Nuts have a long shelf life and provide energy. hazelnut kernels make up the nut that serves as the beating heart of delicious food nut hazelnut kernels The lifeblood and beating heart of delectable delicious food. Walnut trees have been cultivated for 10,000 years. In those days, their fruit was a popular food for travelers on long journeys. Today they thrive in muesli, cakes, or alone. Hazelnut has two forms of him. Corylus Javellana separates easily from the shell when ripe. There are also hybrid species of both groups. Planting and caring for hazelnuts If you want to harvest hazelnuts in the near future, you should plant a graft. Now they bring nuts in 3-4 years. In addition, grafted trees are compact, grow slower than ungrafted bushes, take up a lot of space in the garden, and drop their first seeds only after 7-8 years. Autumn is the best time to plant. It's time. Hazelnuts are not picky about soil. It should be permeable, loose and not too wet. This plant thrives in slightly acidic to calcareous garden soils. Suitable for sunny or semi-shaded locations. Once grown, cellulose nuts are easy to care for. Only young plants need to be watered regularly. It is recommended to be planted in combination with other varieties of hazelnuts. Make sure there is enough space for the tree to open. Transplanted hazelnut tree trunk. The underside of the body has a thicker, lighter surface than the top of the body. The transplanted tree he bears fruit after four years Image credits: MDR / Daniela Daft Ensuring a bountiful harvest of hazelnuts Productivity is determined by the female flowers, not the hazel's long pollen sausages. Female buds can be identified by a small tuft at the top. Untufted buds later become leaves. The male pollen of trees usually matures at different times and is not suitable for pollinating female flowers. When the female flowers are ready, you need to take care of the pollen from another tree that should ripen.
Gardeners can help pollinate by passing pollen-covered branches of other hazels through their own walnut trees when the flowers are in bloom. Green buds with red pompoms and long hazelnut pollen hanging from branches This female hazel bud (indicated by an arrow) produces flowers that need pollination immediately. Image credits: MDR / Daniela Daft always plant some walnut trees or shrubs Always she should plant three kinds of hazel her nuts so that the female buds are pollinated by pollen from another tree. Collecting and drying hazelnuts Nuts ripen from September to the end of October. Just collect nuts from the ground. The berries still hang on trees and bushes, often not yet ripe. Once harvested, the nuts should be dried for approximately 4-6 weeks. To do this, it is recommended to put them on a tray.
Do not store in an airtight container or plastic bag. Mold grows. Nuts should be rotated several times a week. Once dried, nuts can be stored in cloth bags or onion bags in a dry place for up to a year. Nut kernels or ground nuts can also be frozen. Everly The main thing is healthy recipes Delicious Nut Recipes by Orly Bastian Nut cake by Christian Rauch. He made his February 11, 2022 guest appearance on Riverboat. Delicious pie! Hazelnut cake by chef Christian Rauch These types of hazelnuts are good for the garden Hallesche Riesen (nuts with large, fragrant cells) Borweiler's Miracle (large, fragrant fruit with flesh) Webb's Pricenut (very fragrant Lambertnut hybrid, considered one of the best hazelnut varieties) White Lambert Nuts (old variety with nice reddish leaves) Bloody Hazel (Corylus maxima purpurea, fast growing, very strong but unproductive) Juningia (cross of Hallesche Riesen and Hazel, delicious fruits, red-leaved branches, later green and red leaves)
Hazelnut tree tipi in the garden good project Make a tipi out of hazelnut wood walnut worm fight Walnut worms, voles, crows and squirrels eat hazel his nuts. Nutworms are small weevils that lay their eggs in unripe fruit. The larvae feed on the nuts inside, release them from the holes, find holes in the ground, and overwinter. Collect contaminated nuts as soon as possible and dispose of them with your household waste. Nematodes also prevent larvae from overwintering in the soil. Beneficial insects are released through irrigation water in September. When purchasing hazelnut plants, choose the right variety. Early June varieties have too white skins for hazel to barely penetrate. Anyone who keeps chickens should make sure they poke under hazelnuts regularly.They will eat cockroaches and larvae with confidence. Grow hazelnuts like trees In the wild, hazel usually grows in bushes. If you want to collect lots of nuts, you can turn trees into trees. You can see how it works in this series of photos. cut the side branches of the hazelnut Monika Muller uses pictures to show how to cut hazelnuts Roll blitz helper - pick nuts with metal rollers
cut the side branches of the hazelnut The central trunk of the walnut tree is marked in red A hazelnut picker is released on a special shelf. hazelnuts in a jar This topic is on the show: MDR TELEVISION Jardin MDR June 19, 2022 | 8:30 am Hazelnut as a houseplant The amber walnut is a magical decorative tree. Cat inflorescences are formed in early March. Depending on the variety, the leaves are also very decorative. For example, 'Red Leaf geranus' produces strong red leaves in spring that turn green in summer. Very fragrant and tasty red nuts are formed from red inflorescences. The nuts have a long shelf life and are very decorative. Among the Lambert walnuts, there are also very beautiful varieties with red fruits. A special decorative form is the cork hazel with twisted branches.
nuts Especially in England, it is customary to plant walnuts (from the English "nut" for walnuts). It is a sort of hazel pavilion. They then grow together in the middle and form a comfortable seat over the years. Hazelnut Motherland of Europe birch family It grows as a shrub (3-6 m tall) or a tree (up to 10 m tall). Flowering - inconspicuous flowers in March and April. Nuts, harvest: September-October Holtz wood is relatively hard. Grey-brown skin without skin. Full sun to partial shade Weakly acidic to calcareous garden soil, well drained, not necessary perpetual Longest lifespan 80-100 years The characteristics are female and male flowers, but the ripening time is different. You need several different cultivars with different flowering times to ensure pollination in your garden.
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