduction of Ajwa dates for young babies + Best buy price

Is Ajwa date a good thing to feed our babies?

When can we let our children eat dates? These are the questions which have been addressed in the following paragraphs.

No hesitation needed! Read on.

It is advisable to wait until your kid is at least 18 months old before introducing dates and processed bars and snacks that contain them.

Dates are notoriously sticky, and they contain an extremely high concentration of sugar.

Even for children older than 18 months, dates should be carefully cooked to reduce the risk of choking and provided as a special treat rather than as a snack that is consumed on a daily basis.

When in season, dates are offered fresh on the stem from their palm tree, while others are accessible all year round in their dried, pitted, and packaged form.

Dates are native to Southwest Asia and have a particularly sweet flavour.

The Medjool form of dried date is the most frequent type seen in grocery stores across the United States, but other types of dried date are more prevalent in other regions of the world.

 Dates can now be purchased in a wide range of processed forms, including date sugar, date syrup, date paste, date bars, and the list continues.

What is the cause?

Dates are promoted as a "healthy" alternative to white sugar, and food manufacturers are beginning to use processed date sugar products in place of traditional white sugar products manufactured from cane plants.

Are infants able to benefit from eating dates? Sure, but only in moderation.

Dates that have been dried retain all of their naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, but they also have an exceptionally high concentration of sugar.

On the bright side, they contain a whopping 15 minerals, including B-vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, selenium, and zinc.

They are also high in fibre, which helps regulate bowel movements and promotes the health of the digestive tract.

Dates, on the other hand, contain 66 percent sugar, which is a considerable drawback.

Because of this, dried dates and the goods that are made from them provide fantastic alternatives to either brown or white sugar in virtually any recipe.

Is it usual for infants to experience choking when eating dates?

Yes. Babies frequently put their lives in danger by choking on dried fruit since it is notoriously difficult to chew and notoriously sticky.

In addition, dates include tough pits that are inedible and pose a risk of choking if they are not removed.

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Pouyan Rahimi Larki