Gardening efforts could surely satisfy our farmers in producing the yield of greenhouse cucumber overall. We were successful in using an additional ten pounds per square meter compared to 2017, which means that we had 122 pounds per 2 meters. As a result, there were 120 pounds, which is equivalent to 282 first-class cucumbers with an average fruit weight of 425 grams. Towards the end of November, Wageningen University and the greenhouse horticulture research center were visited. In the dim light of winter, he thinks back on the conclusion of the camp: In 2018, the Winter Greenhouse Heat was used to cultivate wire cucumbers for the second full year as part of the experiment. During the summer of 2016, the series was constructed with the primary intention of delivering 10% extra light during the fall and winter months. Large glass panels (hood 5.6 meters) and diffused glass with light variations were utilized, together with a specialized highly reflective powder and an extra reflective screen, in order to accomplish this goal. Regular harvest for 42 weeks This year was remarkable in that there were flowers for 42 weeks in a row, right up until the end of December. "Most cucumber farmers rotate their plants about the middle of the growing season. Because you will be absent from work for around three weeks during this time, these are the weeks that you should make every effort to attend work. There is a consistent yield after re-rooting the plants in late April and in the middle of June. It was not anticipated that the replanting would instantly result in a gain of an additional pound, but throughout the typical weeks of crop rotation, approximately 4.5 to 5 pounds were collected. This additional improvement of 10 kg was not maintained throughout the remainder of the season in the matching annual crops, which instead diversified into crops that were even younger and smaller. One of the benefits of grafting is an increase in production, but another benefit is a decreased likelihood of disease.
"If you empty your shed in the midst of summer, when the temperature is typically high, the air within the shed will expand, and the shed may become a suitable environment for the growth of snakes, for instance. If you chose to replant, you are. " Stay away from this risky situation. There is also a benefit associated with work, however, it is more difficult to calculate. "The process of rerooting takes a little bit more effort, but it results in a workload that is much more balanced, for example, your production, and it operates without significant peaks or valleys. On the other side, volatility is characterized by a greater number of inflection points. It is also present there." (English) a strong conviction that prolonged cultivation and processing contribute to a product's flavor in a positive way". Conduct research to determine which greenhouse produces the most fruit. The effects of the winter farm are always more significant than what farmers actually encounter in their daily work.
"The highest growers can only achieve 105-108 pounds per year at most. The gap between that and our 120 pounds is significant." This distinction has been brought up on multiple occasions, which begs the question: from where does it originate? Frank has a hypothesis, but he does not have any statistics to support it. "At the experimental fields, the industry is often seen to be more efficient, but in the experimental sites, more care and time are generally spent on the crops. The labor-intensive process of growing cucumbers on wire results in 250 crops per row every year. Let's assume they are real. " (German) 10.0% Regardless of how significant these activities may be, they will have significant negative effects on the tree. All of these factors, including being in the vine, sustaining even little injury, and letting a lot of fruit hang down, are impacted by it. It is essential that you strike a balance between the practicality of maintenance and the expertise required for production. As an illustration, it is not difficult to adapt to the same level of operating pressure as good snow.
Full LED 2019 to further increase winter production
On December 17th, new plants will be brought into the Winter Light Greenhouse to be shown. Although it is too soon to grow cucumbers on a trellis, there is a good reason for doing so. Because we intend to install full LED lighting during the summer of 2019, we have decided to have a shorter harvest than usual. We will do research on the optimal light spectrum throughout the winter months so that we may begin setting up the greenhouse as soon as possible after harvest. "should be in the middle." -July." But don't the artificial lights that are employed in cherry blossoms seem any less out of the ordinary than the other natural winter lights? Frank is honest enough to say, "On the one hand, it really is. " "But now that we are getting better results with 10% of the light, it is time to move on to the next phase. Our harvest throughout the winter, which lasts from October to March, is simpler, but only for us. not much, " to our year's access to all," (in German). Even a reduction of 10% is not all that significant. Even if the illumination is in its current state, we want to try growing more cucumbers so that we can determine whether or not we can boost production "always during the wintertime The obstacle that needs to be overcome here is opening the greenhouse up to natural light. " There will be a slight increase in the amount of available electricity. "This year, we used 20 cubic meters of gas per square meter, which resulted in the purchase of 10 kilos of CO2 at a pace of 100 kilograms of CO2 per hectare every hour on average. " The illuminating of a greenhouse evokes feelings of both hope and vision ".