1. The Blessed Birth of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (Peace Be Upon Him)
⏰ 1 minute
2. Special Podcast for Newcomers
Do you know who the tricksters behind the heavy investment atmosphere, where people put their money to earn profit, are? Have people become wealthier or poorer after all these years of investing? Let's listen together.
Download the Podcast: Intensification of the Investment Atmosphere
3. Special Article for Newcomers
4. Announcement of Prices and Profits in Business
⏰ 58 minutes
5. Saudi Arabia Representative with Aradi Traders
⏰ 6 minutes
6. Arad Visual Documentation
⏰ 2 minutes
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7. Turkey Representatives in Arad Branding Supply Factories
⏰ 2 minutes
8. Senegal Representative in Iran
⏰ 1 minute
9. Congratulations on the Arrival of the Month of Rajab
We congratulate all you honorable members of the economy field on the blessed birth of the fifth shining star of Imamate and Wilayat, Imam Baqir (Peace Be Upon Him), the one who unlocked the knowledge of the Prophet, whose father was Zain al-Abidin, the son of Imam Hussein, and his mother was Fatima, the daughter of Imam Hassan (Peace Be Upon Them).
This birth, full of pride and glory, coincides with the arrival of the blessed month of Rajab, which is the month of God and marks the beginning of the month of divine feast.
It is narrated from the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that he said: "Rajab is the month of God, Sha'ban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my Ahl al-Bayt. So, whoever fasts three days in Rajab, Allah will forgive many of their sins. Therefore, fast in this month and engage in much repentance, for Allah loves those who seek forgiveness."
10. Man of the Battlefield
Today, January 2, coincides with the sixth anniversary of the martyrdom of Haj Qasem Soleimani, the man of the battlefield.
A man who, with a clear understanding of where he needed to be and strive, stood firm until Allah made him celestial.
The Shia always have men who will not allow this faith to fall to the ground, and this path will continue until the Day of Judgment.
If you pay attention, you will see that there are two things threatening Iran.
1. Military
2. Economic
Otherwise, if you look in other areas, we do not face significant problems, and in fact, we have reached immense and lofty positions.
As Mr. Vahid once said, since childhood, one of the questions in our exams was:
"Fill in the blank with the appropriate word."
Let us truly sit down once and ask ourselves: What is the missing word in this country?
What if all the people of Iran thought about this question and worked towards filling the blank with the right word?
11. Can a Human Be a Word?
Allah says in Surah Aal-e-Imran, verse 45:
"Behold! the angels said: “O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of [the company of] those nearest to Allah."
Here, we see that Allah refers to Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) as a "word" from Him.
In Surah Ibrahim, verse 24, it says:
"Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a parable? – A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches [reach] to the heavens,- of its Lord."
When this verse was revealed, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) gathered the people and said:
"O people, Allah's intended 'word' in this verse refers to me and Ali."
Then he said: "I and Ali are from one tree, and the rest of the people are from various trees."
And when the Prophet recited Surah Ibrahim, verse 26:
"And the parable of an evil Word is that of an evil tree: It is torn up by the root from the surface of the earth: it has no stability."
He said: "O Ali, indeed after me, your rights will be usurped, so be patient, for their action will not endure."
Imam Sadiq (Peace Be Upon Him) narrated: "Allah's 'goodly tree' refers to us, the Ahl al-Bayt, and our followers, while the 'evil tree' refers to Umayyad dynasty and their followers."
Thus, we can see that humans can indeed be a word.
One can be a good word, and one can be an evil word.
And many words are neither pure nor evil, but useless.
Imam Hadi (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "There are many people who neither support the truth nor oppose falsehood."
What truly matters is for us to ask ourselves: What word do we want to be?
A word that supports the truth?
Or a word that supports falsehood?
Or a Useless Word That Has No Impact in This World, Neither in Goodness Nor in Evil.
There are those who come for a few years, eat, and leave without leaving any impact on this world.
It may be hard for you to believe, but when I left behind the large trading companies in Tehran and chose Arad, it was because of the impact I saw I could make here, which I did not have there.
I believe I have contributed at least half a percent to the continuity and strengthening of you dear traders in business.
And that half percent is extremely valuable to me, for I stand in a place where I have a half-percent impact on the economy of the Shia. And undoubtedly, the impact of Aradi traders on the economy continues to grow day by day.
And Allah sees and writes, and I take great pride and honor in this matter.
There are many days when my team and I discuss what to write about.
To find a new topic every day and write it in such a way that you, the esteemed ones, acknowledge that you didn’t know this or hadn’t looked at this subject from this angle is an extremely difficult task, especially since you are many steps ahead of the general public in terms of intellect and knowledge.
Writing for you and inspiring you is very challenging, and especially, the task becomes harder as time goes on.
Many days, my team gets tired of searching for new topics because, in the end, once or twice a month we receive memos from senior managers, and the rest of the time, the responsibility of writing falls on us.
When fatigue overcomes my team, and they start running low, we talk together.
We say: "Let’s stay in this spot."
It’s true that it’s hard, but where else can we be more impactful than here?
Our words affect the hearts of thousands of traders every day and strengthen them in their business.
So, we have found the missing word, and we see ourselves as that word that has filled this gap.
I often tell my team: "If we don't write, surely Allah will bring someone better than us for Arad to write." And throughout all these years I have been at Arad, having witnessed its ups and downs, I cannot recall a time when Arad has been hindered by the absence of anyone.
The older ones remember that many who were much bigger than us in Arad have left, and nothing changed.
It’s not a lie to say that even though they were there for years and made an impact, when they left, their absence was barely felt.
They left as though they had never been there at all.
So, each of us who stands in the field of trade should not consider it a favor upon others, but rather, it is a blessing from God that He has placed us in this gap for Islam and Iran.
Where else can we be more impactful than in trade, which is the source of so much goodness?
I once heard a logical argument from Mr. Vahid that really solidified my understanding.
He gives the example of Malik al-Ashtar, who during the time of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) was the best swordsman among the Arabs.
And Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) was proud to have such a companion.
In the time of Imam Sadiq (Peace Be Upon Him), a similar role was played by Zurarahh ibn A'yan for Imam Sadiq, although Zurarah was not a swordsman but was deeply knowledgeable.
Now, imagine if Malik al-Ashtar were in the time of Imam Sadiq, and Zurarah was in the time of Imam Ali, and both wanted to play their previous roles.
Malik would say, "I want to wield my sword," and Zurarah would say, "I want to be a scholar and read books."
During the time of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him), it was the era of jihad, and reading books wasn’t of much use.
Would Zurarah, the scholar, have been useful to Imam Ali?
Certainly not.
In the time of Imam Sadiq (Peace Be Upon Him), because the period was filled with chaos and conflict between Banu Umayyah and Banu Abbas, Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) forbade his companions from showing their skills in battle to prevent them from falling into the traps of these corrupt factions, ensuring the safety of the Shia and preventing them from getting involved in the strife of these two wicked groups.
Would Malik, the swordsman, have been useful in the time of Imam Sadiq?
Certainly not.
As Mr. Vahid said, the Imam of each era looks at the people's pain and seeks to remedy it.
In the time of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him), the people's pain was the rule of those unworthy of leadership, and jihad was needed, so warriors like Malik were necessary.
In the time of Imam Sadiq (Peace Be Upon Him), the people's pain was ignorance, and knowledge was the cure, so scholars like Zurarah were needed.
So, what is the pain of the people today?
Certainly, Imam Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him) stands where He can heal this pain.
The pain of today's Shia of the Ahl al-Bayt is the economy.
The pain of the people of the world, over whom Imam Mahdi has governance, is also the economy.
Therefore, Imam Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him) sees the remedy in resolving the economic issue.
I am certain that if Malik al-Ashtar were here today, he would engage in economic work and stand in a place where the economy of the people could grow.
I am sure Zurarah would do the same if he were here today.
Because the special companions of the Ahl al-Bayt have eradicated ego and selfishness from within themselves and have dedicated themselves to their Imam.
They look to see what their Imam’s concern is and present themselves at the place where their Imam needs them.
When they see that the concern of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) is the economy of the Shia, they stand exactly at that point.
In the Dua Al-Ahd, when you ask Allah to make you one of the special companions of Imam Mahdi, you say:
"O Allah, make me among his supporters, helpers, defenders, and those who hasten to fulfill his needs."
When the Imam's need is to solve the economic pain of the people, are you in the place where you will quickly take steps to solve this problem?
And you continue:
"And I will perfectly obey his commands."
Do you think about what the Imam’s command is?
"Go to this place, solve the economic problems of this tribe."
Can you do that?
"And I will support him, and whenever his will is directed toward something, I will hasten to fulfill it, and in his presence, I will seek martyrdom."
The Imam’s will is to relieve the people from economic hardship.
Can you go ahead and say, "My Master, entrust this to me, I will solve it"?
Now, sit and reflect on the role of trade.
If you understand trade, and Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) entrusts a tribe or community to you, can you say, "My Master, entrust this to me.
I will go and teach them trade and stay with them until their business flourishes, and their economic situation is secure"?
Rest assured, since the task of the Imam is nothing but showing the way, He does not ask you to do anything other than show people the path.
Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) will never act against the Quran, and the words of Allah are clear:
"Nor can a bearer of burdens bear another’s burdens if one heavily laden should call another to [bear] his load. Not the least portion of it can be carried [by the other]. " Surah Fatir, Verse 18
Surely, the Imam (peace be upon him) does not bear the burden of others, but only shows the way.
Did Malik al-Ashtar fight in place of someone else?
Did Zurarah teach knowledge instead of someone else?
So, you too are not meant to earn money for others in their stead.
Malik himself fought, and encouraged people to fight, teaching them the art of war.
Zurarah learned knowledge himself, encouraged others to seek knowledge, and taught them.
You too should trade yourselves, earn money, and encourage others to trade, teaching them how to do so.
You are not meant to trade in place of others while they sit idly and receive benefits for nothing.
This is not the way of our faith.
You say, "O Imam Mahdi, if people in such-and-such a place are entrusted to me, I can teach them trade, motivate and encourage them, and stand by their side until they trade, resolving their economic problems."
The Imam says, "Well done, that's exactly what I wanted."
You are my Zurarah.
Now, if the people of that town or village are lazy, or hear the truth and reject it, nothing falls upon the Imam (peace be upon him). And if they die in their poverty, they deserve it.
The point today is that no one has made these people aware of trade, its benefits, and the correct knowledge to benefit from it.
The media has pushed them toward usury, and no one has engaged them in trade. Therefore, they burn in their ignorance.
O Lord, grant us the opportunity, in the month of Rajab, to bring people closer to the tradition of your Prophet through the knowledge of trade, for it is the way to alleviate the poverty of this land. We seek proximity to your family, knowing that the greatest sorrow and concern of a father is the livelihood of his children. How much does the Imam Mahdi, as the father of the people, grieve over their poverty.
Grant us the success to be for our father the very children whom others rely upon, finding relief from hardships through his support.
We know that the fulfillment of these prayers exceeds what we deserve, but by Your grace, we place our hope, for You are the most compassionate of all.