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Half Kg Almond in India; Antioxidants Vegetable Proteins Fiber Source Weight Loss

Trading of half Kg almond in India is common, almond is a kind of nuts which is produced in the Middle east countries.

Half Kg Almond in India

Almonds have many different properties and benefits for body.

Almond has been one of the most popular nuts in the world and many people are interested using it as a tasty snack.

These nuts were very popular in the diet of the people of ancient Egypt and India.

In ancient India, traditional doctors believed that almond kernels could increase brain capacity, intellectual ability and longevity.

Almonds are know to have properties that are good for weight loss, joint, skin and hair as well as facial obesity.

Moreover, Almonds are really useful for children.

So, parents are highly recommended to include almonds in their children's diet.

almond water

Half Kg Almond Features in India

The properties of almonds are noted all over the world.

Peeled almonds have many uses and it can be used as a snack.

Title Description
Source of Antioxidants and Vegetable Proteins
Advantages Good for Weight Loss
Used in Lotions and Perfumes
Useful for Children

It is used to prepare butter, milk and almond flour.

It is used in the production of many body lotions and perfumes.

Cholesterol reduction is one of the best properties of almonds.

The amount of saturated fatty acids in it is very low.

This product is full of unsaturated fatty acids and has a lot of fiber.

It contains unique phytosterol antioxidants.

Almonds also contain vegetable proteins which are very useful for the health of body.

These are only some remarkable features of almond.

almond flour

Buy Half Kg Almond in India

When you want to buy Half Kg Almond in India, you should pay attention to very important points so that your purchase will be out of any problems.

We are going to mention some of them which are very essential to be known by all businessmen to have profitable business.

The first and main point that you have to consider it, is choosing reliable seller to have a safe and profitable business.

The next point that is very important too is testing the product before acting out to buy, you can ask the seller to send you a sample if you want to purchase in bulk.

almond milk nutrition

Half Kg Almond Price in India + Buy and Sell

Half Kg almond price in India is usually less than whole almonds because this type of almond is only used for extraction oil.

The price of almond depends on several factors such as size, type and quality.

The price of Mamra almond which has the highest quality among all kinds of almond, is between 13 dollars and 25 dollars per Kg.

California almond that is one of other types of tasty almond, has lower price compared to Mamra almond.

The price of this type of almond starts from 8 dollars up to 13 dollars per Kg.

For purchasing all kinds of almond you can contact us.

almond oil

The Answer to Two Questions About Almond 

1: Are almonds good for skin?

Almonds are a good source of copper, which plays a function in skin and hair pigmentation.

2: Do almonds help intelligence?

Almonds are high in protein and B and E vitamins, which improve brain health and memory.

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Comments (3 Comments)

Jones Gray

These almonds are perfect for snacking on, baking or adding to your favourite dishes for a delicious nutty flavour.


Badum is a very useful and healthy body and a bone and better use of pregnant women and make more pregnant women

Damian Cooper

Almonds are a great source of healthy fats, protein, magnesium and fiber that can help lower cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.

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