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Herat Saffron Price in India

Herat Saffron in India seems to have immense potential due to its unique taste, flavor, and of course price rivaling the powerful Iranian saffron.

Herat Saffron in India

Herat saffron has become a reputable name in the market of expensive spices in India.

Herat is one of Afghanistan's provinces which neighbors the major producer of saffron in the world, Iran.

The bulk of Afghanistan's saffron comes from the Herat Province, and its cultivation has mostly supplanted that of opium.

In an effort to decrease drug manufacturing, Afghan officials had poppy growers switch to growing saffron.

However, Herat saffron has gone beyond all expectations, as it was named the best quality saffron for nearly ten consecutive years.

With proper strategies and technological support, Herat saffron will be a viable and cheaper option in the market.

Herat Saffron

Herat Saffron Features in India

Herat saffron is one of the best saffron brands in the world, both in terms of its taste and nutritional value.

In fact, Herat saffron has become a contender to Iranian saffron in India's market thanks to these outstanding features.

Title Description
Famous for  Its Taste and Nutritional Value
Health Benfits Destroy Cancer Cells, Reduce Edema, and Function as Antioxidants
One Pound Equels 75,000 Saffron Flowers
Effective on  Alzheimer's Disease

Chemicals in saffron have the potential to influence mood, destroy cancer cells, reduce edema, and function as antioxidants.

A single pound of saffron spice requires as many as 75,000 saffron flowers.

Saffron is among the most costly spices available.

Speaking of its health benefits, Saffron may have a marginally beneficial effect on Alzheimer's disease when taken orally.

There is also evidence that orally ingesting saffron may alleviate depressive symptoms, whether in conjunction with medication or without.

khasiat herat saffron

Buy Herat Saffron in India

When it comes to buying an expensive spice like saffron, you definitely want an authentic product.

But it might sound unrealistic for saffron buyers in India to buy Herat Saffron directly from farmers.

That leaves these buyers with the option of trusting reliable brands of Herat saffron.

Fortunately, there are many prestigious companies that sell Herat saffron in the world market.

The Afghanistan Saffron Corporation is only one of these companies that sells genuine Herat saffron to customers worldwide.

You can easily visit the company's website and place an order for premium quality saffron of Herat origin.

Rest assured that these reliable brands will deliver you the quality of saffron you'd expect from Afghanistan.

pt herat saffron indonesia

Herat Saffron Price in India + Buy and Sell

Herat saffron is definitely one of the most well-known brands of saffron products in India's growing market.

Presently, one kilogram of Herat saffron is traded at something around $1,400-$1,800 inside Afghanistan.

However, Herat saffron is sold at a price of $4,500 on the international markets of delicate spices.

Nevertheless, you can always get better deals both price-wise and quality-wise.

Our website is home to countless farmers of saffron and other spices.

There, you can directly contact them and ask for a price; you'll be offered great discounts if you purchase in bulk.

Just place your inquiry and our experts will get back to you in no time.

golchin herat saffron

The Answer to Two Questions About Saffron

1: Why is saffron so special?

Saffron has a sweet flavor and perfume that is reminiscent of flowers and honey but also has a mellow earthiness and grassiness from its use.

2: Where Does Saffron Come From and What Does It Do? 

Saffron is commonly used in the kitchen as a spice to add flavor or as a natural yellow dye.

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