The raw material utilized in steel production in steel plants is hot briquetted iron. These steels come in a variety of grades on the market. The term "Hot Briquetted Iron" (abbreviated as "HBI") refers to a premium type of direct reduced iron (DRI) that has been compacted at a temperature of more than 650 degrees Celsius at the time of compaction and has a density of more than 5,000 kilograms per cubic metre (5,000 kg/m3). Due to the process of compaction, HBI is very much less porous and, as a result, very much less reactive than DRI. Additionally, HBI does not suffer from the risk of self-heating that is associated with DRI. HBI was developed as a product in order to overcome the difficulties associated with the shipping and handling of DRI. Steelmaking in electric arc furnaces (EAF) is the primary market for HBI; however, HBI is also used as a trim coolant in basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking and as feedstock for blast furnaces. Application: Steel production using an electric arc furnace, or EAF Steel production using a basic oxygen furnace (BOF) (HBI is an excellent trim coolant) Raw materials for blast furnaces (BF) The Advantages of Employing HBI in the EAF A very low residual element content makes it possible to produce steel products of a high grade or to use a bigger percentage of scrap metal with a lower cost as part of the charge mix. Melt consistency is helped by chemistry that is well understood and reliable, as confirmed by analysis. The material's ability to maintain its shape and form consistently enables effective storage and handling. A higher density can lessen the number of bucket charges, make it possible to make more use of feedstock with a cheaper price and a lower density, and cut down on the amount of space needed for storage. Are capable of being continually fed into the furnace Scavenges nitrogen, resulting in a low level of nitrogen in steel The Value of HBI in the BOF as an Asset
Because of the following factors, HBI offers the best possible BOF charge: Low concentrations of remaining elements The bulk density is approximately 2.8 t/m3, which is higher than that of scrap. The same amount of metal as when it was hot Improved mass and heat balances that are more predictable The following are some of the environmental, productivity, and cost benefits that can be realized when HBI is utilized as blast furnace burden material: Lower carbon dioxide emissions Enhanced productivity of the blast furnace (an increase of approximately 8% for each 10% increase in the burden metallization). a drop in the coke rate (about a decrease of 7% for every 10% rise in burden metallization).
hot briquetted iron plant
In the initial step of steel production, hot briquetted iron is employed in the steel plant. Utilization of HBI in the EAF (Electrical Arc Furnace) The amount of steel that is produced using an electrical arc furnace (EAF) is increasing all around the world. In addition, both the availability of pig iron and sponge iron (DRI) and high-briquetted iron (HBI) in the electric arc furnace (EAF) have been growing during the past five years. Hot Briquetted Iron, often known as HBI, is not a replacement for scrap metal; rather, it is a source of clean iron units that can be added to scrap metal in order to increase its overall charge. HBI has a high concentration of iron (Fe) and a low level of metallic residue, making it ideal for the production of iron and steel products of superior quality in a wide range of furnaces. The net worth of hot briquetted iron can vary significantly from one melting shop to another, depending on factors such as the availability of steel scrap in the area, the manufacturing equipment used, metallurgical practice, and the product mix of steel. The application of HBI is strongly suggested in the following scenarios: When the ratio of used hot metal and scrap results in overheating at the last step of the blowing process (using Hot Briquetted iron as a coolant makes the required temperature with no need for a cooling process) When iron ore is applied as the cooling agent due to a lack of scrap (which reduces productivity) Iron ore is applied as the cooling agent when the ratio of used hot metal and scrap results in overheating at the last step of the blowing process (using Hot Briquetted iron as a when there is a lack of available scrap. When the charge material's sulphur content falls below a certain threshold. When the amount of residual that must be removed is required to be modest. The Value of Using HBI in BOF and Its Benefits Because of the following, the HBI is able to supply the Basic Oxygen Furnace with an optimal charge: Low concentrations of remaining elements A bulk density of 2.8 t/m3, which is higher than the metallic yield of scrap metal and the same as that of hot metal Additional heat balances and mass that is more predictable HBI is a fantastic choice for a trim coolant as a result of its features, which are as follows: Unrestricted discharge from the higher baskets Specifications on the chemical and physical makeup Composition of the finished steel is preserved.
It is simple to charge from the baskets overhead. A quick penetrating of the slag When employed in place of fluxes, it brings about a reduction in the volume of the slag. A greater amount of output and productivity in comparison to when using standard coolants Utilization of HBI within the Blast Furnace (BF) HBI is utilized as the burden material in blast furnaces, which has a number of advantages in terms of the environment, productivity, and cost, including the following: a reduction in CO2 emissions and an increase in BF productivity (about an eight percent rise for every ten percent increase in the burden's metallization) decrease in the rate of coke production (about a 7% decrease for every 10% increase in the burden metallization). Why is the HBI being charged into the Blast Furnace (BF)? There are a variety of scenarios in which the inclusion of HBI in the burden of BF will result in a beneficial economic side effect, including the following: There is a cap on the amount of coke that can be produced, and purchasing coke ovens as an investment is not feasible.
Therefore, the factory needs to cut back on the amount of coke that it consumes. Purchased coke is utilized, but the price is high enough that it is feasible to lower the amount of coke consumed to match the increased cost while simultaneously increasing the proportion of HBI in the BF load. Because one of the BFs among a number of BFs needs to have its lining replaced, it is necessary to raise the amount of hot metal produced by the BFs that are still operational in order to minimize losses in downstream production. There is a mismatch between the quantity necessary for hot metal and the capacity of the BF: the plant operates three BFs, but the hot metal output of only two to three BFs would be sufficient. As a result, it would be feasible from a financial perspective to run two BFs at a somewhat higher cost for the hot metal in order to boost production of downstream equipment. It is possible that, given these circumstances, the increase in the cost of hot metal feedstock that is caused by the addition of Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) to the burden of BF could be justified based on the increase in steel production, the higher productivity of BF, and the reduction in coke consumption. Because large amounts of SiO2, FeO, and Sulphur as well as lesser metallization are acceptable in the BF, the HBI characteristics for the utilization of BF could be less strict than those for the utilization of EAF in steelmaking.
hot briquetted iron grade
The steel market offers a variety of grades of hot briquetted iron. Steel production is one of the most significant industrial operations. It has kept pace with civilization's technological advancement due to its exceptional strength and ductility. In actuality, there are 3 distinct methods of producing steel: The Blastomizer (BF) directly reducing (DR) Arc furnace, electric (EAF) The construction of the blast furnace (BF) plants was done in order to produce a lot of steel. The reduction of iron ore forms the first step in a melting metallurgical process. Cast iron is created in the BF and then transformed into steel by blowing oxygen into the converter. In order to facilitate shipping, Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) is typically utilized in the form of hot briquetted iron (HBI), which can be charged in the blast furnace (BF), within the converters (BOF), and in the electric arc furnace (EAF). The melting of metal scrap is the foundation of the EAF cycle. In order to produce HBI, a reformer is used in a vertical furnace to transform natural gas into hydrogen (H) and carbon monoxide (CO), the reducing gas. The reduction reactor and a heat recovery unit are made in this furnace. Since it is not necessary to bring the iron ores to the melting point, as is the case with the blast furnace, the production process consumes less energy than the manufacture of cast iron (BF). Additionally, establishment costs are much lower than those associated with the entire steel manufacturing process. aims for sustainable steel production Reducing the negative effects on the environment, particularly for the iron and steel industry, is the ultimate goal of contemporary civilization. The following objectives for sustainable steel production, per one study, are: preservation of natural resources, decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, decrease in volatile emissions, decrease in garbage sent to landfills, and decrease in harmful waste.
hot briquetted iron
The production of HBI occurs when iron ore is reduced using natural gas as the reductant. The abbreviation "HBI" refers to "hot briquetted iron," which is porous sponge iron that has been compressed into briquettes. HBI is produced when iron ore is reduced using natural gas as the reductant. In either blast furnaces or electric arc furnaces, HBI can function as a pre-material in the production process. HBI can be used in place of coke and iron ore in blast furnaces, while in electric arc furnaces it can take the place of scrap metal. The production of HBI occurs when iron ore is reduced using natural gas as the reductant. It is referred to as the direct reduction process, and it is a production method that is kind to the environment. Natural gas, rather than coke, is used in a DRI plant, because natural gas is more environmentally friendly. The reduction procedure is carried out in the tower designated for that purpose. The tower, which stands 137 meters (450 feet) tall, serves as the plant's central nervous system. The process of direct reduction is a complex process that, when broken down into its component parts and presented in simple words, consists of the following steps: Iron ore pellets, a primary raw material: The reactor is supplied with iron ore pellets, which serve as the raw material. Converting natural gas into reducing gas entails the following steps: After being altered into reducing gas, natural gas is subsequently injected. A closed system uses reducing gas, which is recycled and flows throughout the system. The procedure known as direct reduction: In accordance with the counterflow concept, hot reducing gas is circulated through the iron ore in the direction from the bottom to the top. The amount of oxygen that is present is decreased, which results in the production of "sponge iron."
Briquettes are formed from "sponge iron" by pressing it into pellets (Hot Briquetted Iron) Procedure that is kind to the environment In addition to meeting or exceeding all of the most recent environmental and technological criteria in both the United States and Europe, the direct reduction facility provides voestalpine with the following additional environmental and technological benefits: Instead of coke, natural gas is used in production. Within an enclosed reactor is where the reduction process takes place The heat from the process is recovered, and the gases from the process are recycled. Reduced levels of diffuse dust emissions are maintained by the use of enclosed conveyor belts and ore storage warehouses The recycling of collected dust results in the highest possible raw materials efficiency while simultaneously reducing emissions to a negligible level.