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The price of Dried Shrimp + cheap purchase

how to use dried shrimpThe best way to cook dried shrimp is to boil the shrimp in water with salt after cleaning and washing them and exposing them to sunlight for a while. This may take several days. It takes time to dry the shrimps. Seasoning the shrimps with salt is the important point of cooking dry shrimps. We briefly explain the three methods of preparing dried shrimp below: The first method is to boil the shrimps well in boiling water and add salt to it. Drain the shrimp after a few minutes. After that, you can hang the shrimps with the help of a string exposed to the sun to dry them well. dried shrimp shell

dried shrimp shell

First, chop the onions into small pieces and fry them with oil. Then put the pre-soaked shrimps into the pan and fry them slowly with a low flame. Then add the paste, spices, herbs, chopped bell pepper and melted saffron to the shrimp stock and let them fry and then turn off the flame. Prepare the rice using a colander and drain it and place the bottom of the pot according to your taste and taste, and pour the rice and shrimp stock layer by layer into the pot and let the rice boil. Then, for a better taste, pour some oil or butter on the rice after steaming the rice to have a tastier rice, and after completing the steps, put the rice in a suitable container and enjoy it with your favorite seasoning such as Shirazi salad or port pickles.The usual advice of nutritionists is to consume marine products of all kinds of fish and shrimp because they can provide many substances needed by the body. Shrimp has fatty acids from the Omega 3 family, which helps to control blood pressure and strengthen heart health. In addition, the abundance of Omega 3 in it prevents the occurrence of Alzheimer's and cognitive disorders in old age and leads to memory enhancement. People who do not eat red meat for various reasons are more prone to suffering from anemia caused by poverty. There are iron and since by eating 100 grams of shrimp, 19% of the need for this nutrient is provided, it is better to include shrimp in their daily diet. Community Verified iconBuy Sokla fish (Sekken), Tongue fish, Safi fish, Galite fish and all kinds of fresh sea shrimps such as king shrimp, large shrimp, medium shrimp and sharp head shrimp from Sea Fish and get them easily at your doorstep. Darya Fish Store guarantees the quality and freshness of its products because all the products were supplied and sent to you from the daily catch of the Persian Gulf sea and the loving hands of southern fishermen. Such sea fish sends useful information on how to cook fish roe, shrimp roe, sabzi pilaf with fish, fried fish, stuffed fish, fried shrimp, puffed shrimp, types of sushi and other recipes along with your orders. Or in Mahi Darya magazine, it will provide you with the best and most delicious seafood dishes with purchased fish and shrimp. baby dried shrimp

baby dried shrimp

Steps to prepare soup: Finely chop the onion and pour a little oil in the pot and fry the onions in the pan. After the onions soften a little, add tomato paste and turmeric and fry. Then sprinkle wheat flour on the ingredients and stir until it is fried a little. Beat the shrimps in advance and have them ready, after the pan mixture is fried well, put the shrimps in the pot with some water. Then add the rest of the ingredients to the soup pot and let it cook for 30 minutes. Now your tasty and different seafood soup is ready for you to enjoy.One of the advantages of dried shrimp is its long shelf life, which can last even up to a year in normal weather without the need for refrigeration. This product can be consumed in the form of nuts, and by soaking it, you can prepare other delicious foods, such as shrimp food, chulomigo, and shrimp roe. Unlike fresh shrimp, it is free from any unpleasant smell and taste, and the dishes prepared from it are very delicious and tasty. Note: mostly small and large shrimps are used to produce this product. However, dry shrimps are also processed in medium and large sizes. dried shrimp calories

dried shrimp calories

Shrimp is one of the most common types of shellfish. This seafood is very nutritious and provides a lot of nutrients that are not found in many other foods. The properties of shrimp can be mentioned for improving bone and brain health, weight management and reducing the risk of heart diseases. This food item also has anti-infective and anti-aging properties that reduce the risk of contracting various diseases. Eating this seafood helps treat age-related macular degeneration and relieves eye fatigue and relieves menstrual pain. Shrimp is a very special option to improve the overall health of the body in a delicious and delicious way. In this article, we are with you with the review and nutritional value of raw shrimp, boiled shrimp, fried shrimp, and grilled shrimp. Shrimp is one of the unique sources of antioxidant and nutrient and anti-inflammatory carotenoid astaxanthin. This delicious seafood has become a permanent part of the Iranian table these days and we use its properties more every day. In this article, we were with you by checking the amount of calories in raw, boiled, fried and grilled types of shrimp and checked the nutritional value of each. Use this article to estimate the number of calories in one serving of shrimp, so that you can maintain your fitness while benefiting from the properties of this delicious food. What kind of shrimp cooking do you like the most? If we compare red meat and shrimp with the same weight, we can see that shrimp has both lower calories and lower fat, so what better way to use shrimp instead of meat to benefit from its unique properties and calories and Consume less fat. Dried shrimp production process Freshly caught shrimp from the azure waters of the Persian Gulf are directly transported to the factory by fishing boats and barges, washed, cooked, dried and peeled in completely hygienic conditions, and finally packaged and ready for market or export.

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