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 Granny Smith Apple Tree + Buy

Do you want to have the crispiest apple every day? You have to learn how to plant and care for the Granny Smith Apple Tree.

What is Granny Smith’s Apple Tree?

The Granny smith tree is among the first of Green rendering apple trees.

The sour and sweet taste of the Granny Smith has given it such a high reputation either cooked or eaten raw.

It is a good element for making pies, salads, juices, smoothies, and other dishes.

The texture of the Granny smith is firm, having a crispy flesh that attracts many people.

These criteria would give Granny Smith a long storage time, provided the right conditions.

The origin of Granny Smith goes back to the second half of the 19th century and Australia.

This kind of apple tree is not self-pollinating.

Granny Smith Apple Tree Characteristics

Most of the Granny Smith apple trees produce large fruits, although some would render medium sizes.

The fruits of this kind of Apple tree ripen between August and September.

Three to five years must pass since the plantation of this kind of apple tree for it to bear fruits.

The best kinds of apple trees used for the pollination of this apple tree are Gala, Fuji, and Red Delicious.

When at their highest growth they are between 1 to 3 feet tall.

Granny Smith tree growth rate is medium thus the height of this tree rises 13 to 24 inches each year.

Buying Granny Smith Apple Tree

As this kind of apple is old, the seed of its tree is almost available throughout the world.

However, this kind of Apple tree grows in warm weather and where the winter is not so cold.

As the origin is Australia, thus it is more prolific there.

However, you can also find this tree in large amounts in the USA.

We are also offering both the seed and the fruit of this kind of apple at good prices and with the highest quality.

Moreover, we can provide you with different sizes and packaging procedures.

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