Hazelnuts reduce blood fat levels, break down bad cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular disease. fruit nuts hazelnut kernels Tree golds are required by your body. It is rich in vitamin E, feed, and unsaturated fatty acids and is a nervous food. Turkey nuts were once called a fattening food because of their high-calorie content and conversion to nougat, but now there are many reasons to include walnuts in your diet on a regular basis. they are vitamin e bombs Believe it or not, hazelnuts are a true vitamin bomb. In addition to providing a wide range of B vitamins (especially biotin and thiamine), they also provide high amounts of vitamin E. B vitamins support metabolic processes such as cellular respiration, are essential for neurotransmitter formation and energy production, and, as a pleasant side effect, also promote hair growth. Vitamin E, which is abundant in hazelnuts, is known as an antioxidant. They act as free-radical scavengers, prevent cell damage, have anti-inflammatory properties and support the immune system. Just 50 grams of healthy nuts provide the vitamin E recommended by the German Nutrition Society (DGE). It can cover your daily requirement. This means that eating a handful of nuts a day is good for you they provide a lot of unsaturated fatty acids Fat is not just fat. There are healthy fats and unhealthy fats in our diet. Unsaturated fats are healthy fats and are abundant in hazelnuts. They are less likely to be stored in body fat and at the same time stimulate our metabolism.Because they are a long-term source of energy, they can also prevent food cravings. Omega-n fatty acids help reduce "bad" cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and increase "good" cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). It also supports cardiovascular and fights blood clots. This means it can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Alpha-linolenic acid, especially linoleic acid, has a positive effect on fat metabolism. They are omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for the immune system and brain function as half of the brain tissue is made up of fat.It has anti-inflammatory effects and can prevent arteriosclerosis. Hazelnuts prevent cancer A special positive property of hazelnut is its anti-cancer effect. Various studies have already confirmed the anti-cancer effects of regular consumption of walnuts.
A diet high in nuts can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 24%, uterine cancer by 42%, and pancreatic cancer by 32%. This can probably be explained by increased activity of the protective enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase in treated cells during digestion. Moreover, programmed cell death was induced by digestion products of treated cancer cells. Furthermore, walnut consumption has a positive effect on the colon cancer treatment process. Researchers at Yale University found that when a patient ate her few nuts a day, her risk of developing colorectal cancer again after surgery decreased. The combinations in which nuts should be consumed to achieve the desired effect have not yet been well studied. However, particular anti-cancer effects can be seen in nuts such as walnuts, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. Hazelnuts as nerve food Our brain activity also appreciates eating hazelnuts because they contain so-called lecithin. They are found in phospholipids and function as important messengers in the brain and nervous system.
Among other things, they play a role in generating and transmitting impulses in nerve cells. They are the main components of cell membranes and stabilize and strengthen brain and nerve cells. When combined with the vitamin E, magnesium and niacin found in hazelnuts, it improves concentration and memory. That means you can give yourself and your brain a little help before your next big mind game with a handful of nuts. For good shape: hazelnuts have a high fiber content I would like to lose a pound or two, especially after the Christmas season. Hazelnut provides ideal support. With 8.2 grams of fiber per 100 grams, it packs a punch. Fiber is important for our health and protects us from obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attacks. Feed enhances digestion, supports intestinal activity, and removes pollutants from the body. Increase the amount of food, as they are indigestible carbohydrates, Everyone loves hazelnuts, and like almost all nuts, hazelnuts are extremely healthy: they contain not only protein and healthy fats, but also vitamins, calcium and iron. Nuts can usually be harvested in late September - early October. Crowds of people head into the forest to pick mushrooms, the last blackberries on the trail, or pick apples in the orchards.
If you walk carefully, you can see the abundance of hazelnuts. The hazelnut has been a food source for humans since the Stone Age. Today, most people only know them in supermarkets, preferably pre-ground (although they are usually made from Lambert hazelnuts). There are endless bushes of wild hazelnuts. Just grab or shake. This year she seems to be dressed especially richly. everyone loves hazelnuts Like almost all nuts, hazelnuts are extremely healthy: they contain protein and healthy fats, as well as vitamins, calcium and iron. No wonder birds, mice, and squirrels are all hazelnut lovers. Many insects also eat hazelnut leaves and berries. The most famous is probably hazelnut cream. Its name comes from the larvae that burrow into hazelnuts. Nuts with holes became inedible and became known as "hollow nuts". hazelnut liqueur recipe 250 grams of fresh hazelnuts brandy 3/4 liter 1 cinnamon stick 2 tablets 1/2 vanilla pod (chopped) 180 grams of sugar
Cooking method: Cut the nuts into small pieces and put them in a large jar. Then add spices, pour in cognac and tightly close the bottle. Put the bottle in a warm place. The tincture should be infused for 4 weeks, shaking the bottle from time to time, after which the nuts are filtered through a strainer. Boil the sugar in a small amount of water until it thickens. Cool the sugar syrup and mix well with the nut brandy. Carefully filter everything through a fine sieve. A beautiful bottle and another 4 weeks of aging in the cellar. Nuts can usually be harvested in late September or October. However, with climate change, this can happen faster and faster. If you're going to a gathering, it's best to always leave enough fruit for your animals. Harvesting requires a shipping container and a net, foil or disposable cloth to collect the shaken nuts. For storage, nuts should be completely brown and firm on the outside, as they can become moldy if not ripe. This also applies to nuts with damaged shells. Fungal spores enter cracks, crevices or rodent tracks (see also nut pits). If you want to keep nuts (up to 12 months), they should be dried. Place the unpeeled nuts on a plate. Place in a dry, warm and well ventilated place. Shake it up and down and left and right every 2-3 days to dry it evenly. Hazelnut as a medicine? Those who prefer to use hazelnuts as a remedy can find recipes dating back to the Middle Ages. Rhineburger bacon and bear pork were reportedly mixed with charred nuts to a state of ash and applied as an ointment to the affected areas. It is said to help prevent baldness and hair loss. Hazelnuts have also been credited with aphrodisiac properties. The skin of the hazelnut was baked into a powder and mixed with food to enhance the power of love. Does it really help? Of course, it is not surprising that it can be used in desserts such as hazelnut cream or to make hazelnut liqueurs.
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