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Inside red apple with red flesh a new variety

Variety of apples come in many colors in skin, from yellow, green, and pink to red, as well as in flesh. Although apples are new to the fruit world, red-inside apples are still rare.

red apple calories

But did you know that apple pulp can also be of different colors? It is not always white as most people think. Colors range from pink to dark purple and even black! However, we are sure that appellation lovers and enthusiasts have heard and tried this interesting new variety. The difference in the color of their skin is due to the natural pigments they contain, which develop as the apple ripens. So why are apples red inside and safe to eat? The apples are red inside, either because they are of a naturally red-fleshed variety or because it has reacted with air and the oxidation process has turned the inside of the apple reddish-brown. red apple calories Whatever the reason, you don't have to worry about your red apple. As long as it looks good and smells good, it should be good to eat. Find out what causes the red flesh on apples, whether are they safe to eat, and how to tell when an apple has gone bad! What causes red flesh in apples? Several factors can cause red apple flesh. Some breeds are specifically bred for this unique flesh color, while others are simply due to environmental factors such as temperature and light intensity. Despite this, apples are not the only fruits with high pigmentation. Different types of berries, peaches, and plums are good examples, as well as vegetables or red cabbage. We will discuss in detail the two main reasons for the presence of red flesh in apples: Reason 1: Natural red variants One of the reasons why some apples have red flesh is that they have been naturally bred for this unique color. In parts of Central Asia and Eastern Europe, they were introduced to the United States, where they were bred to form more varieties. The flesh of these apples varies from bright pink to bright red and even orange. They also have different colored flowers compared to the white flowers found on regular apple trees. Depending on the tree, you may have pink or pink flowers on red-fleshed apple trees. However, most berry apples are too bitter and not the best for eating. For this reason, breeders decided to cross the bitter taste of red-fleshed apples with sweet, flavorful white-fleshed apples to produce marketable red-fleshed apples. red apple nutrition

red apple nutrition

As a result, some red-fleshed apples are sweet, while others can be slightly tart, like other white-fleshed apples. Some even have subtle berry and citrus notes, while others taste like fruit punch! Juicy apples with red flesh are not only new to cultivation, but they may also have antioxidant properties. They are easy to spot by cutting. You will notice that they are usually colored all over, either a deep red or a pretty pink, rather than just on the surface. If you don't know them, they might look strange and you assume there is something wrong with them, but don't worry, the color is 100% natural and edible. Some of the most common red-fleshed apples are:
  • Pink pearl
  • The hidden rose
  • Mountain Rose
  • Scarlett surprise
  • Pink Sparkle
  • Thornberry
Reason 2: Oxidation process The reason apples can sometimes turn reddish brown on the inside is due to the oxidation process where the apple reacts with oxygen in the air and changes color. This usually happens when you cut an apple and let it sit for a while. When the fleshy part of the apple is exposed to the air, it begins to oxidize and change color from yellowish-white to pink and finally to reddish-brown. It can happen to any apple and is not limited to white or red apples. Depending on the age of the apple and the environmental conditions it has been exposed to, the process may be faster or slower. The reason is phenol in apples, which easily oxidizes and gradually changes the color of the apple from white to brown. This effect can also sometimes cause dark red streaks in the flesh, which usually only occur if the skin of the apple is damaged before it is cut. Some of the red color from the damaged skin can be absorbed into the flesh, causing red or pink streaks inside. Although these may look strange, a slight discoloration shouldn't be a problem and you can still eat them without a problem. red apple side effects

red apple side effects

Is it safe to eat oxidized apples? As mentioned above, apples contain an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, which acts as an oxidizing agent for the polyphenol molecules that give apples their pigment. Normally the enzyme and molecules are stored in separate parts of the fruit cells. However, when cut or ready to bite, the cells are damaged and come into contact with each other. Add oxygen to the mix and you get a chemical reaction known as oxidation which changes the polyphenol and produces a brown color. It starts with pink, which slowly turns to reddish brown and finally brown. Simply put, the inside of an apple turns brown when exposed to air, which changes its color, taste, and smell, and in some cases, its nutritional value. The longer it is exposed to air, the faster it browns. Despite their unpleasant color, oxidized apples are great as a snack unless you notice any unusual growth or smell. How to slow down oxidation? Although oxidized apples are good to eat, they don't look appealing. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to slow browning and preserve their sweet taste and crunch: Lemon/Citrus juice A little lemon juice or a liquid containing citric acid stops the enzyme and prevents browning by lowering the pH of the apple. However, this changes the flavor profile of the apple and gives it a strong taste. For a sweeter version, you can also choose pineapple juice. Plain water Immersing apple slices in water is one of the best and easiest ways to keep oxygen out of the apple flesh. Moreover, since the water has a neutral taste, it does not change the taste of the fruit. You can even add a little salt or honey to the water before touching the apples. Salt is nature's oldest preservative and prevents oxygen from reaching the surface of the apple. Honey, on the other hand, contains a peptide compound that deactivates the tanning enzyme. Antioxidants The reason pre-packaged commercial apples stay fresher and whiter for so long is due to chemical antioxidants like calcium ascorbate, better known as vitamin C. You can mix a vitamin C tablet and a calcium supplement in water with sliced ​​apples. Airtight container Since the most important part of preventing sliced ​​apples from browning is to reduce their exposure to air, after handling them with your chosen method, store the apple slices in an airtight container and refrigerate. How can you tell if an apple has gone bad? Although red apples may seem unusual, they are safe to eat. In fact, several red-fleshed varieties taste sweet and contain high levels of natural antioxidants and phenols. Those that turn red from oxidation are also safe to eat as long as they don't turn too brown and borderline rotten. Apples, like any other fruit, begin to rot over time, so it's very important to recognize the signs that they're starting to spoil so you can separate them from other apples and foods. When you buy apples in the supermarket, the expiry date is always printed on the packaging. While this date isn't an accurate measure of the fruit's spoilage, it does help provide insight into its shelf life, so you can take extra care before consuming it. An apple's appearance will help you determine if it's safe to eat or not. Some visible signs of a rotten apple include bruises, holes, soft spots, wrinkled skin, and a sticky texture. If any of these signs appear, it is best to avoid them. You should always check for discolored areas, and while oxidized apples are safe to eat, it's best to trust your gut if you think they're too brown and unsafe to eat. If only part of the apple is oxidized, you can even remove the damaged part and eat the rest of the fruit. The structure of an apple also shows its quality. A rotten apple is softer, its skin may wrinkle, and its texture may become grainy. If so, it doesn't taste the best when eaten. Even very old apples can dry out and become rock hard, so just throw them away. In some cases, you may come across apples with one or more holes. Usually, they can create a worm and even contain one. You don't want to eat an apple with a worm or bug in it, for obvious reasons, plus the pulp is probably rotten. Finally, if you see mold on an apple, which only happens in extreme situations, you must discard it immediately as it is not edible and will likely affect other apples stored with it. related questions Now that you know the inside info on red apples and if they're safe to eat, here are some additional questions we thought you might have! What are Pink Pearl apples used for? Pink Pearl apples are red fruit apples with yellow to green skin with white spots and bright pink to red flesh. Very aromatic with a balanced taste, they contain subtle notes of raspberry and grapefruit and are the perfect ingredient for many dishes. Their bright color catches the eye and they can be sliced ​​and added to cakes, tarts, and waffles. Alternatively, you can cook it into a rosé apple compote or sorbet. Her sweet and spicy flavor profile also goes well with savory dishes. Fry a few slices of Pink Pearl with fresh herbs and serve with pork or fish. You can chop it up yourself and add it to salads, serve it with your choice of sweet or savory dips, or pair it with cheese.

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