اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Sunday, February 2

1. May the birth of the Ark of Salvation be blessed.

🕰️ 1 minute


2. I earn over 200 million Tomans per month.

🕰️ 1 minute


3. Special Podcast for Newcomers

In the Festival of Shabaniyah Holidays, you are faced with 4 exceptional opportunities to become wealthy.

Download the Shabaniyah Holiday Festival Podcast


4. Special Article for Newcomers

Arad Branding has considered three special and unique advantages for the participants of the festival, and the deadline for participation in the festival is until mid-Sha'ban, February 14th.


5. Utilizing All Business Capacities

🕰️ 55 minutes


6. Arad Visual Documentation

🕰️ 1 minute


7. Aradi Travelers to India

🕰️ 4 minutes

If you remember, these trips were made by Aradi traders in 2022 with export mentors.

Next year, Inshallah, when we go on these trips again, there will be 4 major differences compared to 3 years ago.

1. Senior managers will also be part of the trip.

2. The number of travelers will no longer be just 6 or 7 people; instead, you will travel in two formats: commercial trips with 20 to 100 people and large commercial trips with over 100 people.

3. Aradi traders are much stronger, more trained, and more united than before.

4. Back then, we had no people in the destination country and went there to create a market, but next year, many foreigners are waiting for us, whom you traders have befriended in meetings, chats, and their visits to Iran. How wonderful it is to have familiar people in a foreign country.


8. Festival Participants - 12 Days Until the End of the Festival

The table below introduces the festival members registered on the previous day.

Column 1 Column 2
Seyed Ruhollah Motahari P8 Abolfazl Hamidi Zadeh P7 
Azizollah Fattahi P7 Saeed Azim Poor P7
Morteza Izadi P6 Morteza Khodaei P6
Fatemeh Asafi Poor P4 Susan Poorali Heydarabadi P3
Hasan Mirazi P1 Fereshteh Zarei P1


9. What is the most attractive topic in Arad for you?

Each of us Aradi people has one topic in Arad Branding that is the most attractive to us.

I would like to present my text with a question.

What do you think is the most attractive topic in Arad for me, the writer?

































Those who have recently joined us may not know that I, Parsa Ahmadi, was born in 1974. I hold a Master's degree in Business Management with a specialization in Strategic Management. I entered university in 1992 and graduated in 1998 from Ferdosi University of Mashhad.

If you still haven’t succeeded in guessing, guess with the data I’ve given you.














The most attractive topic in Arad Branding for me is being able to understand the strategies that the respected president of Arad Branding, together with four senior managers, design, even before others. I want to be informed about them.

Well, some strategies are obvious, and everyone can understand them without much analysis, but what I’m referring to are the strategies that have hidden layers, which aren’t easily understood by the general public of traders.

And when I catch onto one of these hidden layers of a strategy, I feel a special sense of intelligence, realizing how fortunate I am that among all these traders, whose intellectual growth is many times greater than the average, I managed to uncover a delightful secret that others haven’t discovered.

To be honest, last night, around 8 PM, we had just wrapped up the news article for today, and we said our goodbyes.

By "we," I mean myself, Mr. Asad Hosseinian (my assistant), and the writing team, who parted ways after finalizing tomorrow’s article and went home.

Since I was really tired, it was about 10 PM when I went to bed.

I have a habit of reading the comments before I sleep, to help my eyes relax. That’s when I saw that most of the comments referred to the Aradi traders’ trips with senior managers to other countries.

In a moment, like the character Ikkyu San (a very clever boy), who would have a cloud appear above his head to solve a problem, I felt I was on the verge of discovering a brilliant strategy.

Once the discovery process was completed, an overwhelming excitement took over me, and sleep escaped me. I grabbed my phone and texted, "Asad, are you awake?"

By bad luck, he was awake.

I said, "Call the team and have them come to the office."

He replied, "At this time of night?"

I said, "The way you say 'this time of night,' it’s as if it's the first time we’re at the office until morning."

Long story short, I pulled the team out of their homes, fully aware that the sighs and curses from their families would be on my shoulders.

Of course, one of the team members couldn’t make it, but the rest of us gathered, and I explained the situation to them. I shared what I had in mind and said, "Let’s move what we prepared for tomorrow to the day after tomorrow and reveal this new discovery that I can’t keep inside anymore."

I just ask that, once you’ve read it and finished, please don’t mock me saying, "Once the riddle is solved, it becomes easy."

I know I discovered it late, but I’m sure many of you still haven’t discovered it yet. Of course, some of you may have already figured it out, but didn’t write about it in the comments.

With this introduction, I will now share my discovery.


10. Do you remember March 20, 2024?

Do you recall the first day of the year when the respected president gave a speech to the traders and employees of Aradi, outlining the responsibilities and vision for the senior managers?

I would appreciate it if those who remember could confirm in the comments, and if anything has been forgotten by me, please remind me.

Last night, as I was about to sleep, my mind involuntarily went back to that speech.

And I saw that everything that was assigned to the senior managers had been accomplished, except for one senior manager.

Mr. Vahid was supposed to create a connection between the officials and the people through the Aradi traders. According to the latest news I received, he had a joint meeting last week with Ms. Masoumeh Aghapour, advisor to Dr. Pezeshkian on economic cooperation affairs, where 34 Aradi traders were present. The attendees confirmed that they were so impressed by the meeting that they said, "I will definitely inform Dr. Pezeshkian about your activities. This strategy will guarantee the salvation of Iran from poverty and economic issues." There were many other great things that Mr. Vahid did, and the work is continuing for a long time.

Mr. Ghorbani was supposed to ignite belief in the hearts of every Aradi person, and thankfully, we see how much stronger the belief of Aradi traders is today compared to last year. We, the writing team, are also part of Mr. Ghorbani's staff.

Support was supposed to be provided to Aradi traders in their services, and this has been accomplished for all traders who are actively present.

Of course, these efforts will definitely continue.

Mr. Talia was supposed to strengthen the negotiating power, intellect, and articulation of Aradi traders. And without a doubt, Aradi traders have become much more professional compared to last year.

However, when it came to Mr. Shabani, I saw that the task set by our dear president had not been fully realized.

Those who were present at the first speech of the year or watched it live, if they recall, our dear president began his speech with the verses of Surah Fil and Quraish.

To better explain to those who were present and especially to those who joined us in the past year, I will rewrite the points raised in my own words. If there is any mistake, please remind me and correct it in the comments.

The discussion began by mentioning that during the time of pre-Islamic Arab ignorance, the infidels wanted to completely destroy the House of God.

The army of elephant riders attacked the Kaaba.

Today, the same elephant riders, in the form of the Jews, have taken control of global trade, and in a wave of ignorance and unawareness, they aim to drive Muslims into poverty and once again extinguish monotheism.

It is here that God said:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Have you not seen O Prophet how your Lord dealt with the Army of the Elephant?

Did He not frustrate their scheme?

For He sent against them flocks of birds,

That pelted them with stones of baked clay,

Leaving them like chewed up straw. (Surah AL Fil, Verses 1-5)

And when the speech reached this point, He said:

Some people outside of Arad, when we talk about the conquest of global trade, mock us, asking how we intend to compete with the powerful Jewish traders and capitalists with a bunch of common people who knew nothing about trade before Arad?

And they consider this certainty of ours to be an illusion and try to weaken our belief and determination with their words.

Did not God destroy the seemingly invincible army of the infidels, the elephant riders, with the weak birds named Ababil?

Are Jewish traders stronger than the army of the elephant rider Abraha?

Certainly not.

Do these ordinary people, whom you consider weak, have less power than those weak birds, each of which had only one stone in their beaks?

Once again, this is not the case.

Thus, the same God who defeated the army of elephant riders with the Ababil birds to protect His House and destroyed them like chewed grass, can give us and our companions the power to descend like Ababil on the Jewish traders who intend to destroy the Shi'a, and with each of our businesses, we can eliminate them like a feather in the wind.

Then He mentioned that when you pray, you can read all Surahs on their own, but if you choose to recite Surah Al Fil, you must also recite Surah Quraish afterward. So the question must be asked: What is the connection between these two Surahs that God considers them as one in prayer?

He then began reciting Surah Quraish, which is as follows:

"In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

At least for the favour of making Quraysh habitually secure."

The word "Ilaaf" here refers to the totality of the Surah Al Fil, meaning that God destroyed the elephant riders with Ababil for the purpose of creating unity among the Quraish.

"Secure in their trading caravan to Yemen in the winter and Syria in the summer."

Here, I, as the writer, would like to ask: What were the Quraish supposed to travel for in winter and summer?

A bit of research shows that the Quraish, the tribe of the Prophet, were involved in trade, and these were the trading journeys to various regions mentioned by God in the Qur’an.

"Let them worship the Lord of this Sacred House.

Who has fed them against hunger and made them secure against fear." Surah Quraish, verses 1-4

Why should they worship the Lord of this House?

Because He provided them with food so they wouldn’t go hungry, and gave them safety so they wouldn’t be afraid.

Why did He predestine this salvation from hunger and fear for them?

Because of the same alliance He established during their winter and summer trade journeys.

So, when you recite Surah Quraish, see the significance of trade.

Is the unity between the Aradi traders less than the unity that existed among the Quraish?

Their unity was based on material benefits, but our unity, in addition to material benefits, is also tied to the love of the Prophet and his family.

Didn’t the same journeys they undertook also appear in the plans of Arad?

They went to Syria and Yemen, and we travel to all countries of the world.

So why would the God of Arad, who is the same as the God of Quraish, not save us from hunger and fear?

While the Quraish hurt the Prophet, we, the Aradi people, are lovers and Shi'ahs of the Prophet of God.

Now, I return to the speech of our dear president.

Do you remember when he called the Aradi traders the "Ababil" of Iran’s economy, and for a long time at the beginning of the year, the Aradi traders referred to themselves as Ababil?

But gradually, this expression faded among us Aradi people and was even forgotten.

Last night, as I was thinking about these things, I asked myself, "God, what happened that these words were forgotten?"

Suddenly, a spark of thought arose in my mind.

Those who were present at that speech might remember that the respected president mentioned a precondition for the fulfillment of this promise.

What was that precondition?


The conversation was along these lines: We go to different parts of the world in groups and conquer those regions in trade, but before the trips, we need to establish a base in those countries.

He even humorously mentioned China, saying that when we go to China, there must be Chinese homes where we are hosted.

Because if an army moves toward a goal of conquest but lacks allies in the destination, it will not achieve much success.

Therefore, he emphasized the need for allies in the destination countries as a prerequisite for the "flight of the Ababils," just as the Ababil birds in the Qur'an had a destination that was familiar to them, the Kaaba.

When I reflected on these thoughts, I suddenly realized that Mr. Shabani and his team hadn’t forgotten the duties set at the beginning of the year.

Rather, in 2024, they were preparing for this very precondition.

If you recall, before the New Year of 2024, Aradi traders didn’t have extensive connections with foreign representatives.

But today, each of you is in contact with numerous foreign representatives.

You've met in meetings, chatted with one another, and some have even visited Iran for discussions.

Now, with this foundation and familiarity, what happens when a group of Aradi traders goes abroad?

All of these revelations filled me with a powerful and inspiring sense of pride, until one final discovery completely took away my sleep.

Let’s return to a few days before the beginning of the year 2024.

The 17th anniversary of Arad Branding.

There, the dear president gave a brief speech.

He spoke of the story of Prophet Solomon (PBUH) and the throne that appeared before him in the blink of an eye, brought by his successor Asif bin Barkhiya.

And Solomon said:

"This is from the grace of my Lord." Surah An-Naml, Verse 40

What does "this" mean here?

Does it refer to the throne appearing before him in the blink of an eye?

Or does it refer to having devoted companions, such as Asif bin Barkhiya?

And the dear president said that the second interpretation, that of devoted companions, was closer to Solomon’s meaning.

He then saw the presence of you, the Aradi traders, as the very meaning of "This is from the grace of my Lord," as you are truly devoted and supportive companions.

But my final discovery wasn’t just this. These things I’ve mentioned are just the prelude.

Then we arrived at the Eid al-Ghadir speech, where he referenced this verse regarding Prophet Solomon.

"Solomon’s forces of jinn, humans, and birds were rallied for him, perfectly organized." Surah An-Naml, Verse 17

Do you remember when the dear president said that the task of the birds for Solomon was messaging?

And today, we have that messaging through social media and the internet, and this is our "birds."

Now, let’s put all of these puzzle pieces together.

The traders have become stronger, and Google Meet came, establishing strong friendships and connections between Aradi traders and foreign bases on the internet and social media.

Take the Aradi traders as “humans.”

The Google Meet and social media platforms as the “birds.”

Now, read this verse again:

"For He sent against them flocks of birds."

Both the birds and the Ababil have arrived.

I believe you’ve understood my discovery by now.

I’ll stop here so that your free interpretations in the comments can be the concluding point of this discovery.

Comments (1 Comments)

Paulo Souza

A sales rep interacts directly with customers throughout all phases of the sales process. They’re responsible for identifying a customer’s needs, pitching relevant products or services, and ensuring they have a positive experience from start to finish.



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