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Grape tomatoes is a fruit with lots of nutrition facts and many health benefits which are extremely bite-sized, making them perfect for snacking, adding to salads, or incorporating into your preferred pasta dish. However, it can be somewhat important and challenging to estimate the number of calories that are included in grape tomatoes. Even though they are delicious, filling, and healthy, grape tomatoes have a different number of calories than other kinds of tomatoes. Tomatoes are an excellent source of various essential nutrients for your body while also being low in calories and carbohydrates. In addition to this, grape tomatoes have a high content of good nutrients like fiber and antioxidants. Continue reading to find out more information about the number of calories that are contained in grape tomatoes. In addition to this, grape tomatoes have a high content of good nutrients like fiber and antioxidants. Continue reading to find out more information about the number of calories that are contained in grape tomatoes. What Kind of Tomatoes Are Grapes? To more closely resemble a grape in appearance, grape tomatoes are more elongated and oval in shape. Grape tomatoes nutrition facts In comparison to cherry tomatoes, these tomatoes have a more substantial, meatier, and chewier consistency. However, in comparison to cherry tomatoes, these tomatoes do not have a particularly sweet or delicate flavor, albeit the taste may change depending on the batch. Grape tomato plants require the same amount of fertilizer as conventional tomato plants in order to reach the same height as their counterparts. On the other hand, the maturation and ripening of the immature fruit takes a shorter amount of time. After planting the tomato, you should expect it to take about 70 days until the fruit begins to ripen. They are delicious when roasted, used in tomato sauce, over kebabs, and in salads. One benefit associated with these tomatoes is that, due to the slightly more robust nature of their skin, they have a storage life that is marginally superior to that of cherry tomatoes. The optimal conditions for storing grape tomatoes are room temperature, protection from direct sunshine, and either a plastic clamshell or paper bag placed in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days; however, for the best flavor, use them during the first three days of storage. Grape tomatoes important health benefits

Grape tomatoes nutrition facts

The nutrition fact of grape tomatoes are many for example they have a caloric content similar to that of other tomatoes. About 5 calories can be found in a single grape tomato. As a result, there are 25 to 30 calories in a serving size of grape tomatoes that is equal to one cup (about five or six slices). Although grape tomato plants have very small amounts of fat and protein, the vast majority of the calories that make up their bodies come from the consumption of carbohydrates. These two macronutrients contribute less than one calorie each to each tomato's total calorie count. Additional Nutrient Information The following table provides the nutritional information and % Daily Value for a serving size of one cup of grape tomatoes (149 grams): Total fat 0.3g, which is 0%, and saturated fat 0g, which is also 0% 0 grams (%) of monounsaturated fat, 0.1 grams (%) of polyunsaturated fat Sodium 7.5mg- 1% Potassium 353.1mg- 8% Carbohydrates 5.8g- 0% Net carbohydrates 4g- 0% Sugar 3.9g- 0% Fiber 1.8g- 8% Glucose 1.9g- 0% Fructose 2g- 0% Protein 1.3g- 0% Vitamins And Minerals Vitamin A 62.6μg- 7% Vitamin A IU 1241.2IU- 0% Vitamin B6 0.1mg- 10% Vitamin B12 0μg- 0% Vitamin C 20.4mg- 35% Vitamin D 0μg- 0% Vitamin D IU 0IU- 0% Vitamin E 0.8mg- 5% Vitamin K 11.8μg- 10% Caffeine 0mg- 0% Calcium 14.9mg- 2% Iron 0.4mg- 6% Magnesium 16.4mg- 5% Phosphorus 35.8mg- 4% Zinc 0.3mg- 2% Copper 0.1mg- 5% Fluoride 3.4μg- 0% \sManganese 0.2mg- 9% \sSelenium 0μg- 0% Retinol 0μg- 0% Lycopene 3833.8μg- 0% 0.1 mg to 4% of thiamine Riboflavin 0mg- 2% Niacin 0.9 mg, which is 5% Folate 22.4 mg, which is 6% Choline 10 mg, which is 2% Betaine 0.1mg- 0% 140.8g of water - 0% of fatty acids - 0% of total Amino acids- 0% The percentage of the daily value (DV) indicates how much of a certain nutrient in the product contributes to your regular diet. The Percent Daily Value is calculated using a conventional dietary recommendation of 2,000 calories; however, the results may vary depending on the calorie requirements of the individual.

  1. Carbohydrates

Each one grape tomato has little more than one gram of carbs. Your diet must have some amount of carbohydrates in order to be considered healthy. Your body's digestive system is responsible for converting the complex carbohydrate into a more straightforward molecule known as glucose. Glucose is the principal source of fuel for the majority of cells, including the cells in the brain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of calories that come from carbs in a person's diet should range between 45 and 65 percent. A diet consisting of 1,800 calories will require 202 to 293 grams of carbohydrates to be consumed each day. Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram.

  1. Lycopene

Lycopene is a type of vitamin A molecule, and tomatoes have a high concentration of it. Lycopene is found in tomatoes. Lycopene performs the role of an antioxidant, which means that it prevents the damage that potentially harmful free radicals can cause to healthy cells. Your risk of getting heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses is increased when you are exposed to free radicals. Tomatoes are a good source of the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces oxidative stress in the body and, as a result, protects genes and cells from being damaged. Because of this benefit, there is a possibility that your risk of getting a chronic ailment will be reduced.

  1. Fiber One serving of grape tomatoes has about five grams of total fiber content. Your diet absolutely must include sufficient amounts of fiber.
  2. It does this by assisting your digestive system in the process of eliminating waste, which in turn helps to keep you regular.
  3. Tomatoes have soluble fiber in the chewy center, while the majority of their insoluble fiber is found in the rough exterior shell.

The digestive process is slowed down by soluble fiber, and this fiber also helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Because it passes through your stomach like a broom, insoluble fiber contributes to the creation of stools that are soft and thick. For optimal digestive health, you should aim to consume 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories that you take in. A diet consisting of 1,800 calories requires an intake of fiber equal to roughly 25 grams per day. Comparing Cherry Tomatoes and Grape Tomatoes Cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes are both quite similar in size and flavor, so it is not surprising that many people are unable to tell the difference between the two. However, there are some distinctions to be made between these flavorful and adaptable tomatoes; you must be aware of what to search for. In this section, we will discuss the distinctions between Cherry Tomatoes and Grape Tomatoes by comparing and contrasting the characteristics of each type of tomato.

  1. Calories

A grape tomato will have around fifty percent more calories than a cherry tomato.

  1. Carbohydrates

The carbohydrate content of a grape tomato is 41% more than that of a cherry tomato.

  1. Dietary Fiber

The fiber content of a grape tomato is 75 percent more than that of a cherry tomato.

  1. Water

The water content of a cherry tomato is 2% more than that of a grape tomato.

  1. Vitamins

When it comes to vitamin B1 (thiamine), a grape has 17% more than a cherry tomato. In terms of riboflavin and vitamin B2, the grape has 55% more than the cherry tomato. Niacin, or Vitaminium B3, is present in greater quantities in cherry tomatoes than grape tomato. When it comes to vitamin B6, cherries have 150 percent more than grape tomatoes. When compared to a cherry tomato, one grape has 18% more vitamin C. Comparing cherry to grape tomato in terms of vitamin E content, cherry has 24% greater.

  1. Minerals

Calcium content of a grape is 22% more than that of a cherry tomato. Iron content of cherry is 52% higher than that of grape tomato. Magnesium content of a grape is 49% more than that of a cherry tomato. The cherry tomato has 400% more phosphorus than the grape tomato. The cherry tomato has 8% more potassium than the grape tomato. The cherry tomato has 33 percent more sodium than the grape tomato. Grape tomatoes provide 1515% more zinc than cherry tomatoes do. The Most Frequently Asked Concerns Regarding Grape Tomatoes

  1. What is the calorie count of seven grape tomatoes?

Seven grape tomatoes have somewhere in the range of 25-35 calories accessible to them.

  1. Approximately how many calories are there in a cup of grape tomatoes?

There are around 25 to 30 calories in one cup, which is equivalent to about 149 grams.

  1. Are Grape Tomatoes Helpful When Trying to Lose Weight?

Yes. When the skin is left on, they contribute around 7% of the fiber that is needed on a daily basis, making them a good source of this nutrient. In point of fact, cherry tomatoes may facilitate weight loss by ensuring that you remain full and hydrated. This is because cherry tomatoes have a high amount of fiber but a low number of calories.

Grape tomatoes important health benefits

Speaking about the health benefits of grape tomatoes is very important as it can help you to make a balance on your required vitamins, proteins, and other necessary elements of your body. In this part of our article we want to have a discussion on important topics of grape tomatoes health benefits. Selection The skins of tomatoes ought to have a vibrant color and be taut (not wrinkled). When gently squeezed, grape tomatoes ought to have a firm to mostly firm consistency. In addition, there should be no bruises, cracks, or other imperfections on the fruit. Storage The best conditions for storing grape tomatoes are room temperature away from direct sunlight, either in a paper bag or plastic clamshell, or in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Tomatoes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, but they have the potential to taste best if they are consumed within the first 3 days. Preparation Always give tomatoes a quick rinse before slicing or eating them. Rinsing grape tomatoes can be done either in a colander set over a sink filled with cool running water or by hand. Put the item to be dried on a fresh paper towel. Advantages to One's Diet containing few calories, a very low amount of fat, no cholesterol or sodium, and providing a good source of fiber. Lycopene, vitamins A and C, along with a variety of other vitamins and minerals, can be found in grape tomatoes. Advantages to One's Health The fiber content of grape tomatoes is above average. 16% of the daily value can be found in just one cup. Eat up! Your digestive tract and your heart both benefit from getting enough fiber in their diets. Vitamins A and C can be found in grape tomatoes. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy eyes, bones, and skin, and it also protects the body from infection. The body can't heal itself without sufficient amounts of vitamin C. It has powerful antioxidant properties, which help maintain a healthy immune system and may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as the risk of other conditions that are related to disease. Tomatoes have a high concentration of lycopene, an important antioxidant that has effects that are beneficial to one's health.

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