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Interlock Bricks; Traditional Clay Bricks Earthquake Resistance Economical Less Expensive

Interlock Bricks in Sri Lanka as one of the construction material is high demanded, because of its advantages and its low price.

Interlock Bricks in Sri Lanka

Traditional clay bricks have been improved by interlock bricks.

Each brick is made to adhere to the bricks around it without the use of mortar.

The lock mechanism and the Shear key work together to automatically lock the door.

The shear key's shape will vary depending on the design, and it will give a complementary lock on the brick's other side.

Sand, soil, and cement are combined and compressed in a machine to create interlocking bricks.

Cement and stone dust can also be used in Sri Lanka to make it.

After being piled and allowed to cure for 21 days, the bricks are stabilized by the cement setting and bonding with the sand.

Interlock Bricks

Interlock Bricks Features in Sri Lanka

There are numerous reasons why you should use Interlock brick in Sri Lanka.

Let's start with the advantages of interlocking bricks:

Title Description
Made of Cement and sand
Advantages Earthquake resistance and Economical
Feature Made to Adhere to the Bricks around It without the Use of Mortar
Price range 0.4$ per Piece

Economical: Interlock bricks are made of cement with the addition of cement and sand, so they are less expensive than traditional bricks.

Interlocking bricks may contain 10% cement, with the remainder made up of soil and sand.

The reason for earthquake resistance is straightforward.

The support system for ordinary brick is mortar.

If the mortar fails, the entire wall or structure will collapse.

interlock bricks rate

Buy Interlock Bricks in Sri Lanka

Interlock Bricks has various types and grades, it means you need to know what is the important factors on the Interlock Bricks.

As we mentioned earlier, to buy Interlock Bricks, you should consider things like the place of use so that appropriate bricks are used in accordance with the surrounding environment in Sri Lanka.

For example, installing bricks with high water absorption which has a very humid and rainy climate, will not result in anything but early wear and tear of the building.

Therefore, in the brick buying guide, we recommend choosing bricks with low water absorption so that they do not freeze and crack in the cold seasons of the year.

interlock bricks palakkad

Interlock Bricks Price in Sri Lanka + Buy and Sell

Factors affecting the price of bricks in Sri Lanka are important because they affect how much it costs us to construct a building.

To produce bricks with a temperature tolerance above 1000 degrees, it is necessary to bake raw bricks.

For this purpose, it is necessary for the employer to provide a lot of fuel.

As a result, the fuel price of brick kilns has a direct effect on the price of bricks.

Bricks are placed inside the baking ovens according to the temperature they have to withstand and are adjusted to the required temperature.

Average price of Interlock Bricks is about 0.4$ per piece in Sri Lanka.

In fact, interlocking bricks are 35% less expensive than traditional bricks.

Contact us to get the last price.

interlock bricks design

The Answer to Two Questions About Interlock Bricks

1: Which soil is best for interlocking bricks?

To get the best results while making cement-stabilized blocks, murram soil is advised. Soil like this typically appears in lower layers of the earth.

2: Why do we use interlocking bricks?

Interlocking Toughies use less cement and mortar. Environmental protection. Interlock Bricks are less labor-intensive. No water checks are needed, saving time.

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Comments (1 Comments)


Hello, I used these ramen interlocking bricks in the interior of my house and I am very satisfied because they are cheaper, they are very beautiful, and they are resistant to weather and water penetration.



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