1. If the market becomes saturated.
⏰ 1 minute
2. Special podcast for newcomers
Money is in the hands of the people, so we need to observe what people spend their money on and where we stand. This seemingly simple point is the main reason for the wealth of people in some countries and the poverty of others.
3. Special article for newcomers
The author intends to inform the reader about the impact of competition in various jobs to show that there is the least job competition in trade, and interestingly, competition in trade increases the wealth of traders.
4. How to make the customer addicted to our product?
⏰ 72 minutes
5. How to get a price quote for logistics?
⏰ 17 minutes
6. Methods for finding a supplier
⏰ 8 minutes
7. Description of promotional services
⏰ 66 minutes
8. UAE representative’s business meeting with Aradi traders, promotion 9 and above
⏰ 7 minutes
9. The presence of an Indian representative in Iran
⏰ 1 minute
10. The second mental block about “Sustenance is in God’s hands.”
Yesterday, we discussed a mental block related to the truth that sustenance is in God’s hands.
Today, if God grants us success, we aim to engage in a dialogue about the second mental block, and surely, your comments, dear ones, which will be added to the text, will turn this news into collective wisdom for other Aradi readers.
The second mental block concerns the word “sustenance.”
In Arad, when we talk about sustenance, we mean only and exclusively money, even though we know that anything that comes to us on a given day, even if it is not material, is considered sustenance.
However, since Arad’s mission is economics and trade, we do not want to speak outside the mission we have, and the reason we have gathered here is for this purpose.
So, at the very beginning, let’s align on the meaning of the word so that we don’t face discrepancies later.
God, the Almighty, due to His wisdom in creation, has assigned a unit of measurement for everything He has created.
For example, the unit of counting humans is “person.”
The unit of counting cows and sheep is ra’s in Persian.
And humans, following this model, have assigned a unit for everything they create. For instance, the word for an airplane is farvand, for a ship is nav in Persian, and for every other word, a unit of measurement has been designated.
When you want to measure the mass or, in common parlance, the weight of a product, you use units like grams, kilograms, or tons.
People everywhere in the world understand how much 1 kilogram is.
Or, when you want to calculate the size of an object, you use meters, kilometers, or centimeters.
Now, there are groups who say they don’t want to use kilometers and prefer miles instead.
In the past, people used the terms “farsang” or “farsakh” (a Persian distance measurement) which we won’t go into here.
Similarly, when discussing temperature, you use a unit called Celsius and say, for example, that the normal human body temperature should be 37 degrees Celsius.
There are some who say they don’t want to use Celsius and prefer Fahrenheit instead.
In summary, each group has its own unit of measurement, and naturally, whether we use one or the other leads to many differences, even though we, as non-experts in the field, might not notice them.
Now, we come to the second mental block:
What is the unit of measurement for sustenance, which we have said refers specifically to money?
Think about this carefully and provide an answer.
I highly suspect that most of you have made a mistake.
Let’s first look at this image together.
Dinars refers to a specific quantity of gold.
Dirhams refers to a specific quantity of silver.
God considers gold and silver as the units of currency measurement.
However, most people have altered this unit of currency.
What is the currency unit in our country?
What is it in the United States?
You might say, “What does this have to do with a mental block?”
If you read carefully, you will understand.
Do you measure objects with a meter, or do you measure the meter with objects?
You say, “Well, we measure objects with a meter.”
Now, what happens if the meter changes over time?
For example, if 1 meter, which was previously 100 centimeters, becomes 80 centimeters tomorrow, what happens to the calculation of objects?
You say, “Everything will be messed up.”
Experts in measurement science would say this is a catastrophe in this field.
Now, what if the unit of money measurement changes?
All economic calculations would fall apart.
Lies, fraud, and deception would increase.
Because you give money to a bank, and they tell you, “I’ll give you this much interest,” and you are happy and smiling because you think your money is growing.
While the unit of currency, the rial, is changing over time, and you cannot calculate it every day and every moment.
Now, let’s do something.
Let’s consider the currency unit as the one that Imam Baqir (peace be upon him), the one who broke open the knowledge of the prophets, prescribed for you—gold and silver.
Perhaps someone among you might say these hadiths could be fabricated.
If I bring you a verse from the Book of God, will you accept it?
It has been adorned for mankind to love the desires of women, children, heaps of gold and silver, branded horses, livestock, and cultivated lands. This is the enjoyment of worldly life, but with Allah lies the best return. (Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 14)
Among all the elements mentioned in this verse, there are only two that remain stable and unchanging, while the others are subject to variation.
When you talk about women, there are differences from one woman to another.
When discussing children, there are variations from one child to another.
When referring to horses, their differences can be as vast as comparing vehicles today.
Livestock and cultivated lands also come in many different forms and varieties.
However, there are two specific items in the middle of the verse that remain constant and unchanging: the words (gold) and (silver).
You buy a horse with gold and silver, or you exchange gold and silver for a horse.
Do you pay money to marry a woman, or does a woman marry you to pay you for money?
Thus, it becomes clear that the measurement unit intended by Allah is gold and silver.
Now, do you know the painful part of this reality?
The global system of disbelief has replaced Allah’s unit of measurement—gold and silver—with the dollar.
When you visit websites, you read phrases like: “Today’s gold price based on the global ounce.”
Then, you notice that this price is calculated based on the dollar.
They declare, for example, that one gram of gold equals a certain amount in dollars.
This is the greatest economic deception of recent centuries!
In truth, the price of the dollar should have been determined based on gold, not the price of gold based on the dollar.
Who were the founders of this deceitful and malicious plan?
Yes, you guessed correctly.
The Jews.
And this is the Word of Allah, who said:
“And among the Jews are those who distort words from their proper places, saying, ‘We have heard, and we disobey,’ and they hear as though they do not hear. They say with insulting words, ‘We have heard,’ while mocking the religion of God.”
Earlier, we discussed the term ra’ina, and said that it’s like talking to someone who falsely says, “Okay, you’re right,” while you know they don’t believe you’re right at all. Then, after leaving you, they tell others, “That person talks nonsense, and I don’t accept anything they say.”
The Jews changed the words of God regarding everything. Since our discussion is about money, one of the changes in money was shifting from using gold and silver as currency to using dollars and euros.
Instead of measuring dollars and euros against things like horses, cattle, and camels, and gold and silver, we now measure gold and silver in terms of dollars and euros.
In Iran, the currency became the rial. You ask a gold seller, “How much is the gold?” and expect them to answer in rials and tomans. This is the great deception.
In reality, you should have asked, “How many grams of gold is one toman worth?” instead of asking, “How many tomans is one gram of gold?”
Do you see where you’re being deceived? If the currency was based on gold and silver, you wouldn’t be tricked.
Imagine if from the very beginning, when you entered the world of work and economics, your mental unit of currency was gold and silver.
For example, let’s say you entered the workforce in 1997.
They set a salary for you, say X tomans per month.
You would immediately convert that to gold and say, “That’s the equivalent of so many grams of gold.”
The following year, when your salary was adjusted, you would again convert it to grams of gold.
Now, the question is: as you become more specialized over time, should your income in that organization decrease or increase?
Naturally, you would say it should increase.
Now, truly sit down and calculate whether your income, when converted to gold, increased or decreased over the years.
For example, the daily base wage of workers in 2014 (ten years ago) was 20297 tomans, and at that time, the price of gold was 102,000 tomans per gram. This meant that workers received 6 grams of gold as their base salary per month.
Now, in 2024, the daily base wage is 238872 tomans, while the price of gold has risen to 5,294,000 tomans per gram. This means that the worker is now receiving only 1.35 grams of gold per month.
Ten years ago, the worker received 6 grams of gold, and now they receive only 1.35 grams of gold.
And this is despite the fact that they have become more specialized in their work.
The painful reality is that these days, people view the currency God has provided them as a means to profit.
How often do you see in television advertisements the claim that if you want to profit, buy gold?
It’s like someone telling you that if you want the size of the objects in your house to grow, keep a meter in your house. If someone said that, you’d think they’re crazy.
A meter is a meter.
How can a meter grow?
The exact same thing applies to gold.
Gold is a unit of measurement for money.
Does a unit of measurement change?
It’s the dollar, rial, and other units that fluctuate with gold, not gold itself.
But because they’ve changed the unit of currency in people’s minds, people have become like puppets in a puppet show.
Every morning and evening, they can be directed in any direction they want.
This is how the system of imperialism, capitalism, and the capitalist economy works, which we previously discussed in a detailed article.
Now, go ahead and dig into your past. You earned money from those jobs. Divide that money by the price of gold on that day and see how many grams of gold it was worth.
Then, continue to move forward in time and see how many grams of gold it would have been worth the following year.
Then you will see, oh, how deceived we were. Every year, they gave us less money, but because the currency unit changed and we didn’t have the true scale or balance, we were tricked.
11. Why Two Units of Currency?
It was once asked of Imam Sadiq (a.s.): “What unit of currency did God assign?”
The Imam replied: “Dirham and dinar” (the dirham is silver and the dinar is gold).
The questioner then asked: “Why did He choose two units instead of just one?”
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) replied: “Because some items are expensive and some are inexpensive. If only the dirham was chosen, people would have faced difficulty in buying expensive items, as they would have had to carry a large quantity of it. And if only the dinar was chosen, people would have faced difficulty in buying cheap items, as they would have had to divide the gold into very small pieces, which they might not have been able to measure properly.”
The Imam also quoted the words of Allah: “We placed love in the hearts of people for collecting money” (referring to the verse in Surah Aal-e-Imran, 3:14).
If only gold had been the unit of currency, those with lower incomes would have been deprived of the pleasure of collecting wealth, while with silver, even they could have accumulated it.
And if only silver had been the currency, the wealthy would have had to store many pots of silver in their homes, increasing the risk of theft as their possessions would be easily visible.
Allah did not want to deprive a group of His servants from this pleasure or place them in difficulty to achieve it. Therefore, He made both gold and silver units of currency.
The questioner then asked: “Between gold and silver, which is dearer to God?”
The Imam responded: “Gold.”
The questioner asked: “How can this be known?”
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) replied: “Because gold was mentioned first in the Quran, and then silver.”
The questioner asked: “Can I know the wisdom behind this arrangement?”
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) explained: “It is because the wealthy are superior to the poor. The wealthy pay a greater share of zakat and khums, and they support the religion of Allah both with their wealth and with their lives, whereas the poor can only support the religion with their lives.”
The questioner then asked: “Is this statement also found in the words of Allah?”
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) replied: “Yes, in the verse where Allah says:
“Those who have believed and emigrated and fought in the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives have a greater rank with Allah. And it is they who are the successful.” (Surah At-Tawbah, 9:20)”
Do you not see that Allah has first mentioned striving with wealth and then added striving with the soul?
The wealthy can strive in both ways, with their wealth and their souls, while the poor can only strive with their souls. And Allah has placed striving with wealth as superior to striving with the soul, giving different degrees to the two.
Then the Imam asked, “Which women are the best?”
The answer was: “The women of the Prophet.”
The Imam asked: “Among the wives of the Prophet, which one is the best?”
The answer was: “Khadijah, peace be upon her.”
The Imam said: “Well done, you have spoken correctly. Do you know the reason for this superiority?”
The person replied: “No, I do not know.”
The Imam explained: “Because she had a lot of wealth and spent all of it in the path of the Prophet and his religion.”
12. We have read these two verses many times, yet we haven’t become wealthy.
We have often been told that if we want God to increase our wealth, we should recite verses 2 and 3 from Surah At-Talaq.
When you read the verses and reached the part:
“Indeed, Allah has set a measure for everything” (Surah At-Talaq, 65:3),
What did you think about the measure of money?
You might say: “O Allah, I measure my size, my arm circumference, and my waist size with a tape measure.
I determine my weight in kilograms.
I measure the temperature in Celsius. But how should I measure the money I ask from You each day?
In dollars, rials, or what?”
These are modern inventions, only a few years old.
How did the righteous servants of Allah before these human innovations measure money?
As Allah said in the verse:
“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as your religion.” (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:3)
What was the unit of currency on that day?
When the Prophet (PBUH) married Fatimah (peace be upon her) to Ali (peace be upon him), what currency was used?
Haven’t you heard that the Prophet (PBUH) said:
“I am leaving two precious things among you: the Book of Allah and my Ahl al-Bayt (Ali and his descendants, peace be upon them). As long as you hold on to these two, you will never go astray.”
Haven’t you heard the Prophet (PBUH) say:
“I am worried about innovations for my Ummah.”
They asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you mean by innovations?”
He replied: “The newly invented matters.”