Nutritious, a is a symbol of prosperity and an essential ingredient in many sweet and savory dishes: hazelnuts, one of the fruits that made Italy famous in the world.
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The best kind of nuts are hazelnuts with the kernel removed from zero. The most valuable is in Piedmont, but in other parts of the country, there is no shortage of quality varieties. Clara and Gigi Padwani dedicate a book to what is considered a superfood: The Encyclopedia of Hazelnuts. The fruit of happiness" (Mondadori). Here is everything you need to know about this dish. What is a hazelnut? Hazelnut is the edible fruit of the walnut tree. Known to mankind since the time of the Greeks and Romans, it has several valuable varieties in Italy, including Gentile Tribolata produced in Lang, Tonda di Giffoni, Tonda Gentile Romana and Tonda Tardiva. According to FAO data for 2018, Turkey (515,000 tons), Italy (132,699 tons), Azerbaijan (52,067 tons), USA (46,270 tons) and China (24,790 tons) are the largest producers of hazelnuts. The part commonly eaten at the table is the seed of the plant, which is inside the shell. The oldest hazelnut artifacts in China were discovered in 1970 in the western province of Liaoning, on the border with Korea: they date back 150 million years ago. In ancient Chinese manuscripts, this fruit is mentioned among the five sacred foods, but its seeds and fruits were also widespread in the Mediterranean, and the Greeks and Romans knew it. The latter gave hazel (scientific name Corylus avellana) for good luck. The same custom was common in France, where the plant was given to wives as a symbol of fertility. Celtic myths In Northern Europe, the strangest myths about Corylus avellana originated between the Celts and the Druids.
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As the Romans spread through the territory, Hazel - "kol" in Celtic - had a special month from August 5 to September 1. According to the Encyclopedia of the Hazelnut, people born at this time of the year were considered to be highly intelligent, organized, and academically inclined. Those who ate hazelnuts were destined to gain "concentrated wisdom. " Since the grains were born on wild bushes near the rivers, the fruits fell into the water and were eaten by salmon. The Druids thought that any hazelnut eaten would cause a bright reddish stain on the skin of these fish. Hazelnuts begin to bloom in late autumn, when the branches are exposed. This is the first fruit tree that sheds pollen to fertilize the buds with female flowers. In late spring, fruits begin to grow: in fact, fertilization occurs only at the end of May. There are four months between pollination and fertilization. The fruits ripen due to the summer sun, and the first bulbs appear in the period from late August to early September. When the dome to which the shell is attached dries out, the fruit falls off. Harvesting is done from the ground or from nets set under the trees. Beneficial features Hazelnuts are not only useful, but also good for health. As Clara and Gigi Padwani explain in their encyclopedia, this is primarily a nutritious fruit: for every 100 grams of product, we get 600 calories. A dose of 30 grams of hazelnuts, equivalent to about 30 cartridges, is an ideal aid to the human body. It is rich in healthy fats (omega-3 and omega-6), fiber, and vitamins B and E, which fight aging and stimulate the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin, molecules responsible for good mood and feelings of satisfaction. In addition, hazelnuts are an excellent source of magnesium, which helps relieve muscle fatigue. According to Sue Quinn, author of the book "Superfoods", hazelnuts prevent heart disease and cancer, lower cholesterol levels with their nutrients. Hazelnut and cosmetics The benefits of hazelnuts for skin and hair have influenced the cosmetic industry, which has placed this fruit among the most interesting raw materials for processing. Firstly, in herbal medicine, flowers (male), leaves, bark, buds and hazelnut seeds are used.
hazelnut kernels standard
The leaves are dried and used as a laxative, anti-inflammatory and healing agent, the properties of which were known to the ancient Romans. Hazelnut oil is used in cosmetic creams. Regulates sebum production and balances dehydrated epidermis. It's also a great makeup remover because it doesn't leave a greasy residue. Certificates and principles According to the list of Italian names registered in protected registers of origin, protected geographical indications and guaranteed traditional foodstuffs, hazelnuts have three protected species. There is Nocciola del Piemonte IGP, Nocciola di Giffoni IGP (usually Campania) and Nocciola Romana DOP (usually Lazio). Slow Food defends Nocciolini di Chivasso, a sweet treat created in the city of the same name by pastry chef Giovanni Podio. According to the Slow Food Atlas of Italian Regional Products (Slow Food Publishing House), before the rise of fascism, nocchiolini called In Italy, hazelnut production takes place mainly in 4 regions: Piedmont, Lazio, Campania and Sicily. In Lazio, Toxia is definitely the region where the production of this fruit is most appreciated worldwide. Currently, about 40% of all national production is grown here, making it the most important region in Italy in terms of quality and quantity. In Tocia we can find 3 types of hazelnuts: Tonda Gentile Romana, Nuccione and Tonda di Giffoni.
roasted hazelnut kernels
The most widespread in this area is undoubtedly Roman Tonda Gentile, which accounts for about 90% of local production and is especially welcomed by the confectionery industry and the market. Hazelnut Toshia Features of food and wine Pressed and crunchy, it is excellent both fresh and dried and fried and is the main ingredient in many recipes, especially pastries, in the province of Viterbo. The territorial and climatic features of Carcass make the hazelnuts of this region unique, especially in their taste and compactness. The predominantly volcanic soils of the province of Viterbo and the mild climate around the Cimini Mountains are the perfect combination for growing hazelnuts. Please visit this page for other typical Toshia products. The cultivation of hazelnuts in Lazio has relatively ancient roots: it is believed that the Tonda Gentile variety actually existed in pre-Roman times. However, it is precisely in the last century that production has grown so incredibly that Lazio, and above all Toscia, becomes one of the regions with the highest production in all of Italy. The exponential growth in production began especially in the 60s and continues to this day. Especially in recent years, technology has made it easier and faster to harvest hazelnuts, and many growers have been able to expand enormously. Nowadays, hazelnuts are very important as they form the backbone of the local economy and 8,000 households in about 30 municipalities work directly or indirectly with hazelnuts.