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Goya Red Small Beans; Kidney Shape Treating Blood Pressure

Goya red small beans with excellent taste and many properties have gained a place as a valuable ingredient in the household consumption basket.

Goya Red Small Beans

Goya red small beans is one of the most common and widely used beans in the world, whose shape is similar to a kidney, and its name is named for this reason in English language.

The main use of red small beans is in the preparation of popular dishes.

Archaeological evidence shows that this species was domesticated in South America and specifically the Mexican-Guatemala area of ​​this continent.

Some scientists consider its type to be the oldest type of beans that is cultivated in all tropical and temperate regions today.

This material has a main root that penetrates to a depth of one meter and has several lateral roots that develop to a depth of 15 to 20 centimeters.

goya red beans

Goya Red Small Beans Features

Red small beans are rich in protein and prized for their delicate flavor and light texture.

This product grows in loose, well-drained soil with a small pH level.

Title Description
Origin South America
Source of Protein
Appearance Kidney Shape
Benefit Treating Blood Pressure

They grow as bushes or vines and grow well in warm climates.

The red small beans is very nutritious and saturates the body even if only a small amount is consumed.

Beans accelerate metabolic processes, which helps in rapid weight loss.

Consuming this substance is effective in helping to treat blood pressure, stomach and abdominal diseases, migraines, skin problems, and joint rheumatism.

Also, this product helps heart health and treats irritable bowel syndrome.

goya kidney beans

Buy Goya Red Small Beans

To buy Goya red small beans, you should first pay attention to its appearance and the quality of the pods themselves.

They should not be loose, stained or cracked.

If you break the beans pods, it should crumble a little.

Other factors should be considered when choosing beans.

In the first stage of the selection, it is important to remember that the longer the beans seeds are, the harder they are and the less useful properties they have, and they take longer to cook.

Also it is important to check in what region the red small beans are grown.

The producer and the brand of this product is another thing that should be considered.

small kidney beans

Goya Red Small Beans Price + Buy and Sell

Many factors affect the price of Goya red small beans, one of the most effective factors is the time period to buy this product.

In the cropping season, with good rainfall, the volume of production will increase, as a result, the price will decrease, but the opposite of this will increase the price of red small beans.

Among other factors affecting the price is its quality.

The presence of pests in beans lowers its price.

One of the other parameters is whether it is hand-picked or not.

The absence of additional materials such as leaves, soil and gravel is effective in its final price.

The weight and type of packaging are other factors that affect its value.

Currently, the price of red small beans is between 1.5 and 2 dollars.

Contact our experts for more information.

organic kidney beans

The Answer to Two Questions About Red Beans

1: What nutrients contain red beans?

Red small beans are rich in protein and prized for their delicate flavor and light texture.

2: What is the benefit of using red beans?

Beans accelerate metabolic processes, which helps in rapid weight loss.

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